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In humans, treatment with interferon (IFN)‑α induces   markers,  both  in  the  blood  and  in  the  brain,  that
           depressive symptoms such as anhedonia, fatigue, suicidal   is, abnormal T‑cell and monocyte‑macrophage
           thoughts, cognitive impairments, loss of appetite, and sleep   activation, alterations in chemokine, cytokine,
           alterations, [9,10]  therefore hinting that IFN‑α may contribute   prostaglandin, and acute‑phase protein synthesis,
           to the development of mood disorders. [11,12]  Healthy   aberrant inflammatory‑related gene expression,
           volunteers injected with Salmonella abortus equi endotoxin   increased oxidative stress markers, and microglial
           show increased circulating levels of inflammatory   activation. [28,52‑67]  The vast majority of studies focused
           mediators and develop psychiatric symptoms, such as   on assessing peripheral cytokine levels. Despite some
           anxiety and depressed mood, as well as mild, transient   mixed results, globally BD patients show higher
           cognitive impairments.  Depressed patients with no   serum concentrations of TNF‑α, soluble TNF‑receptor
           other concomitant medical conditions show alterations   1 (sTNF‑R1), IL‑1β, IL‑4, soluble IL‑2 receptor (sIL‑2R),
           in the levels of many pro‑inflammatory cytokines and   and sIL‑6 receptor  (sIL‑6R) compared to healthy
           acute‑phase proteins, both in peripheral blood and   controls, as well as a nearly‑significant trend for
           cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).  In particular, variations in   IL‑6. [54,68‑70]  These results refer to both euthymic and
           the concentration of IL‑1, IL‑6, TNF‑α, and C‑reactive   symptomatic  BD  patients  and  do  not  emphasize
           protein (CRP) have been observed in patients diagnosed   the possible differences in the cytokine expression
           with depressive disorders when compared to healthy   patterns correlated with the presence of excitatory
           controls. [15‑20]  Glial abnormalities, [21‑23]  increased oxidative   symptoms. We, therefore, performed an analysis
           stress, [24‑27]  macrophage activation, [28‑30]  and alterations   of the literature aimed at highlighting the possible
           in the arachidonic acid (AA) signaling cascade [31‑35]  have   presence of alterations in immune system activity,
           also been described in depressed patients. Taken together,   specifically in relation to excitatory symptoms of
           these results confirm the substantial involvement of   BD. We also briefly examined the possible use of
           the immune system in the mechanisms of depressive   anti‑inflammatory drugs as  add‑on  therapies  to
           disorders, possibly via interactions between the immune   improve clinical outcomes.
           system and the neuroendocrine and autonomic nervous
           system. [36‑40]                                    We performed a literature review through a careful
                                                              search of articles using PubMed. We conducted an
           Starting from these observations, the role of the immune   initial search using keywords such as “affective
           system has been investigated in other neuropsychiatric   disorder” or “major depression” or “bipolar dis*”
           diseases, including bipolar disorder (BD), schizophrenia,   and  “inflammat*” to provide  context.  Subsequent
           anxiety disorders, and personality disorders. A chronic   searches were performed using the following key
           inflammatory state that exacerbates during symptomatic   words: “bipolar dis*” and/or “mania” or “manic” or
           relapses has been suggested to be involved in the   “mixed” or “depressi*”, cross‑referenced with a set of
           pathophysiology of BD. [41]  Interestingly, therapy with   inflammation‑related terms, such as “cytokine”, “IL”,
           IFN‑α  has  been  reported  several  times  to  induce   “glia”, “oxidative stress”, and “AA”. To examine the
           manic/hypomanic or mixed states in nonpsychiatric   role on the immune system of drugs commonly used
           patients. [42‑45]  One study highlighted the higher   to treat excitatory symptoms, we cross‑referenced
           prevalence of mild excitatory symptoms (i.e. irritable   the above‑mentioned set of inflammatory‑related
           mood, racing thoughts, distractibility, agitation, and   keywords with “lithium”, “mood‑stabilizing agents”,
           insomnia) associated with anhedonia and fatigue    and “antipsychotics”. Finally, to identify studies on
           in IFN‑α treated patients, rather than typical major   the possible role of anti‑inflammatory drugs in the
           depressive or euphoric symptoms. [46]  Another study   management of affective episodes, we cross‑referenced
           found that nonpsychiatric patients are more likely to   the mood‑related keywords mentioned earlier with
           develop depressive symptoms following a therapy with   the  terms  “anti‑inflammatory  drugs”,  “coxib”  and
           IFN‑α if they experienced lifetime subthreshold manic/  “anti‑TNF‑α”.
           hypomanic symptoms. [47]  Similarly to what has been
           observed in depression, there is a high rate of comorbidity   Reference lists from selected papers were
           between BD and other inflammation‑related medical   subsequently searched to identify further relevant
           conditions, such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and   literature. We limited the search to papers written
           cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, [48‑50]  which   in English. There were no timeframe limitations in
           led some authors to question if BD could be considered   our searches. Data on alterations of the inflammatory
           as a multi‑system inflammatory illness. [51]       system in excitatory phases of BD (mania, hypomania
                                                              and mixed states) are presented together because
           Many  studies  conducted  on  BD  patients  have   most of the studies do not specifically differentiate
           demonstrated increased levels of pro‑inflammatory   between the three.

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