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the increase in CRP levels positively correlates with the   signaling pathway enzymes, such as phospholipase
           severity of manic symptoms. [102,103]              A2 (PLA2) and membrane prostaglandin E synthase,
                                                              are higher in the postmortem frontal cortex of
           The complement system is a part of the innate immune   bipolar patients than in healthy controls. [118]  A recent
           system. It consists of over 30 different proteins and its   study suggests that some of these alterations might
           activation ultimately leads to a massive amplification of   be due to epigenetic mechanisms. [119]  Among other
           the immune response. Increased levels of complement   pro‑inflammatory stimuli,  COX‑2  expression  is
           factors C3, C4, and C6 have been found in BD patients   induced by TNF‑α, [120,121]  the production of which has
           during mania. [104]                                been found to be increased during manic relapses of BD
                                                              as already described. Lamotrigine and valproic acid,
           Several studies have demonstrated an abnormal      two widely used mood stabilizing agents, decrease
           activation of T‑cells in bipolar patients, regardless of   COX‑2 expression in rat frontal cortex. [122,123]  Unlike
           the phase, [58]  whereas others have found an increase   lamotrigine, [124]  however, agents known to be effective
           in T‑cell proliferation and activation during manic   in treating mania, such as lithium, carbamazepine,
           states that normalized after full remission. [105,106]  A   valproate, and the anti‑psychotic drugs clozapine
           recent study demonstrated an increased proportion   and olanzapine, also decrease AA turnover in rat
           of circulating monocytes in BD patients, [107]  and a   brain, [125‑135]  eventually modulating dopaminergic and
           correlation between a subcluster of monocyte       glutamatergic transmission. [136‑138]  On the other hand,
           proinflammatory gene (i.e. CCL2 and CCL7) expression   the antidepressants fluoxetine and imipramine, but
           and excitatory symptoms was found. [108]  Interestingly,   not bupropion, increase AA signaling and turnover
           total leukocyte counts are higher in mixed states than   in the rat brain. [139‑141]  These findings are intriguing,
           in pure manic states, and this difference appears to be   considering that antidepressant treatment in bipolar
           due mainly to an increased number of neutrophils and   patients often leads to a switch from a depressive
           monocytes. [109]                                   to a manic/hypomanic state [142,143]  and that, among
                                                              antidepressants, bupropion is the drug associated
           Oxidative stress is defined as the imbalance       with the lowest risk of inducing switching. [144,145]  Taken
           between oxidant and anti‑oxidant agents, provoking   together, these findings suggest that manic/hypomanic
           macromolecular and cellular damage and ultimately   phases might be associated with a higher rate of
           inducing impairments in neuronal survival, plasticity,   AA signaling, an interesting hypothesis that would
           and signal transmission. [110]  Alterations in the oxidative   need more in‑depth research. [146]  Novel neuroimaging
           status have been found to differ within mood states   techniques such as positron emission tomography
           in BD patients. Peripheral levels of nitric oxide (NO),   with 11C‑labeled fatty acids might help to better
           a powerful oxidant agent, are higher in BD patients,   clarify the AA turnover and signaling cascade in the
           especially during mania, and also positively correlate   brain of BD patients and its role in the development
           with the number of lifetime manic episodes. [111,112]    of symptoms. [147]
           When compared with euthymic subjects or healthy
           controls, manic patients show higher levels of     Microglial cells are the resident macrophages of the
           thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and   central nervous system and play critical roles both
           protein carbonyl content (PCC), peripheral markers of   in physiological and pathological functioning of
           lipid peroxidation and oxidative damage to proteins,   the brain, as well as during neurodevelopment. [148]
           respectively. [113]  TBARS levels normalize after treatment   One of the most important activities of microglial
           with mood stabilizers and anti‑psychotic drugs. [114]    cells is to regulate inflammation within the CNS
           Levels of superoxide dismutase, a main component   via the production of pro‑inflammatory cytokines
           of the anti‑oxidant defense system, are also higher in   and  free  radicals,  as  well  as  anti‑inflammatory
           BD patients during mania, suggesting a compensatory   components. [149]   Aberrant  microglial  cell  number
           response to increased oxidative stress. [115]  The   and function are involved in the pathophysiology
           imbalance in the oxidative state of manic BD patients   of psychiatric disorders, including BD, [28,66,150‑153]
           is normalized by lithium treatment. [116]          possibly modulating GSK‑3β/Wnt pathway activity
                                                              through neuroinflammation.  [67]  However, to date,
           Arachidonic acid is one of the most abundant fatty   little is known about direct correlations between
           acids in the brain and is a precursor in the production   excitatory symptoms and glial activity. [67]  During
           of prostaglandins  (PG). PG are hormone‑like lipid   acute manic states, alterations in neuronal/glial
           compounds, synthesized from AA by cyclooxygenase   interactions and glutamatergic transmission have
           (COX) isoenzymes, and play crucial roles in the    been demonstrated by proton magnetic resonance
           promotion of systemic inflammation. [117]  Protein and   spectroscopy. [154]  Some additional evidence on this
           mRNA levels of COX isoform‑2 (COX‑2) and other AA   issue has been provided by animal experiments.

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