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Aziz et al.                                                                                                                                                Laparoscopicsuction in paediatrics post-appendectomy

           reliable symptom to suspect IAA or collection post   this technique for all centres which advocate minimally
           appendectomy.  Ultrasound  was  the  only  radiological   invasive technique in children.
           tool needed for our patients to confirm the diagnosis of
           IAA compared to the other series. There was no IAA   DECLARATIONS
           following appendectomy  for suppurative appendicitis
           in our series. From our review, DLS was easy to do. It   Authors’ contributions
           provided us with immediate cessation of fever for the   Original idea and drafting of  text:  D.A.A.  Aziz,  Z.A.
           patients and relieved of their symptoms (abdominal   Latiff
           pain poor appetite and refusal to ambulate). Patients   Literature review and data collection: S. Said, F. Lim,
           were able to mobilise faster post-DLS too, compared   M. Mohd Nor
           to those who had percutaneous drainage. Patients   Data analysis: M. Osman, F. Mohd Zaki
           were also able to be discharged earlier than those who
           underwent percutaneous drainage. Technically, DLS   Financial support and sponsorship
           did not  require any  additional port  insertion and the   None.
           technique of DLS was quite straight forward, the ease
           is probably because the abscesses were still early   Conflicts of interest
           in their phase and less complicated. This technique   There are no conflicts of interest.
           was also feasible for patient who had undergone open
           appendectomy; provided the scar did not interfere with   Patient consent
           area for port insertion.
                                                              Parental consent was obtained for all patients.
           Following  success  of  this  series,  we  would  like
           to  propose a simple guideline on laparoscopic     Ethics approval
           management of IAA post-appendectomy  [Figure 1].   Reviews based on our existing audit is waived for
           Intraabdominal abscess post appendectomy is not a   ethical approval.
           complication that any centre would like to have in high
           numbers, as a result of the low incidence, we were not   REFERENCES
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