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barrier by proinflammatory cytokines activating the   and alcohol) than the general population, results
           tryptophan‑kynurenine pathway, regulating serotonin   of several population‑based studies indicate that
           production  together  with  NMDA  and  glutamate   patients with schizophrenia have a lower risk of
           receptor activity and may also indirectly affect   prostate, colorectal cancers, and melanoma but a
           dopamine regulation. [69]  The increased inflammation   higher risk of breast and lung cancer. The increased
           in autoimmune diseases may also influence the brain   risk for certain tumors could be associated with
           through increased permeability of the blood‑CNS    diverse and non mutually exclusive factors such as
           barriers, making the brain vulnerable to immune    drug side‑effects, unhealthy lifestyle, poor access to
           components, such as cytokines and auto‑antibodies.   health care and differences in socioeconomic status.
           Furthermore, brain‑reactive antibodies can induce a   On the other hand, the reduced risk of other types of
           range of psychiatric and neurological symptoms, as   cancer may be explained by genetic factors, such as
           observed in association with antibody‑induced LE. [12]  the increased expression of various candidate tumor
                                                              suppressor genes,  or  the  decreased expression of
           More controversial and less explored by the literature   some oncogenes in genomic regions implicated in
           is the association we found between AAD comorbidity,   schizophrenia or BD susceptibility. [77,78]  An alternative
           generalized anxiety, and cyclothymic‑anxious       explanation may be related to the possibility of
           temperament. [61]  This finding suggests a possible   an increased immune reactivity in patients with
           intriguing relationship between autoimmune‑mediated   BD and/or other mental disorders.  During the
           inflammatory process, trait emotional reactivity, and   process of carcinogenesis, in fact, naturally occurring
           stress vulnerability.                              antibody responses to tumor antigens were found to
                                                              be associated with improved survival and protection
           Although the link between stress and mood disorders   against the spread of cancer. [79]  In recent trials,
           is well‑recognized, [70]  there are no specific studies   on  cancer  immunotherapy,  clinically  significant
           examining the role of stress, immune dysregulation,   antitumor responses were often associated with the
           and autoimmunity in BD. Retrospective studies in   induction of autoimmune toxicity. [80]  This finding
           autoimmune diseases have found that up to 80% of   suggests that the same immune mechanisms that
           patients report uncommon emotional stress before   elicit autoimmunity  may  also contribute  to  the
           disease onset,  and it has been suggested that immune   destruction of tumors.
           system  activation  may  vary  across  affective  states
           in BD patients. [72]  In a more theoretical perspective,   CONCLUSION
           it is possible to hypothesize a “constitutional”
           reinforcing loop between emotional/mood reactivity   Neuroinflammation and peripheral immune
           and autoimmune/allergic reactivity that characterizes   dysregulation may play a role in the pathophysiology
           the “usual” self of these individuals and influence the   of severe mood and psychotic disorders. Recent research
           entire span of their existence.                    on autoimmune disorders provides additional links
                                                              between systemic and CNS pathophysiology.  This
           Interestingly, in our sample, the lifetime prevalence   involves a complex interaction between immune cells
           of cancer and neoplastic diseases was very low,    of the CNS and periphery resulting in cellular damage
           involving less than 1% of the patients. Recent data   through mechanisms involving excitotoxicity, oxidative
           suggested an association between certain diagnosis   stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction.  These pathways
           and  a lower‑than‑expected probability  (negative   are possibly shared between comorbid medical disorders
           comorbidity) of developing other disorders.  [73]    and severe mood and psychotic disorders and may
           It has been recently suggested that the immune     reflect common underlying vulnerabilities.
           system and other regulatory systems, particularly,
           the peripheral nervous system, convey signals      Some of the strongest evidence for the potential of
           from tumor cells to the brain that might play a    autoimmunity and immune components to cause
           part in tumor progression and metastases, through   psychiatric symptoms comes from the identification of
           sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, and by the   antibody‑induced LE, where psychiatric symptoms are
           modulation of the hypothalamic‑pituitary‑adrenal   often dominant in the initial and the remission phase of
           axis and adrenal medulla activity. [74]  The majority of   the disorder in up to 70% of the cases, [12,34]  and which
           studies have focused on cancer and schizophrenia; [75]    has been demonstrated to be treatable with immune
           there are few data regarding patients with BD. [76]    therapies. [81]  The prevalently psychiatric presentation
           Although individuals with Schizophrenia and BD     of some of these autoimmune  limbic encephalitis
           are exposed to more environmental noxious agents   often leads patients to early psychiatric evaluation.
           that contribute to tumor development (e.g. tobacco   For this reason, it is very important to increase the

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