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Table 1: Contd...
           Study   Origin         Source       Population       Measure(s)        Results        Observations
           Dean    Australia      Victorian Brain   10 bipolar, 10   Western blotting and   Transmembrane,   Significantly more
           et al. [32]  (University of   Bank Network,   major depression,   PCR for IL‑1β and   but not soluble   patients with
                   Melbourne,     Mental Health   19 schizophrenia,   TNF‑related measures  TNF‑α transcript   bipolar disorder
                   Parkville, VIC)  Research   30 age‑ and      in the prefrontal cortex  increases are   had committed
                                  Institute,   gender‑matched   and in the anterior   found in the   suicide compared
                                  Parkville,   nonpsychiatric   cingulate         cingulate (BA 24),  to the other groups
                                  Australia    controls                           but not prefrontal
                                                                                  cortex (BA 46);
                                                                                  other groups
                                                                                  did not show
                                                                                  such increases;
                                                                                  soluble TNF‑α
                                                                                  and IL‑1β levels
                                                                                  did not differ from
                                                                                  controls in any
                                                                                  mental group;
                                                                                  TNFR2 levels in
                                                                                  bipolar disorder
                                                                                  in BA 46;
                                                                                  results not
                                                                                  consistent with
           Gos     Germany        Magdeburg    8 bipolar versus 9   Hippocampal S100β   Numerical   No suicide among
           et al. [33]  (Magdeburg and   brain bank (D)  major depression   levels (indirect   density of S100β   bipolar disorder
                   Leipzig) and                versus 13        evidence; astrocyte   immuno‑positive   patients, but 7
                   Poland (Gdańsk)             nonpsychiatric   S100β and microglial   astrocytes   suicides among
                                               controls         interleukin‑1 β induce   bilaterally   major depression
                                                                one another)*     decreased in   patients; no
                                                                                  CA1 pyramidal   evidence of
                                                                                  layer in both   neuroinflammation
                                                                                  major depression
                                                                                  and bipolar
                                                                                  brains compared
                                                                                  to controls;
                                                                                  density of S100β
                                                                                  in left alveus
                                                                                  only in bipolar
           Hercher   Canada       Stanley      20 bipolar versus 20   Prefrontal   Not different   Bipolar patients
           et al. [34]  (University of   Medical   schizophrenia versus   microglial clustering   from controls   had committed
                   British Columbia,   Research   20 nonpsychiatric   coefficient and   and patients with   suicide more
                   Vancouver, BC)  Institute’s brain   controls  prefrontal microglial   schizophrenia  often than
                                  collection                    density (cells/mm )              controls and had
                                                                                                 more often a
                                                                                                 heavy drug abuse
           Fillman   Australia (Sydney,  Stanley   34 bipolar, 35   Sample        Trend for bipolar   15 suicides among
           et al. [35]  NSW, Australia)   Medical   schizophrenia, 35   dichotomized to   patients to belong   bipolar, 7 suicides
                   and USA        Research     nonpsychiatriccontrols  high‑ (n = 32)   to the high   among patients
                   (University of   Institute (Array            and low‑ (n = 68)   inflammation/  with schizophrenia;
                   Pennsylvania,   Cohort)                      inflammation/stress   stress group   results partly
                   Philadelphia,                                clusters according   (n = 11), while   support
                   Pa and Stanley                               to differences in   patients with   neuroinflammation
                   Medical Research                             inflammatory and   schizophrenia   in bipolar disorder
                   Institute,                                   stress‑related gene   were significantly
                   Rockville, Md)                               transcripts of    more likely than
                                                                RNA extracted from   controls
                                                                the frontal       (n = 15 vs. 6)
                                                                cortex and assessed
                                                                microarray analysis
                                                                and PCR

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