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Bianchi et al.                                                                                                                                                            Modified fundoplication after Heller miotomy

           Figure 1: Laparoscopic myotomy

           Pinotti et al.  added a posterior suture line to the Dor   vessels as possible in order to leave it free from
           fundoplication thus creating a postero-lateral-anterior   adhesions when the fundoplication is constructed.
           fundoplication that encompassed more than the        A cause of early postoperative dysphagia is a
           anterior fundoplication and enhanced reflux control.   fundoplication without a complete release of gastric
           This type of fundoplication is widely used in Brazil and   fundus that results in traction and torsion of the
           is known as the Heller-Pinotti procedure.            esophagogastric junction when the stomach is
           In this article, we demonstrate the long-term results of
           myotomy associated with this type of fundoplication   2. Dissection of the esophagogastric junction: it begins
           and compare it with results from world literature.   with a downward movement of the stomach by an
                                                                assistant and the opening of both the hepatogastric
           METHODS                                              ligament  and  phrenoesophageal  membrane
                                                                preserving the hepatic branch of the vagus nerve.
           Technique                                            This allows for better traction of the distal esophagus
           The arrangement of the ports for laparoscopy, as     into the abdominal cavity. The following step is the
           well as whether the patient is positioned with legs   identification and dissection of the diaphragmatic
           spread open or aligned together in the midline, is   pillars and separation of the esophagus from the
           a personal choice and depends on the experience      hiatus. At this point it is important to identify the
           and preference of the surgeon. Our preference is to   anterior and posterior vagus nerves to avoid their
           position the patient with legs spread open and the   injury. In chagasic patients it is very common
           monitor positioned by the patient’s head. The surgeon   to find a twisted and dilated distal esophagus.
           is positioned between the patient’s legs, the first   All  the  adhesions  of  the  distal  esophagus  in
           assistant is on the left side and the second assistant   the mediastinum are released to create a safe,
           who is responsible for the camera, is positioned on the   open area for the myotomy and to straighten the
           patient’s right side.                                esophageal axis.

           In this position, the trocar receiving the camera is   3.  Cardiomyotomy: the myotomy of the distal
           placed 3 to 5 cm above the umbilicus to facilitate   esophagus and the cardia is performed with the
           the exposure of the gastric fundus and the hiatus.   surgeon’s preferred instrument (hook, scissors,
           The trocar for the liver retractor is positioned in the   harmonic scalpel) by bluntly gripping and sectioning
           epigastrium. In the right hypochondrium is the access   the muscle fibers, with or without force to avoid
           to the surgeon’s left hand and the portal for the right   the splitting of the lower esophageal sphincter
           hand is in the left hypochondrium. An additional trocar   fibers. The myotomy is advanced upwards in the
           can be placed into the left hypochondrium if needed.  esophagus for a minimum length of 6 cm and at
                                                                least 3 cm down in the stomach [Figure 1]. An
           The technical steps are as follows:                  inadvertent mucosal injury during myotomy is not
                                                                uncommon, particularly at the beginning of the
           1. Mobilization of the gastric fundus: the procedure   learning curve with the procedure. If the mucosa is
             begins with the complete mobilization of the gastric   opened, the defect must be closed immediately with
             fundus. It is important to divide as many short gastric   a monofilament absorbable suture and coverage of

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