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tomography can show cortical hypermetabolism in    other autoantigens (LGI1 and CASPR2) are associated
           acute stages and hypometabolism in more subacute   with this LE.
           stages of the illness. [5,41]  In over three‑quarters of patients,
           EEG shows generalized or frontotemporal slow or    Antibody‑mediated mutation and disrupted function
           disorganized activity without epileptic discharges. [28]    of LGI1 (a secreted neuronal protein that interacts
           These findings may overlap with electrographic seizures.  with presynaptic and postsynaptic receptors) have
                                                              been associated with the syndrome of autosomal
           Other autoimmune encephalitis                      dominant lateral temporal lobe epilepsy, [5,47]  and have
           This group of autoimmune diseases can be defined as   been shown to cause increased excitability, which
           LE. LE was first described in the 1960s in patients with   may result in memory disturbances, confusion and
           severe short‑term memory impairment or dementia    seizures, with MRI findings that are usually typical of
           in association with bronchial carcinoma. [42]  Cardinal   LE. LGI1 antibodies have been most recently associated
           symptoms of LE are severe short‑term memory        with adult‑onset brief, but frequent motor events
           impairment with psychiatric symptoms such as       which comprise unilateral upper limb jerking and
           personality change, depression, anxiety, hallucinations,   ipsilateral facial grimacing, termed “faciobrachial
           confusion, and complex partial‑often temporal or   dystonic seizures”. [43]  Some patients develop
           classically in LGI1 encephalitis facio‑brachial tonic   hyponatremia (60%) or REM sleep‑behavior disorders.
           seizures [43]  and generalized seizures. [44]  Another   Only 11% of cases are associated with a neoplasm, most
           prominent symptom found in 40% of patients and     commonly thymoma or SCLC.  [16]  In those who do have
           also exhibited in mice lacking LGI1, [16]  is myoclonus.  a tumor, the encephalitis can precede the identification
                                                              of the neoplasm in up to three‑quarters of patients. [48,49]
           Anti-AMPAR encephalitis
           AMPAR antibodies (Glutamate receptors ‑ GluR1/2)   Anti-CASPR2 encephalitis
           can be one of the autoimmune causes of LE. Glutamate   Contactin associated protein 2 is an axonal protein of
           is one of the main excitatory neurotransmitters with   the neurexin IV superfamily. Mutations in the human
           GluR1/2 being the predominant AMPA subtype in the   gene encoding CASPR2 have been associated with
           hippocampus (GluR3 is associated with the distinct   autism, epilepsy, obsessive‑compulsive disorders,
           disorder,  Rasmussen’s  syndrome).  About  70%  of   and Tourette syndrome. [10]  These patients usually
           patients have an underlying tumor in the lung, breast   develop symptoms of encephalitis, drug‑refractory
           or thymus. [13,45]  These patients develop acute limbic   epilepsy, peripheral nerve hyperexcitability, or
           dysfunction that can be associated with prominent   both  (Morvan’s syndrome or neuromyotonia). [17,50]
           psychiatric symptoms. Most patients, commonly      CNS symptoms include cognitive impairment, memory
           middle‑aged women, present with the subacute       loss, hallucinations, and seizures.
           onset of disorientation, confusion, memory loss, and
           aggressive behavior. CSF findings and brain MRI are   MOOD AND PSYCHOTIC SYMPTOMS IN
           similar  to  those  of  anti‑NMDAR  encephalitis.  The   AUTOIMMUNE ENCEPHALITIS
           long‑term prognosis depends on the controlling of the
           tumor and presence of coexisting symptoms related to   Depending on the clinical presentation and the
           onconeuronal antibodies.                           timing of evaluation, the psychiatric manifestations
                                                              of autoimmune encephalitis can be diagnosed following
           Anti-γ-amino-butyric acid beta encephalitis        DSM 5 criteria as mood disorder with psychotic
           This encephalitis is caused by disruption of the   and or catatonic features due to a general medical
           metabotropic GABAbR, and equally affects both sexes.   condition (GMC), but also as psychotic disorder or
           These patients present with LE, prominent seizures,   delirium due to GMC, where the GMC is autoimmune
           and memory dysfunction. [46]  About half of the patients   encephalitis. In many patients, there is no previous
           had an associated tumor, either a small cell lung   personal or family history of psychiatric disorders. The
           cancer (SCLC) or a neuroendocrine tumor of the lung.    psychiatric presentation looks like a delirious mania
           The MRI and CSF findings are similar to those in other   or acute confusional state that develops over a short
           types of LE, with unilateral or bilateral increases in   period of time, fluctuates over the course of the day and
           medial temporal lobe FLAIR or T2 signal consistent   manifests with changes in cognition, affect, behavior,
           with LE and CSF lymphocytic pleocytosis.           and perception. Initially, the features may be subtle, but
                                                              over days to weeks, there may be dramatic worsening,
           Anti-LGI1 encephalitis                             culminating in an unresponsive and catatonic state. [51]
           Although previously termed anti‑voltage‑gated
           potassium channel encephalitis  (anti‑VGKC         Patients may present labile mood, with a wide range
           encephalitis), recent evidence suggests that actually   of emotions including anxiety, low or euphoric mood,

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