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de Moura et al.                                                                                                                                                           PBD and POEM in dilated megaesophagus

           PNEUMATIC BALLOON DILTATION                        treatment of achalasia.

           PBD  uses  a  pneumatic  balloon  for  low  compliance,   Initial dilatation is performed using a 30-mm balloon
           which is a balloon with minimal deformity and uniform   and an objective  evaluation of  the symptoms after
           distension throughout its extension.  This design   4-6 weeks. For patients who continue to remain
           promotes the rupture of the muscular fibers of the LES,   symptomatic, dilatation with next-sized balloon should
           diminishing its hypertonia. Consequently, this facilitates   be made. This serial pneumatic dilation approach has
           passage of the alimentary bolus from the esophagus to   been shown to have excellent success rates. Although
           the gastric chamber [16] .                         varying between studies, with relief of symptoms in up
                                                              to 93% of patients in 6 months to 44% in 6 years [17,18] .
           The first balloon built was by Hurst in 1898. Different   Additionally, the risk of perforation may be lower with
           manufactured  models  of  balloons  were  developed   the serial pneumatic dilation approach.
           by Witzel in 1970, the first balloon was used with the
           gastroscope. Physical characteristics of the balloons,   Some risk factors for failure PBD are: younger age, male
           such as the high complacency, defined as high non-  sex, wider esophagus, poor emptying on post-treatment
           uniform  balloon  deformity,  could  increase  the  risk   timed barium esophagogram and Eckardt et al.  scale <
           of  perforation  in  the  healthy  area  of  the  esophagus   3 before treatment.
           because the balloon reached its greatest distension
           diameter in the area of the minimal resistance.    Balloon  dilatation  of  the  cardia  is  not  indicated  for
                                                              advanced megaesophagus, since the reduction of
           With the advent of  pneumatic  balloons with low   symptoms is less compared to the non-advanced
           complacency,  balloons  with  minimal  deformity  and   form and its durability is less than 6 months. Although,
                                                              a paper published from Pakistan
                                                                                                showed that 9
           uniform distension throughout its length, the risk of   patients with dilated megaesophagus (Grade > II) with
           complications, particularly perforation, was minimized.   transverse diameter > 7 cm, were treated using a 35 mm
           Currently, the low-compliant balloon is used, which has   balloon without complications and with symptomatic
           different sizes (30, 35 and 40 mm) and are much larger   improvement at 12-month follow-up.
           than the standard through-the-scope balloons. As a
           result, the pressure generated by PBD is significantly   PERORAL ENDOSCOPIC CARDIOMYOTOMY
           more effective in fracturing the muscularis propria of
           the LES.                                           POEM introduced by Ortega et al. [20]  in 1980 and later
                                                              standardized by Inoue et al. [21]  in 2010, is a new type of
           The dilatation can be done under direct endoscopic view,   endoscopic treatment, which has been widespread in
           in which the balloon is placed at the height of the LES   the past seven years.
           and the insufflation was performed under endoscopic
           vision until the maximum balloon measurement or until   This procedure performed with the upper digestive
           the patient begins to feel pain. It can also be done   endoscopy is an esophageal and gastric myotomy with
           under radiological vision, in which the balloon is placed   submucosal layer dissection under general anesthesia.
           at the height of the LES. Under continuous radioscopy,
           the balloon is inflated to its maximum extent, visualizing   A  cushion  is  formed  in  the  submucosal  layer  of  the
           the formation of a radiological waist in the balloon.   esophagus, followed by a 2-cm incision in the mucosa
           Some  groups  interrupt  the  inflation  after  radiological   to access the submucosal layer through the anterior
           waist loss, while other groups inflate the balloon to its   or posterior wall. The creation of a submucosal tunnel
           maximum size.                                      is carried out to the esophagogastric junction, entering
                                                              about 2-4 cm into the stomach.
           The  treatment  of achalasia over the years has been
           carried  out  mainly  through  PBD  due  to  its  greater   Next, the myotomy of the gastric part is performed,
           availability.  However, PBD,  although an  effective   followed by myotomy of the esophageal muscular layer.
           method, has variable durability in different studies.   Some groups perform the total myotomy of the circular
           It  is  also  associated  with  a  theoretical  higher  risk  of   and longitudinal layers of the esophagus, while others
           gastroesophageal reflux disease occurrence between   perform only the myotomy of the circular layer. It is
           15-35%  of  patients  due  to  the  total  rupture  of  the   important to vary the extent of the esophageal myotomy
           circular and longitudinal muscular layers of the LES [16] .   from 6 to 10 cm towards the middle esophagus to the
           However,  this  modality  presents  a  low  risk  for  major   gastroesophageal junction (GEJ). Finally, the incision
           complications  and  deaths  compared  to  surgery.  It  is   of the mucosal layer is closed with the placement of
           currently the most effective non-surgical option for the   endoclips or by endoscopic suture.
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