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EFFECT OF PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENT                severity of both depressive and manic/hypomanic
           ON INFLAMMATORY MARKERS IN BD                      phases, although more pronounced benefits were
                                                              noted during depression. [223]
           Mood stabilizing agents commonly used in the therapy
           of BD have been suggested to partially exert their   Tumor necrosis factor‑α has been suggested to play
           activity via the regulation of the immune system and   a major role in mechanisms related to inflammation,
           oxidative stress pathways. [191]  A number of studies   neurodegeneration, and possibly neuroprogression of
           have provided evidence supporting anti‑inflammatory   the disease in BD. Another study by Guloksuz et al. [224]
           effects of lithium via different mechanisms. [192,193]    demonstrated a correlation between higher levels
           Lithium decreases the synthesis of pro‑inflammatory   of TNF‑α and a poor response to lithium treatment
           enzymes and molecules (i.e. IL‑1β, TNF‑α, PG, NO,   in BD patients. According to this evidence, TNF‑α
           iNOS, COX‑2 and PLA2), and regulates microglial    could  be  considered  as  a  potential  new  target  for
           activity in vitro. [194‑199]  Similarly, lithium therapy shows   the development of new drugs for BD therapy. [96,225]
           some immunoregulatory activity in bipolar patients.   Antagonism of IL‑6 has also been hypothesized to be a
           It has been demonstrated to decrease the number and   novel therapeutic option to improve clinical outcome
           the activity of inflammatory cytokine‑producing cells   in BD. [226]
           in BD patients [197,200]  and to reduce the synthesis of
           Th1 cytokines. [201]  Lithium also normalizes elevated   CONCLUSION
           levels of sIL‑2R and sIL‑26R in rapid‑cycling BD
           patients. [202]                                    The literature reviewed provides evidence for a role
                                                              of the inflammatory system in the pathophysiology of
           As mentioned earlier, valproic acid down‑regulates   mood disorders. Nevertheless, a high rate of variability
           the AA signaling cascade by inhibiting the synthesis   is observed among the different studies, especially
           of COX‑1 and COX‑2 in the rat brain. [203]  In addition,   those focused on evaluating the peripheral expression
           valproate and other antiepileptic drugs commonly used   of inflammatory markers. There is a general consensus
           as mood‑stabilizing agents, namely carbamazepine,   that BD patients show higher levels of cytokines in
           lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, and topiramate,        blood samples compared to healthy controls; however,
           significantly reduces the synthesis of a number of   data are inconsistent and comparisons between
           cytokines in vitro. [80,204,205]  Anti‑psychotic drugs such as   peripheral levels of inflammatory markers in manic/
           clozapine, quetiapine, risperidone, and ziprasidone also   hypomanic/mixed versus euthymic or depressed BD
           show some immunoregulatory effect by modulating the   patients  fail  to  converge  to  univocal  conclusions.
           AA signaling cascade, cytokine and acute‑phase protein   This may be explained by a number of reasons. First,
           synthesis, and microglial activation both in vitro and   studies differ in their methodology; some of them by
           in vivo. [80,129,131,206‑217]                      assessing the expression of cytokines in serum, others
                                                              in plasma, and yet others by evaluating cytokine
           FUTURE DIRECTIONS                                  production by in vitro stimulation of white blood cells
                                                              from BD patients. Second, peripheral cytokine levels
           Because of the converging evidence pointing to     are influenced by several confounding factors, such as
           inflammatory dysregulation in the pathophysiology   smoking status, body mass index, sleep disturbances,
           of psychiatric diseases, drugs specifically modulating   physical activity, and medications. Third, BD is highly
           the inflammatory response, such as acetylsalicylic   heterogeneous in its manifestations so that a thorough
           acid and other nonsteroidal anti‑inflammatory      selection of patients and classification of their mood
           drugs  (NSAIDs), omega‑3 fatty acids, anti‑TNF‑α   state might be difficult. Finally, not all studies take into
           agents, minocycline, and N‑acetyl cysteine  (NAC)   account factors such as age at onset and duration of
           have  been investigated  as  new therapeutic       illness, number of relapses, polarity of the last relapse,
           options, with still controversial results. [3,218‑221]  In   and the time intercurring from the last episode, which
           particular, a randomized study proved the efficacy   might be of importance in modifying the inflammatory
           of adjunctive therapy with celecoxib, a nonsteroidal   status.
           anti‑inflammatory drug and a selective inhibitor of
           COX‑2, in rapidly improving depressive symptoms    An enhanced pro‑inflammatory status might partially
           in depression and mixed states of BDI and BDII     explain the high rate of medical conditions often comorbid
           patients. [222]  Another study found elevated levels   with BD, that is, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular,
           of gene transcripts for prostaglandin D synthetase   and  metabolic  diseases. Similarly, smoking, sleep
           and prostaglandin D2  11‑ketoreductase during      impairment, and alcohol and substance abuse, the
           depressive episodes in rapid‑cycling BD  patients;   prevalence of which is high in BD patients, might
           add‑on treatment with celecoxib improved the       contribute to the maintenance of a pro‑inflammatory

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