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Bianchi et al.                                                                                                                                                            Modified fundoplication after Heller miotomy

                                                   Dysphagia recurrence over time

                             Years after surgery  8


                                  0                       10                      20                      30                      40                     50
                                                        Numbers of patients
           Figure 4: Dispersion of patients with recurrence of dysphagia over time

           may develop between the myotomy and anterior       with dysphagia (P < 0.001). Gastric migrations through
           fundoplication, resulting in fewer reinterventions for   the hiatus have a tendency to to decrease the function
           postoperative dysphagia [11,21,22] . Our fundoplication   of the fundoplication due to the negative pressure in
           covers the exposed mucosa, and we only had 4       the thorax. Perhaps this alteration of the anatomy also
           cases requiring reintervention. There are few studies   allows the edges of the myotomy to approach, and
           evaluating endoscopic results. In a study comparing   may be related to the difficulty of passage of the bolus
           a Dor fundoplication group with a Toupet group,    due to the ensuing deformities by the hiatal hernia
           Katada et al. [23]  demonstrated that the pHmetry study   itself. We had 3 cases in which the reintervention was
           was similar in both groups. However, both symptoms   due to myotomy fibrosis and one where the deformity
           and endoscopic findings were different; reinforcing the   of the hernia clearly originated with dysphagia.
           importance of endoscopic and clinical findings for the
           evaluation of these cases.                         First, we thought that it was important to classify the
                                                              etiology of achalasia as chagasic or idiopathic because
           Erosive esophagitis was found in 38.5% of the Toupet   Chagas disease is very common in Brazil. However,
           group and 8.8% of the Dor group, which was similar   we observed that these two groups of patients behave
           to the Toupet group in the same study [23] . Our study is   in a similar manner during the treatment, with no
           not a comparative one, however we find better results   difference in outcome. Our study has the limitation
           with our fundoplication, even taking into account that   of being a retrospective, non-comparative study.
           more than half of our cases were erosive esophagitis
           Los Angeles A, which is a rather mild complication. In   Because only medical records were obtained, it
           our procedure, we performed a dissection of the entire   was not possible to apply any specific questionnaire
           circumference of the hiatus to create a large segment   regarding reflux or dysphagia. Only information
           of intra-abdominal esophagus and a large area for the   reported by the patient was used and the severity of
           myotomy. Simić et al. [24]  found that Dor fundoplications   the reflux or dysphagia was unable to be quantified.
           in the setting of a complete hiatal dissection had   The use of a proton pump inhibitor for reasons
           a higher degree of abnormal esophageal acid        other than reflux symptoms may also be a bias in
           exposure (23.1%) than if a limited hiatal dissection   the number of patients with endoscopic alterations.
           was performed (8.5%). However, when we performed   However, this number was small and patients had no
           a more extensive fundoplication than the Dor, we   reported reflux symptoms in their history.
           achieved a good success rate (8.1%).
                                                              In conclusion, we have demonstrated that laparoscopy
           One factor not routinely reported in other studies is the   myotomy postero-latero-anterior fundoplication
           migration of fundoplication to the thorax. Though we   (Heller-Pinotti) has a good long-term outcome in
           advocate the closure of the diaphragmatic hiatus after   relation to dysphagia and in terms of reflux prevention.
           esophagus dissection, we nevertheless observed a   Furthermore, it could produce better results than other
           11% rate of hiatal herniation. This event correlated with   partial fundoplications, however it requires both a
           the presence of reflux esophagitis (P = 0.047) and also   prospective and comparative study.

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