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irritability, apathy or changes in behavior including   as in mood and psychotic disorders. In addition, in
           agitation/restlessness  alternating with episodes  of   autoimmune diseases, the mechanisms of control may
           somnolence.                                        temporarily restore the antigenic tolerance, leading to
                                                              a cyclical pattern of exacerbation and remission of the
           A case of anti‑NMDAR encephalitis mimicking        disease. These general pathophysiological mechanisms
           bipolar disorder has been described.   [52]  More   of autoimmunity lead to common clinical features,
           recently Steiner  et  al. [53]  examined patients with   including familial occurrence, progression from
           schizophrenia (n = 121), major depressive disorder   subclinical to the clinical level of the symptomatology,
           (n = 70), and borderline personality disorder (n = 38)   and the exacerbation‑remission periodic course.
           and found that 9.9% of the patients diagnosed with   Interestingly, both affective and nonaffective psychosis
           schizophrenia had NMDAR‑R antibodies in their serum   have been definitively shown to possess all these
           compared with 2.8% of the depressed patients and 0%   clinical features.
           of the borderline personality disorder. Interestingly,
           patients with schizophrenia, who were seropositive, had   In a recent study by our group,  on a clinical sample of
           immunoglobulin G antibodies not only directed against   347 BD patients, we found a very high prevalence (48.1%)
           the NR1a subunit of the NMDAR but also against the   of AAD. The result is particularly interesting for two
           NR1a/NR2b subunit again raising the question about the   reasons: first, for the disproportion with the prevalence
           level of involvement the immune system might have in   observed in the general population (in our country the
           the pathogenesis of some forms of psychotic disorders.  estimated prevalence in general population is about
                                                              3.2% for autoimmune diseases and about 20‑30%
           Perceptual disturbances are also common, including   for allergic conditions); [62,63]  second, for the lack of a
           misinterpretations, illusions or hallucinations (visual   difference in gender distribution, because AAD are
           and auditory) and delusions  (often pertaining to   usually more represented in women.
           hallucinations). During the unresponsive phase,
           patients have  been  referred to  as  catatonic  with   The association between AAD and BD has rarely been
           features involving purposeless motor activity, extreme   systematically investigated in clinical samples. An
           negativism, bizarre posturing, grimacing, mutism,   increased  prevalence  of  mood  symptoms  has  been
           echolalia, and echopraxia.                         found in a variety of inflammatory conditions, including
                                                              auto‑immune diseases, cardiovascular diseases,
           It has been hypothesized that in a proportion of   diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome, as well as in
           patients diagnosed as bipolar or psychotic disorders,   more benign inflammatory conditions such as asthma
           autoantibodies may be present during an earlier    and allergies. [64]  A large Danish cohort study showed
           developmental period resulting in a gradual and chronic   that a history of Guillain‑Barre syndrome, Crohn’s
           exposure to NMDA‑R hypofunction. [54]  Because of the   disease, and autoimmune hepatitis was associated
           similarities in symptom presentation, the possible role   with raised risk of BD. [56]  The authors concluded
           of autoimmunity in bipolar‑ and psychotic‑spectrum   that autoimmune processes precede the onset of BD.
           disorders seems to represent a promising direction for   A subsequent study, based on Danish hospital data,
           future research.                                   reported that a broad range of autoimmune diseases and
                                                              infections requiring hospitalization increase the risk of
           AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES AND PSYCHOTIC AND              developing schizophrenia and mood disorders. [65]  The
           NON PSYCHOTIC MOOD DISORDERS                       observed associations support a possible immunological
                                                              contribution in subgroups of patients with severe
           Many evidences suggest a role of inflammatory mediators   mental disorders, such as bipolar and other psychotic
           and immune dysregulations in the pathogenesis of   disorders. However, whether it is a causal relationship
           psychiatric disorders such as BD, [7,55,56]  schizophrenia,    or an epiphenomenon due to other environmental
           depression, [57]  and Alzheimer’s disease. [58]    factors or common genetic vulnerability remains to
                                                              be clarified and deserve further research. Genetically
           Autoimmune diseases, as well as BD and schizophrenia,   vulnerable individuals might be at a particular risk
           are multifactorial disorders related to an interaction   of developing mood disorders as a consequence of
           between gene and environment.  A familial occurrence   autoimmune  reactions  and  inflammation  affecting
           is commonly found.   [60]  Moreover, autoimmune    the brain.
           reactions often advance much more slowly than
           immune reactions to pathogens, suggesting that control   Inflammatory mechanisms can affect the brain through
           mechanisms can continue to work until a threshold   many different pathways that are not necessarily
           has been exceeded leading to a progression from    mutually exclusive. [66‑68]  Peripheral inflammation
           subclinical to clinically significant symptomatology   can affect the brain without passing the blood‑CNS

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