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Anti-NMDAR encephalitis                            phase, patients are often referred to psychiatric
           Anti‑NMDAR encephalitis, among all the autoimmune   assessment and may receive treatment with psychoactive
           encephalitis, is the best‑understood variant and the   agents or admission to psychiatric facilities.
           most frequently associated with almost exclusively
           psychiatric presentation. The illness was first described   This psychotic phase can be followed by physical
           as a distinct clinical entity in an observational study   decompensation involving autonomic instability (less
           in 2005 by Vitaliani  et al. [11]  in four young women   common in children), with hypo‑ or hypertension,
           who developed acute psychiatric symptoms, seizures,   hypo‑  or hyperthermia,  hypoventilation,  cardiac
           memory deficits, decreased level of consciousness,   arrhythmia, decreased responsiveness, and occasionally
           autonomic instability, and hypoventilation in      short‑term memory loss. Some patients may also have
           association with the presence of an ovarian teratoma.   seizures, most commonly generalized tonic‑clonic, but
           Two years later, a paper by this group described the   also partial and/or complex type. In some patients, early
           underlying pathology, mediated by auto‑antibodies   treatment with antiepileptic drugs may mask seizures.
           directed against the NR1 subunit of the NMDAR. [12]    Dyskinesias, extrapyramidal signs, and stereotyped
           These antibodies cause a decrease in the number of   motor automatisms may also be observed. [38]  During
           NMDARs in target cells by inducing cross‑linking and   this phase, patients not already admitted to the hospital
           internalization of NMDARs by autophagy.  Therefore,   often present to the emergency department because
           anti‑NMDAR encephalitis represents a state of NMDA‑R   they no longer follow verbal commands and may appear
           hypofunction, associated to glutamate dysregulation. [33]    mute  (with language disintegration) and akinetic.
           Initially, it was classified as a paraneoplastic syndrome    Patients may maintain gaze as if in a catatonic state,
           due to the strong association (upwards of 60%) with a   smile inappropriately, or demonstrate stereotyped
           teratoma or other tumor types.                     athetosic movements. [34,39]

           Although many patients have been diagnosed with    Since the initial descriptions, further studies have
           anti‑NMDAR encephalitis to date, the exact prevalence   expanded the clinical phenotype of this syndrome.
           of this disorder is unknown. A study of 100 patients   Some patients with anti‑NMDAR antibodies have
           revealed that although most patients are young women,   predominant or isolated psychiatric features, dystonia,
           the disorder can occur in men and children. [34]  In fact,   or epilepsy, without the classic multistage presentation,
           with increasing awareness of the syndrome, the number   potentially representing a forme fruste of anti‑NMDAR
           of pediatric cases has steadily grown and appears to   encephalitis, mimicking a psychiatric disorder. [3,40]
           represent about 40% of all cases. [28]  The younger the
           patient, the less likely an underlying tumor will be   The diagnosis of anti‑NMDAR encephalitis is confirmed
           detected at the time of presentation. [34]         by the detection in serum or CSF of antibodies to the
                                                              NR1 subunit of the NMDA receptor. After treatment or in
           A stereotypical clinical course with different phases is   advanced stages of the disease, the CSF antibodies usually
           noted for patients with anti‑NMDAR encephalitis. [35]  In   remain elevated if there is no clinical improvement,
           70% of patients, the illness begins with a prodromal   whereas serum antibodies may be substantially decreased
           phase lasting 5‑14 days. [3,36]  This nonspecific flu‑like   by treatments. The titer of CSF antibodies appears to
           prodrome is characterized by subfebrile temperature,   correlate more closely with the clinical outcome. Patients
           fatigue, malaise, headache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting.   with anti‑NMDAR encephalitis may have abnormalities
           This is followed by other clinical phases, which may   of both CSF and MRI. 80% of patients with confirmed
           vary in sequence, presentation and severity.       anti‑NMDAR encephalitis have abnormal CSF with the
                                                              majority of them exhibiting a lymphocytic pleocytosis,
           After the initial phase, psychiatric manifestations go   but over a half also show raised proteins. There may
           on to develop, including emotional and behavioral   also be the presence of isolated oligoclonal bands in the
           disturbances such as apathy, anxiety, panic attacks,   CSF of patients with autoimmune encephalitis (around
           fear, depression, decreased cognitive skills, sleep   60%).  In contrast to the consistency of the clinical
           disorders. In most cases, an excited manic or mixed   picture, MRI findings are less predictable; only 55%
           manic symptomatology develops in a variable        of patients had increased fluid‑attenuated inversion
           lapse of time, from hours to days; mood disorders   recovery (FLAIR) or T2 signal in one or several brain
           and agitation are almost invariably associated with   regions, without significant correlation with patients’
           psychotic features such as grandiose delusions, Capgras   symptoms. MRI can be normal or demonstrate medial
           syndrome, paranoid interpretation, and different types   temporal involvement or focal areas of hyperintensity in
           of hallucinations. From mild to moderate cognitive   the frontal or parietal cortex. Other studies demonstrated
           disorders are frequently presented. [18,37]  During this   that  [18F]‑fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission

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