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Scientific reports have indicated that the nature of the   30 litters were used during this study in three stages,
          offspring’s neuropathology can depend on the nature   each of which included 10 litters. Only one mouse per
          and severity of insult and the pup’s age at the time   dam was selected for each of the groups to avoid the
          of insult. This argument is supported by previous   litter effect. All procedures of the study were performed
          studies in which we and others showed that the time   in accordance with the ethical guidelines set by the
          points of prenatal and neonatal immune activation,   Research and Ethics Committee of the Tabriz University
          the offspring’s age, and the dose of immunogen can   of Medical Sciences, which completely adhere with
          be important factors for assessing neuropsychological   the National Institutes of Health NIH Guide for the
          alterations such as anxiety-  and depression-related   Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (NIH; Publication
          behaviors that persist until adulthood in mice and   No. 85–23, revised 1985).
          rats. [3,6,10,11]  For instance, a study conducted by Walker
          et al. [11]  indicated that postnatal immune challenge had   Neonatal immune activation
          no impact on anxiety levels in adolescence, but did   A summary of the experimental design is shown in
          lead to increased levels of anxiety in adulthood and   Figure 1. The pups were divided based on treatment
          senescence in male rats. Furthermore, previous studies   conditions into two clusters: group 1 – saline-injected
          concluded that older age correlates with an increased   mice and group 2 – Poly I:C-injected mice (each group
          level of depression behavior in humans and rodents. [10,12]    only used for two tests with a 5-day interval between
          However, limited information is available regarding the   each test; n = 8 per group). The dams were removed
          relationship between the timing of neonatal immune   from their pups for approximately 5 min, and the pups
          challenge and age in development of depression-related   were weighed and received a subcutaneous (in the
          behaviors in adulthood.                             interscapular region)  injection of Poly  I:C  (Sigma
                                                              Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA; 1 mg/kg and 4 mg/kg)
          Therefore, the aim of the current study was to investigate   or saline (1 mL/kg) during the early neonatal phase
          the impacts of neonatal immune activation with equal   (PND 3–5, which corresponds to the third trimester
          Poly I:C doses at two time points, postnatal days (PND)   of  human  pregnancy  when  major  brain  growth
          3–5 (early neonatal phase) or PND 14–16 (late neonatal   occurs) or the late neonatal phase  (PND 14–16,
          phase), on depression-related behaviors in adolescent   which corresponds to 1–2  years old humans). [6,14]
          and adult male mice.                                The doses and timing of Poly I:C treatment were
                                                              chosen based on previous studies.  [6,8,15]  The Poly
          METHODS                                             I:C was dissolved in sterile saline (0.9% NaCl), and
                                                              injections were performed between 10:00 and 11:00.
          Animals                                             Each injection was performed through a 27-gauge
          Male and female C57BL/6 mice  (70–80  days)         needle connected by polyethylene tubing to a 10-µL
          were obtained from the animal house of Pasteur      Hamilton syringe. Newborn mice were returned to
          Institute (Tehran, Iran). Mice were housed in standard   their housing immediately after injections.
          polycarbonate cages in a room with a 12:12  h
          light/dark cycle (lights on 08:00–20:00), controlled   Behavioral tests
          temperature (23 ± 1°C), and had free access to food
          and water. These conditions were kept as a standard
          housing  condition  in all stages  of experiments.                    3RVWQDWDO GD\V   WR    $GROHVFHQFH  767  )67  Q
          Following a 2-week period of acclimatization to the         3RO\ , &    PJ NJ    Q        $GXOWKRRG  767  )67  Q
          new animal housing room, male and female mice               DQG   PJ NJ  V F      $GROHVFHQFH  767  )67  Q
          were kept together one-by-one in a cage to facilitate                 3RVWQDWDO GD\V    WR     $GXOWKRRG  767  )67  Q
          mating. Female mice were visually monitored daily for   &  %/   PLFH
          confirmation of pregnancy. Once confirmed, the female    Q                        $GROHVFHQFH  767  )67  Q
          mice were removed from the breeding cages and housed           6DOLQH  3RVWQDWDO GD\V   WR    $GXOWKRRG  767  )67  Q
          individually in standard cages. [10,13]  All pregnant mice      P/ NJ  V F
          were allowed to have a normal delivery, and the first                 3RVWQDWDO GD\V    WR     $GROHVFHQFH  767  )67  Q
          day of birth was considered PND 0.  One day after the                             $GXOWKRRG  767  )67  Q
          birth, all litters were culled to four pups per mother. On   Figure 1: Experimental design: The effects of early and late neonatal immune
          day 21, litters were weaned by removal of the mother,   activation with Poly I:C on depression-related behaviors during adolescence
                                                              and adulthood in the tail suspension test (TST) and forced swimming test (FST)
          and only male pups were used in this study. A total of   in C57BL/6 mice

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