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Mice lacking the alpha‑2 isoform of Na /K ‑ATPase,   re‑conceptualized  as  an  “attenuated  mixed  state”
           also known as the sodium pump, show some           belonging to bipolar‑spectrum disorders. [171]
           manic‑like behavior  (i.e.  hyperlocomotion), and
           hyperlocomotion is prevented by pretreatment       Until date, few studies have specifically focused on
           with lithium. [155]  Na /K ‑ATPase inhibitors, such   immune alterations during the bipolar depression.
           as ouabain, have been extensively used in animal   Higher levels of IL‑1β, IL‑2, IL‑6, IL‑8, IL‑10, TNF‑α,
           experiments to model BP. [156]  The alpha‑2 isoform   high‑sensitivity CRP (hs‑CRP), sIL‑2R, sIL‑6R, sTNF‑R1,
           is expressed exclusively in glial cells [157]  and is   and IL‑1Ra have been found in serum and/or plasma of
           reduced in  postmortem  temporal  cortex  of  BD   depressed BD patients, [79,81,100,178]  although these findings
           patients. [158]                                    were not completely confirmed in meta‑analyses. [69,70,84]
                                                              Interestingly, some of these markers (i.e. sIL‑R2, TNF‑α,
           Inflammation and excitatory symptoms in depression  and sTNF‑R1) appear to be elevated during manic/
           Markers of increased immune‑inflammatory activity   hypomanic phases as well. [41]  Depressed BD patients
           have been demonstrated in patients diagnosed with the   also show alterations in oxidative stress markers and
           major depressive disorder or unipolar depression (UD).   glial activity. [179]
           These findings have been further confirmed by
           meta‑analyses, [159,160]  but the studies included in the   Few studies have compared levels of inflammatory
           research, if considered individually, did not present   markers between BD and UD patients, and the results
           homogeneous results. This might be explained by    were mostly nonsignificant. However, a recent
           methodological differences in conducting the studies   work from Bai  et al. [54]  found that bipolar patients
           and/or by a variety of confounding factors, one of   show higher serum levels of sIL‑6R, CRP, sTNF‑R1,
           which might be the presence of some subthreshold   and monocyte chemotactic protein‑1  (MCP1) than
           excitatory symptoms in depressed patients such as   patients with different subtypes of UD, hinting that
           mood lability, inner tension, irritability, racing and   dysregulation of the immune system is more severe
           crowded thoughts, talkativeness, sleep disturbances,   in BD than in UD.
           and psychomotor agitation. [161‑163]  These symptoms
           are often misidentified in clinical practice, [164‑166]    Inflammation in BD prodromes
           despite being present in around 40% of patients    Excitatory symptoms, although quite nonspecific,
           diagnosed with depression. [167,168]  In addition, about   are also frequent during the prodromal stages of BD
           20% of subjects initially diagnosed with the major   in adolescents. [180]  These symptoms include mood
           depressive disorder and without lifetime manic     swings, hyperactivity, sleep disturbances, irritability
           symptoms develop excitatory features during the    and aggressiveness, and anxiety. [181,182]  Cytokines
           course of their disease. [169]                     are thought to interact with adrenal and gonadal
                                                              hormones during adolescence, therefore influencing
           A recent study found significantly elevated baseline   neurodevelopment  and  contributing  to  subsequent
           levels  of  CRP  in  patients  diagnosed  with  UD  that   onset of psychiatric diseases; [183]  a role for a preexisting
           later developed  excitatory symptoms compared to   pro‑inflammatory status in adolescents with high‑risk
           unipolar depressed patients who did not show manic   of developing BD has been suggested. [184]  Recently,
           symptoms over two years follow‑up. [170]  A  similar,   a prospective study demonstrated alterations in the
           but nonsignificant, trend toward higher levels of IL‑6   immune state, such as increased inflammatory gene
           and TNF‑α was also observed. [170]  Both the presence   expression in monocytes during adolescence and
           of excitatory symptoms during the depression and   increased levels of chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2, also
           high levels of serum cytokines before treatment are   known as MCP1), a marker of monocyte activation and
           associated with a more severe course of the disease   migration, during young adulthood in the offspring of
           and poor response to antidepressants. [171‑176]  It could be   BD patients. [185]
           therefore hypothesized that an increased inflammatory
           status might be responsible, at least in part, for this   Inflammation in postpartum psychosis
           evidence.                                          There’s a general consensus that postpartum psychosis
                                                              may often occur as a first episode of BD.  [186,187]
           Excitatory symptoms are twice as common in bipolar   Pregnancy in itself is considered a  period  of great
           depression than in UD, [165]  and patients diagnosed   modifications in the function of the immune system
           with major depression that also show psychomotor   and immune activation has been observed during the
           agitation  are nearly three  times more likely to   postpartum period. [188,189]  A recent study found reduced
           undergo mood‑switching than depressed patients     levels of T‑cells, increased levels of monocytes, and
           without excitatory symptoms. [177]  This is consistent   increased expression of monocyte genes in patients
           with the theory that agitated depression should be   with first‑onset postpartum psychosis. [190]

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