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All behavioral parameters were recorded by observers   for multiple comparisons. P < 0.05 was considered as
          who were blind to the treatment. In addition, all   statistically significant.
          behavioral tests were conducted in a quiet room during
          the  light  period  (between  13:00  and  18:00)  under   RESULTS
          bright and moderate illumination, and the mice were
          kept in the room for at least 1 h before the assessment.   Effects of early and late neonatal immune activation on
          Depression-related behavior was separately studied in   depression-related behaviors during adolescence and
          adolescent (PND 35: tail suspension test [TST]; PND 40:   adulthood in the TST
          forced swimming test [FST]) and adult (PND 85: TST;   The three-way analysis revealed the significant effects
          PND 90: FST) male mice.                             of the time of neonatal immune activation (F 1,84  =5.65,

                                                              P < 0.03), age (F  = 43.03, P < 0.001), and treatment
          TST:  The TST was performed according to the        (F 2,84  = 11.57, P < 0.001) on the immobility time in

          previously described procedure.  At the beginning of   the TST. Significant  interactions  existed  between
          the experiment, each mouse was individually suspended   age × treatment (F 2,84  = 4.66, P < 0.02) and the time

          by its tail using a clamp, 2 cm from the distal end, for   of neonatal immune activation × age ×  treatment
          5 min in a gray wooden box (40 cm high, 30 cm wide,   (F 2,84  = 3.37, P  < 0.04). However, there was no

          and 20 cm deep), with the head about 25 cm above the   significant interaction between the time of neonatal
          floor. The total duration of immobility was recorded   immune activation  × age and the time of neonatal
          (in seconds). All animals that climbed their tails during   immune activation × treatment. These results indicate
          the TST were excluded from the further analyses.    that neonatal immune activation with Poly I:C can
          Immobility was defined as the lack of whole-body    influence depression-related behaviors in dose-, age-,
          motion, whereas mobility was defined as hind leg    and time-dependent manner in mice. Therefore, the
          movement. [16]                                      dose of immunogen, the timing of immune activation,
                                                              and age may be important factors for evaluating the
          FST: The FST remains one of the most widely used tools   consequences  of  neonatal immune activation  on
          for measuring behavioral despair in rodents. To describe   affective disorders, like depression, later in life.
          this behavioral model in mice, the following procedure
          was adopted: mice were individually placed into the   The data analysis indicated that early neonatal
          transparent glass cylinders (height: 25 cm, diameter:   immune activation with Poly I: C increased the total
          10  cm) filled with water to a height of 15  cm and   duration of immobility at the dose of 4  mg/kg in
          maintained at 25 ± 1°C. The water was replaced between   adolescence [Figure 2a; P = 0.037] and at both doses
          each test. The total duration of immobility was recorded   in adulthood [Figure 2b; P = 0.042 and P = 0.002],
          during the last 4 min of the 6-min testing period. At the   indicating high levels of depression-related behaviors
          end of swimming session, the animals were removed   in Poly I:C-treated mice in comparison with the
          from the cylinder, dried with towels, and gently placed   saline-treated group.
          near an electric heater for 15–30 min. Each mouse was
          judged to be immobile when it ceased struggling and   As shown in Figure 3, late neonatal immune challenge
          remained floating motionless in the water, making only   with Poly I:C resulted in an increase in the total
          those movements necessary to keep its head above    duration of immobility time at the dose of 4 mg/kg in
          water. A decrease in the duration of immobility time   adulthood [P = 0.03], but not in adolescence [Figure 3].
          is considered indicative of depression-like behavior in
          mice. [6,10]

          Statistical analysis
          The statistical analysis was performed using Statistical
          Package for Social Sciences software  (Version  21,
          IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). The depression results were
          analyzed using three-way analysis of variance, with age,
          treatment, and neonatal infection timing as the main   a                      b
          factors. All data are presented as the mean ± standard   Figure 2: Effects of early neonatal immune activation on depression-like behavior
          error of the mean. Further analysis was carried out   during adolescence (a)  and  adulthood (b) in the tail suspension test. The data
                                                              are presented as mean ± standard error of the mean (n = 8). *P < 0.05 and
          using Tukey’s honest significant different post‑hoc tests   **P < 0.01 compared with the saline-treated group

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