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Crema et al.                                                                                                                                                         Minimally invasive esophagectomy in achalasia

            A                          B                                           C

           Figure 2: Preoperative images (A and B). Postoperative control after 30 days (C). All images show the tube-shaped stomach

           to 20 years) underwent endoscopic submucosal       anatomically, owing to the chronic condition, already
           dissection with a biopsy, esophagogastric manometry,   has a tubuliform shape. Pyloroplasty should not be
           and 24-h pH measurement in the esophageal stump.   performed  to  prevent  duodenal  alkaline  reflux  to  the
           The sensor was placed 2 cm above the esophagogastric   stomach and hyperchlorhydria. Preservation of the
           anastomosis, and its precise position was determined   vagus nerves with maintenance of parasympathetic
           at the time of endoscopic examination .            innervation permits maintaining irrigation of the
                                                              stomach, thus reducing the rate of dehiscence and
           RESULTS                                            maintaining storage capacity, secretion, and gastric
                                                              emptying. Another important technical detail is that
           Immediate complications were observed in 37 patients   the esophagogastric anastomosis is always located in
           (16.01%): hemopneumothorax in 22 cases (9.52%),    the cervical region, a region characterized by positive
           gastric  stasis  in  11  (4.76%),  a  cervical  fistula  in  11   pressure, thus preventing acid reflux from the stomach
           (4.76%), dysphonia in 18 (7.8%), and mediastinitis in   to the esophagus.
           1 case (0.43%). Two patients (0.86%) died: 1 patient
           with a pacemaker died of cardiorespiratory arrest on   The patients had a nasoenteric tube introduced into
           postoperative day 12 and the other patient died of   the stomach and received an industrialized enteral
           mediastinitis on day 28.                           diet (1.5 g/kg body weight per day) for at least 14 days.
                                                              After clinical and spirometric pulmonary evaluation, the
           Late complications occurred in 23 patients (9.95%).   patients underwent expiratory and inspiratory muscle
           Ten patients (4.33%) who developed stenosis were   training with a threshold device for 2 weeks.
           treated with endoscopic dilatation. Reoperation
           and anastomosis plasty were necessary in 1 case.   Routine ultrasonography of the abdomen is important in
           Dysphonia occurred  after 3  months  in  8  patients   the identification of cholelithiasis, as this association is
           (3.46%). Gastric stasis occurred in 4 patients (1.73%),   found in 28.4% of patients with chagasic megaesophagus
           and in 1 patient (0.43%) who had an acute obstructive   as a result of parasympathetic denervation of the
           abdomen due to herniation of the transverse colon   gallbladder [24] . If present, cholecystectomy is performed
           in the mediastinum. There was no case of severe    during surgery.
           esophagitis during a follow-up period of 7 months to
           20 years.                                          On  the  day  before  surgery,  a  thick  Fouchet  or  Levin
                                                              oroesophageal tube is introduced, and the esophagus,
           Among the 136 patients (58.87%) in whom the vagus   which usually contains large amounts of food remnants,
           nerves  were  preserved,  only  3  (2.2%)  had  gastric-  is cleaned mechanically with 0.9% saline.
           emptying problems during the immediate postoperative
           period vs. 8 (8.42%) among the 95 patients (41.13%) in   It is important to point out that the anterior and posterior
           whom vagus nerves were not preserved. Late gastric-  vagus nerve should be dissected before esophageal
           emptying problems were observed in 4 cases (4.21%)   dissection and stomach preparation to avoid
           in the group without vagal nerve preservation and in   inadvertent sectioning of the vagal trunks in the cervical
           none of the cases with vagal preservation.         region. Pyloroplasty is not performed in patients with
                                                              esophagopathy who do not have a megastomach to
           We highlight some important technical details of this   avoid reflux from the duodenum to the stomach, now
           procedure, including the use of the total stomach that,   positioned  in  the  posterior  mediastinum,  a  region  of

                          Mini-invasive Surgery ¦ Volume 1 ¦ December 28, 2017                            163
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