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Crema et al.                                                                                                                                                         Minimally invasive esophagectomy in achalasia

           negative pressure. Another important factor is that the   demonstrated acid secretion in the stomach and
           esophagogastric anastomosis remains in the cervical   maintenance of gastric emptying when the vagus nerve
           region, which is characterized by positive pressure, thus   was preserved during esophagectomy. Preservation
           preventing  reflux  of  gastric  juice  into  the  esophagus   of the vagus nerves also permits the maintenance of
           and consequent esophagitis. The latter occurs in the   parasympathetic irrigation of the stomach, reducing the
           case of intrathoracic location of the anastomosis.  rate of dehiscence in esophagogastric anastomoses.
                                                              Furthermore, maintenance of the control of gastric
           DISCUSSION                                         emptying by preserving the vagus nerves reduced the
                                                              rate of dumping episodes and diarrhea.
           The  minimally  invasive technique is  considered  the
           gold standard for  the  treatment  of  megaesophagus.   The  benefit  of  vagal  integrity  goes  beyond  the
           In its early stages, modified Heller surgery combined   maintenance of secretory function and gastric motility.
           with  a  partial  antireflux  valve  has  been  used  with   Several experimental studies have demonstrated
           good results. In advanced stages of megaesophagus,   the importance of integrity of the vagus nerves for
           minimally invasive transhiatal esophagectomy has   protection against bacterial translocation. Vagal
           been the technique of choice in most centers in Brazil.  nerve  preservation  significantly  reduces  infectious
                                                              complications [27] . Experimental studies have reported
           Preoperative preparation is also of fundamental    sepsis and faster death in vagotomized animals when
           importance for good outcomes in these patients,    compared to controls [28] . An increased degree of
           who are usually malnourished and have pulmonary    peritonitis and higher levels of inflammatory cytokines
           alterations. Chagasic patients exhibit different types   were also observed in vagotomized animals [29] .
           of cardiac arrhythmias that should be corrected during
           the  preoperative  period.  Our  standardized  protocol   Evidence  of  the  physiological  preservation  of  the
           includes nutritional and pulmonary outpatient care for   vagus nerves is obtained by measuring the levels of
           this purpose.                                      pancreatic peptide after stimulation. Banki  et al.
                                                              observed a significant increase in pancreatic peptide
           A standardized interdisciplinary protocol that comprises   levels when the vagus nerve was preserved during
           the preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative   esophagectomy.
           management of patients with megaesophagus is of
           fundamental importance to obtain satisfactory results in   The objective of not performing pyloroplasty or
           the treatment of this disease. Zamuner et al. [25]  evaluated   pyloromyotomy is to avoid reflux of alkaline secretion
           the use of standardized protocols by multidisciplinary   from the duodenum to the stomach after gastric
           teams in the state of São Paulo, and concluded     transposition to the mediastinum, a region of negative
           that the number of centers applying preestablished   pressure,  which  would  cause  an  increase  in  acid
           multidisciplinary protocols is small.              secretion from the stomach.

           There is clear evidence that preservation of the vagus   Crema  et  al. [30]   compared  patients  undergoing
           nerves permits maintenance of gastric emptying, acid   esophagectomy with and without vagotomy. The results
           secretion, and storage capacity of the stomach, as   showed  a  significant  increase  in  pancreatic  peptide
           well as long-term weight maintenance. The results   levels after insulin-induced hypoglycemia in the group
           of minimally invasive approaches are consistent with   with preserved vagus nerve, which was not observed in
           the  reduced  number  of  major  complications  and  low   vagotomized patients.
           mortality rate.
                                                              Our sample of patients undergoing esophagectomy
           Wang et al.  observed atrophic gastritis in patients who   included 21 patients (9.09%) with idiopathic
           underwent gastroplasty after esophagectomy without   megaesophagus for whom serology and polymerase
           vagal nerve preservation.                          chain reaction results of esophageal tissues were
                                                              negative for Trypanosoma cruzi. In a study conducted
           Anatomically, the vagus nerves exhibit 2 trunks    in Campinas-SP in which only serology was used for
           (83.4%); these trunks are separated in 26.7% of    the diagnosis of Chagas disease, 21% of the patients
           patients, a communication between them is detected   had idiopathic megaesophagus [31] .
           in 56.7%, and 1 or 2 bifurcations occur in only 13.3%
           of patients [26] . Clinical and experimental studies have   Esophagectomy with preservation of the vagal
           reported  several  benefits  of  preserving  the  vagus   trunks has been used for the treatment of chagasic
           nerves.  Using  Congo  red  staining,  Banki  et  al.    megaesophagus, although denervation of the entire
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