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IMMUNE SYSTEM ALTERATIONS AND                      do not normalize after treatment, suggesting that TNF‑α
           EXCITATORY SYMPTOMS IN AFFECTIVE                   may be considered as a trait marker of disease. [72]  This
           DISORDERS                                          hypothesis is supported by the finding that serum TNF‑α
                                                              concentrations in BD patients are higher than in controls
           Inflammation in manic, hypomanic and mixed states  both in early (< 3 years) and late stages (> 10 years)
           Cytokines are low‑molecular‑weight proteins secreted   of the disease, and that TNF‑α levels are higher in
           by immune cells, such as white blood cells and     late‑stage than in early‑stage patients. [85]  However, a
           microglia, which play a crucial role in modulating the   study from Guloksuz et al. [86]  demonstrated by flow
           inflammatory response. In the brain, cytokines exert   cytometry that measured levels of TNF‑α are higher in
           immune protection by promoting the elimination of   lithium‑treated, but not medication‑free euthymic BD
           damaged neurons and have also been demonstrated to   patients compared to healthy controls, suggesting that
           influence neurogenesis and cell survival. [71]  However,   the persistently increased levels of TNF‑α might result
           dysregulation of cytokine synthesis and activity is   as an effect of lithium therapy rather than reflect a
           known to lead to alterations of synaptic transmission   persistent pro‑inflammatory inter‑episodic status. It is
           and synaptic plasticity, neurotoxicity, and neuronal   interesting to note that TNF‑α has been demonstrated to
           death. [8]                                         modulate inflammation and neurotransmission in brain
                                                              regions regulating impulse control, like the prefrontal
           An imbalance between pro‑ and anti‑inflammatory    cortex and anterior cingulate cortex  (ACC). [87]  The
           cytokines has been suggested to exist in manic patients   expression of some TNF‑related genes correlates with
           versus healthy controls,  underlying a more pronounced   ACC activation and aggression in BD children and
           shift toward a pro‑inflammatory status in acute relapses.   adolescents. [88]  Moreover, serum TNF‑α concentrations
           There is also evidence of an imbalance between     correlate with deficits in executive functioning, that
           cytokines secreted by type 1 T helper (Th1) lymphocytes   is, inhibitory control, in BD patients; [89]  inhibitory
           and type 2 T helper (Th2) lymphocytes during mania,   control is much more impaired in manic/mixed than in
           with an increased Th1/Th2 ratio that normalizes after   euthymic or depressed BD patients.  Levels of sTNF‑R1
           treatment. [73]  IL‑1β levels are increased in the CSF of   positively correlate with elevated mood, being increased
           euthymic bipolar patients with at least one manic/  in manic states compared to depression, [91,92]  and are
           hypomanic episode in the last year when compared with   much higher in BD‑I than in BD‑II patients. [68]  Plasma
           patients without a recent episode. [74]  Peripheral IL‑1β   levels of sTNF‑R1 also positively correlate with general
           concentrations also positively correlate with suicide   disease gravity and psychotic features in BD patients. [93]
           risk in BD patients, [75]  and suicide risk is now known to
           be much higher when excitatory symptoms are present   The alterations in the expression of TNF‑α in BD are
           during relapses. [76,77]  IL‑1 receptor antagonist (IL‑1Ra)   quite intriguing since this factor is involved in many
           serum concentrations are higher in bipolar patients   processes, such as synaptic transmission, synaptic
           both in mania and partial remission, whereas they   plasticity, neurodevelopment, neurotoxicity, and
           normalize when full remission is achieved. [78]  Several   regulation of neuronal survival. [94,95]  Increased expression
           studies investigating serum concentrations of IL‑8,   of TNF‑α during acute mood episodes is thought to shift
           as well as IL‑2, IL‑6 and their soluble receptors: IL‑2   the balance between cellular survival and cellular death
           receptor  (sIL‑2R) and IL‑6 receptor (sIL‑6R), found   toward apoptosis, [96]  therefore playing a role in the
           that levels are higher in manic patients than in healthy   neurodegeneration observed in chronic BD patients and
           controls. [79‑81]  In particular, peripheral concentrations   possibly in cognitive impairment.  Furthermore, TNF‑α
           of IL‑2, IL‑6, and their receptors have been found to   induces central recruitment of circulating monocytes
           positively correlate with the severity of symptoms   during peripheral inflammation by cerebral microglia,
           and tend to normalize following treatment and during   which  in  turn  produces  more  pro‑inflammatory
           remission. [58,72,79,80,82]  A recent study by Tsai’s group [83]    cytokines, sustaining the inflammatory status. [99]
           also showed that concentrations of serum IL‑6R reflected
           illness activity in a BD patient with manic relapses   C‑reactive protein is a nonspecific acute‑phase protein,
           during a 63‑week observation time. These findings,   synthesized by hepatocytes in response to IL‑1 and
           though, were only partially confirmed by meta‑analyses   IL‑6 secretion during inflammatory processes. CRP
           that  demonstrated  increased  peripheral  expression   levels in BD  patients rise during both mania and
           of sIL‑2R in manic patients, with just a trend toward   depression and remain higher than in controls in partial
           the higher expression of IL‑6 and sIL‑6R. [69,70,84]  Levels   and full remission of symptoms, [78,83,100]  suggesting a
           of both TNF‑α and its receptor, tumor necrosis factor   constant, nonspecific activation of immunomodulatory
           receptor type 1 (sTNF‑R1), are increased in manic BD   processes. Nevertheless, other studies have found
           patients compared to healthy controls and euthymic   increased levels of CRP only in manic bipolar patients
           patients. [84]  Elevated TNF‑α levels observed in mania   and not in depressed or euthymic patients, [101]  and that

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