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Yuu et al.                                                                                                                                                                                Laparoscopic surgery for psychotic

           Table 1: Psychiatric disorder of 31 patients       Table 2: Clinicopathological characteristics
           Characteristics         LS (n = 16) OS (n = 15) P-value  Characteristics  LS (n = 16)  OS (n = 15) P-value
           Disorders                                  0.461   Age at surgery (years)*  67 (48-89)  75 (53-91)  0.318
             Schizophrenia          9 (56.3%)  8 (53.3%)
             Dementing disorder     4 (25.0%)  2 (13.3%)      Gender (n)                                0.901
             Manic-depressive illness  0 (0%)  2 (13.3%)        Male              5 (31.3%)   5 (33.3%)
             Drug addiction         1 (6.3%)  0 (0%)            Female  2        11 (68.8%)  10 (66.7%)
             Alcoholism             2 (12.5%)  1 (6.7%)       BMI (kg/m )*     19.6 (15.5-32.5) 19.8 (15.0-24.9)  1.000
             Bipolar affective disorder  0 (0%)  1 (6.7%)     ASA score (n)                             0.311
             Growth retardation      0 (0%)  1 (6.7%)           I                 2 (12.5%)    0 (0%)
           Disease duration (years) (range) *  20 (0-53)  15 (0-58)  0.626    II  11 (68.8%)  13 (86.7%)
             Internal medicine                                  III               3 (18.8%)   2 (13.3%)
             Major tranquilizer    12 (75.0%) 12 (80.0%)  0.739  Previous abdominal                     0.561
             Minor tranquilizer    11 (68.8%)  8 (53.3%)  0.379  surgery          4 (25.0%)   3 (20.0%)
             Antiepileptic          5 (26.7%)  2 (13.3%)  0.233  Preoperative intestinal                0.884
             Anti-dementia drug     3 (18.8%)  2 (13.3%)  0.982  obstruction      2 (12.5%)   3 (20.0%)
             Others                 4 (25.0%)  4 (26.7%)  0.916  Tumor location                         0.127
           More than two major tranquilizer  6 (37.5%)  5 (23.3%)  0.809    Ascending colon  2 (12.5%)  5 (33.3%)
           Kind of hospitalization                              Transverse colon  2 (12.5%)   2 (13.3%)
           Involuntary admission #  16 (100%)  15 (100%)  -     Descending colon  1 (6.3%)     0 (0%)
           *Value are the median (range);  hospitalization for medical care and     Sigmoid colon  7 (46.7%)  4 (26.7%)
                                                                                              4 (26.7%)
                                                                                  4 (25.0%)
           protection under (section 1, 3, 4) of Mental Health and Welfare for
           Act in Japan                                       No. clinical T stage                      0.103
                                                                T2                3 (18.8%)    0 (0%)
                                                                T3                5 (31.3%)   9 (60.0%)
           morbidity was defined as a complication that occurred     T4          8 (50.0% )   6 (40.0%)
           within 30 days of the operation, and it was stratified as   No. clinical N stage             0.563
           recommended  by  the  Clavien-Dindo  classification [12] .     N0      7 (43.8%)   5 (33.3%)
           All pathological specimens were examined to determine     N1-3         9 (56.4%)  10 (66.7%)
           the extent of the microscopic surgical margins.    No. clinical stage  1 (6.3%)     0 (0%)   0.212
                                                                II                5 (31.3%)   5 (33.3%)
           Statistical analysis                                 III              7 (43.8 %)  10 (66.7%)
           Basic clinical characteristics, operative outcomes, and     IV         3 (18.8%)    0 (0%)
           pathological results of the two groups were compared.   *Value are the median (range). LS: laparoscopic surgery; OS: open
           Categorical data were compared using the χ  test or   surgery; ASA: American society of anesthesiologist; BMI: body
                                                              mass index
           Fisher exact test, as appropriate. Continuous variables
           were compared using the Student  t  test  or  Mann-  the LS group than in the OS group (P = 0.015). Two
           Whitney  U test, as appropriate. Statistical analyses   patients were converted from LS to OS. One of these
           were  performed  using  the  statistical  software  SPSS,   patients had direct invasion into the urinary bladder,
           version  22  (SPSS  Japan,  Tokyo,  Japan).  P-values <   whereas the other had direct invasion into the splenic
           0.05 were considered statistically significant.    vein.

           RESULTS                                            Compared with the OS group, the washout period,
                                                              frequency of early postoperative recovery, and length
           Patients’ characteristics                          of  the  hospitalization  period  were  all  significantly
           There were 16 patients in the LS group and 15 in the   improved in the LS group. One patient in the LS group
           OS group. Demographic characteristics of both groups   and 2 patients in the OS group who died were excluded
           are shown in Table 2. No significant differences were   in the length of postoperative hospital stay analysis. All
           observed between the two groups with respect to age,   patients except one (93.8%), who did not have a drain
           gender, body mass index, ASA score, or clinical stage   inserted postoperatively, were subjected to temporary
           (staging was performed before the surgical resection).   physical restraint; therefore, none of the patients
           The clinical and pathological stage was defined by the   removed  their  abdominal  drains  by  themselves.  A
           Japanese Classification of Colorectal Carcinoma, July   drain  was  removed  the  day  after  the  first  defecation
           2013 (eighth edition) .                            postoperatively.
           Perioperative outcomes                             No  patients  received  epidural  anesthesia.  The  LS
           Patients’  intraoperative and postoperative data are   group  required  less  frequent  additional  analgesia
           listed  in  Table  3.  Estimated  blood  loss  was  lower  in   postoperatively,  albeit  not  significantly.  Postoperative
           the LS group than in the OS group (P = 0.001), and   delirium developed in 7 patients of the OS group,
           intraoperative transfusions were required less often in   and  4  of  the  LS  group.  Unscheduled  intravenous

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