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detectable  by  neuroimaging.  It  has  been  reported   branching  in  animals  exposed  to  toluene,  which
           that in chronic toluene abusers, MRI often reveals   might be a promising treatment for toluene-induced
           diffuse atrophy of the cerebrum, cerebellum,       leukoencephalopathy. [10]  Further studies are needed in
           and brainstem  (also discernible with computed     order to develop more effective therapeutic strategies
           tomography), increased periventricular white matter   for this disease.
           signal on T2-weighted images, and loss of gray
           matter-white matter differentiation across the cortex.   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
           The severity of these abnormalities is considered
           to be associated with the duration of abuse and    This study was supported by Army Health Care
           concentration of toluene. [2,5]  In this case, MRI shows   Project (13BJZ31).
           a characteristic “sunflower-like” change and abnormal
           signal in the cerebellar dentate nuclei  [Figure  1],   REFERENCES
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           caused by toluene appears to be irreversible, and no   Cite this article as: Zeng F, Yang H, Zhou HD, Wang YJ. Toluene-induced
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           treatment is currently known other than abstinence   findings. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2014;1(2):92-4.
           or general neurotrophic compounds. Melatonin was    Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: No.
           recently reported to reverse the reduction in dendritic   Received: 27-04-2014; Accepted: 18-07-2014

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