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psychiatric symptoms very similar to classical mood   One important clinical feature of autoimmune
           and  psychotic  disorders  reinforced  the  hypothesis   encephalitis is the strong association between
           that  innate  inflammation/autoimmunity  may  be   autoantibody production and the presence of
           relevant to the pathogenesis of psychiatric symptoms   teratoma or other neoplasms. Comorbidities of
           at least in a subset of patients with bipolar disorder    autoimmune encephalitis with small cell lung
           or schizophrenia. [8]                              carcinoma, neuroblastoma, ovarian carcinoma, breast
                                                              carcinoma,  thymoma,  and  testicular  cancers  have
           AUTOIMMUNE ENCEPHALITIS                            also been reported. [26]  These findings suggested that
                                                              the autoantibody syndrome may be triggered by
           Since 1974, Mitsuda and Fukuda  described “atypical   cross‑reaction between antibodies produced in response
           psychosis” as some acute and transient psychotic   to tumor presence and antigenically similar synaptic
           disorders, which cannot be easily classified as either   proteins within the central nervous system  (CNS).
           schizophrenia or mood disorder with psychotic      Autoimmune encephalitis can develop, however, with
           features. Some important clinical characteristics of   or without an underlying tumor, and in the largest case
           atypical psychosis include acute onset, emotional   series to date, no teratoma or other type of tumor was
           and  psychomotor  disturbances,  alternations  of   detected in 41% of cases. [3,27]
           consciousness, high prevalence in women,  and
           well‑adjusted premorbid personality. In these      Different forms of autoimmune encephalitis can affect
           conditions, an involvement of neurologic brain changes   patients of all ages although some of them seem to
           has been hypothesized.                             preferentially occur in late childhood and young
                                                              adulthood. [28,29]  The onset of the symptomatology
           The identification of autoimmune encephalitis,     shows a substantial overlap among the different
           a new category of neuropsychiatric diseases that   types. Sometimes associated with headache or mild
           occurs with focal or widespread involvement of the   hyperthermia, the initial clinical picture is characterized
           nervous system in association with antibodies against   by a rapid development of a set of psychiatric and/
           extracellular epitopes  of neuronal  cell‑surface  or   or neurological symptoms. Mood disorders, usually
           synaptic proteins, have led to changed paradigms for   manic or mixed‑manic symptoms, anxiety, behavioral
           the diagnosis and treatment for some neuropsychiatric   problems, psychotic features, mild to moderate disorders
           disorders, and reclassification of syndromes previously   of consciousness, and memory loss occur in most types
           defined as idiopathic or with descriptive terms. [10]    of autoimmune encephalitis, often associated with
           Since 2005, there have been 1‑2 discoveries of novel   seizures. Demographic information (such as gender
           syndromes  and  associated  autoantigens  per  year,   and race), presence or absence of a underlying tumor,
           including autoantigens the  N‑methyl‑D‑aspartate   brain magnetic resonance imaging  (MRI) findings,
           receptor (NMDAR), [11,12]  the subunits Kv1.1 and Kv1.2   CSF examination, and the severity and predominance
           of the voltage‑gated potassium channels  (VGKCs),   of some symptoms over others can suggest a specific
           the  α‑amino‑3‑hydroxy‑5‑methyl‑4‑isoxazol‑pro     subtype.
           pionic acid receptor  (AMPAR), [13]  metabotropic
           glutamate receptor 5, [14]  or  the  γ‑amino‑butyric   Ultimately, two approaches have been proposed for the
           acid B‑receptor  (GABAbR), [15]  leucine‑rich glioma   diagnosis of autoimmune encephalitis: one based on the
           inactivated 1 (Lgi1), [16]  contactin associated protein   laboratory examination as proposed by Lancaster and
           2  (CASPR2). [17]  The study of these disorders has   Dalmau [10]  and the other based on clinical diagnostic
           revealed novel mechanisms  of how antibodies       criteria as proposed by Zuliani  et  al. [30]  The latter
           might alter memory, behavior, cognition and cause   recommend that one should suspect a diagnosis of
           mood disorders, psychosis, seizures or abnormal    an autoimmune encephalitis when a patient presents
           movements. [18,19]  However, though obtaining serum to   with acute or subacute onset of symptoms, evidence
           test for autoantibodies is extremely convenient and   of inflammation supported by CSF examination,
           relatively noninvasive, the caveats of using serum   imaging, or histopathological investigations, and the
           antibodies as a diagnostic tool need to be considered.   exclusion of other infectious, metabolic, and toxic
           Neuronal surface antibodies are not 100% specific. [20‑25]    etiologies. Supportive criteria include a history of other
           In particular, lower serum titers should be interpreted   autoimmune comorbidities, and preceding infectious
           with caution, and the role of evaluating cerebrospinal   prodromes. Using a combination of these criteria as
           fluid (CSF) neuronal surface antibodies rather than   well as test of response to therapy, they suggest a model
           serum titers may increase diagnostic specificity. [10]  The   whereby patients can be classified as having definite,
           presence of neuronal surface antibodies should always   probable or possible neuronal cell surface antibody
           be correlated with the clinical picture.           related pathology. [30,31]

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