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detected using Gram stain, ink stain, acid-fast stain,   growing rapidly, particularly among early adolescents
           or  Mycobacterium  tuberculosis culture. DNA-based   experimenting with volatile substances or inhalants and
           tests for cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, and   workers in developing countries who lack occupational
           herpes simplex virus were all negative. Chest X-rays,   protection. After inhalation, toluene is quickly absorbed
           electrocardiogram, and ultrasonography of the      by the lungs, then enters the brain due to its high
           heart and abdomen detected nothing unordinary;     lipophilicity and accumulates. Following metabolization
           however, a slight abnormality was observed on the   in the liver, it is excreted by the kidneys mostly in the
           electroencephalogram. Most importantly, cranial    form of hippuric acid.  Chronic toluene inhalation
           MRI of the patient  showed  diffuse cerebral white   primarily damages the central nervous system (CNS),
           matter hyperintensity [Figure 1], which resembled a   especially the white matter, and causes toluene-induced
           characteristic “sunflower-like” change in T2-weighted   leukoencephalopathy and psychosis. [2-4]  Although
           images. The patient was diagnosed with toluene-induced   cognitive impairment is the most prominent symptom,
           leukoencephalopathy according to the “Diagnostic   additional clinical manifestations may differ depending
           Criteria  of  Occupational  Acute  Toluene  Poisoning”   on the brain regions that are affected, including
           of China. After 2 weeks of treatment with mannitol,   ataxia,  tremors,  psychiatric  disorders,  Parkinson’s
           hyperbaric oxygenation, and neurotrophic medicine   disease, and temporal lobe epilepsy.  The diagnosis
           including intravenous ganglioside GM1, Vitamins    of toluene-induced leukoencephalopathy is primarily
           B12, B1, and B6, huperzine-A tablets, and Oxiracetam   based upon the history of contact with toluene, clinical
           capsules, the patient’s symptoms were mostly resolved,   manifestations caused by damage to the nervous
           with an MMSE score of 26 on discharge.             system, and exclusion of other medical conditions
                                                              with similar symptoms. Neuroimaging and medical
           DISCUSSION                                         history are crucial to the diagnosis of toluene-induced
                                                              leukoencephalopathy, as opposed to other types of
           As a common component of experimental organic      encephalopathy such as heroin-related encephalopathy
           solvents and industrial products such as glues, inks,   or hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.
           paints, and paint thinners, toluene is a ubiquitous
           solvent. The number of people suffering from       Several studies have focused on the characteristic
           medical  conditions  caused by toluene  exposure  is   features of toluene-induced leukoencephalopathy

           a                                                  b

           c                                                  d
           Figure 1: Magnetic resonance imaging shows symmetrical periventricular white matter hyperintensity (arrows) in axial T2-weighted (b), fluid-attenuated inversion
           recovery (c), and diffusion-weighted imaging (d) images, along with corresponding changes in T1-weighted images (a). The characteristic “sunflower-like” change
           is readily apparent, particularly in the T2‑weighted image. Increased signal is also visible in the cerebellar dentate nuclei (arrowheads). Gray matter‑white matter
           differentiation is preserved

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