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Yuu et al.                                                                                                                                                                                Laparoscopic surgery for psychotic

           often present with complicated medical and psychiatric   specified  in  Table 1. Schizophrenia (n = 17) and
           problems . Such patients have difficulty coping with   dementing disorders (n = 6) were overrepresented. The
           the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, and they may   median disease period of all psychiatric disorders was
           ignore  warning  signs  and  symptoms  of  the  disease   24 years (range: 0-58 years). Twenty-four patients had
           because of their cognitive impairment , which can   received psychotropic drugs orally, including at least
           result in riskier treatments having to be performed.  one major psychotropic drug (a functional category of
                                                              neuroleptic drugs that are helpful in treating psychosis
           Herein, we report the surgical outcomes of psychiatric   and have the capacity to ameliorate thought disorders),
           patients with colorectal cancer. The aim of this study   and 19 had received minor psychotropic drugs (a drug
           was to evaluate  the surgical  feasibility  and  safety  of   that reduces anxiety). Psychotropic drugs include
           LS.  Thus, we compared  the  operative,  pathological,   benzodiazepine derivatives and a few less widely
           and functional outcomes of LS with those of OS in this   used  non-benzodiazepines,  such  as  meprobamate
           patient population.                                and  hydroxyzine hydrochloride).  Seven  patients  had
                                                              received epileptic agents, and 5 had taken donepezil.
           METHODS                                            All patients had received  at  least  one  psychiatric
                                                              medication. All patients were involuntarily admitted to
           A retrospective analysis was performed using a     the hospital; i.e. they were subjected to hospitalization
           colorectal cancer database. Information in the database   for medical care and protection under Sections 1, 3,
           was prospectively collected between April 2013 and   and 4 of the Mental Health and Welfare Act in Japan [10] .
           September 2015 at the Tokyo Metropolitan Matsuzawa   At our hospital, patients with psychiatric problems can
           Hospital. Thirty-one patients underwent LS or OS for   be referred to psychiatrists at any time postoperatively,
           primary colorectal cancer. We investigated the short-  and 24-h psychiatric care is available, which enabled us
           term outcomes of laparoscopic colorectal resection   to manage the study subjects in an unlocked surgical
           compared with OS in psychiatric patients with colorectal   ward.
           cancer. All patients examined in this study were eligible
           for either approach. OS was performed between April   Surgical technique
           2013 and March 2014, and LS was started in April 2014.   No  patients underwent mechanical and chemical
           The exclusion criterion for LS was acute surgery due to   bowel preparation.  All laparoscopic and open
           perforative peritonitis. No patients were excluded from   procedures were performed by a single gastrointestinal
           the present analysis because palliative surgery was   surgical team. Laparoscopic procedures started to be
           performed or advanced disease was present. Informed   performed in April 2014. The exclusion criterion for LS
           consent was obtained from all patients or their relatives   was acute surgery due to perforative peritonitis. All
           or guardians. This study was approved by the institutional   patients were operated on under general anesthesia.
           review board of Tokyo Metropolitan Matsuzawa Hospital   All laparoscopic and open procedures were performed
           (approval number: 28).                             according to the relevant guidelines [11] , and the extent
                                                              of  the  resection  was  the  same  in  both  groups.  All
           Preoperative  evaluations  included  colonoscopy   laparoscopic procedures were performed by the same
           with biopsy; chest, abdominal, and pelvic computed   surgeon, who was a proven expert, as defined by the
           tomography examinations; and magnetic resonance    Japan  Society  for  Endoscopic  Surgery.  Conversion
           imaging.  Patients were  staged using  the  Japanese   from LS to OS was allowed at the surgeon’s discretion
           Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (eighth   to ensure the patient’s safety or because of technical
           edition) .  An  American  Society  of  Anesthesiologists   difficulties, the presence of associated conditions, or
           (ASA) grade was assigned to each patient by an     findings of advanced disease or inadequate oncological
           anesthetist preoperatively.                        margins. Reconstruction was performed with a
                                                              hand-sewn straight colonic anastomosis or stapled
           All  patients  were  involuntarily  admitted  to  the hospital   anastomosis.  A  temporary  ileostomy  was  created  in
           because of anosodiaphoria. They were diagnosed as   selected patients. The same postoperative care was
           having colorectal cancer, but it was difficult to admit them   provided in all patients.
           to a general hospital for treatment other than psychiatric
           care. Tokyo Metropolitan Matsuzawa Hospital is one of   Outcome assessment
           the biggest hospitals in Tokyo that has a surgical and   Postoperatively, the bowel motility recovery time,
           psychiatry department.                             washout period, and length of the hospitalization period
                                                              were  assessed.  The  washout  period  was  defined  as
           Psychiatric disorders                              the duration of days between the surgery and start of
           Details of the patients’ psychiatric disorders are   psychiatric medicine postoperatively. Postoperative

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