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Aziz et al.                                                                                                                                                Laparoscopicsuction in paediatrics post-appendectomy

           They also complaint of pain at the site of the pigtail-  collection in the pelvis; the patient also had persistent
           catheter and difficulty to mobilise, having to carry the   high-grade fever (39 °C). DLS was performed at POD4;
           catheter and drainage bag all the time. However, their   the fever settled within 24 h and patient was discharged
           appetite  improved  after  the  percutaneous  drainage.   two days after DLS. All 7 patients who underwent DLS
           They were discharged at POD10 and POD14            did not have any complications such as bowel injury,
           respectively after repeat ultrasound showed complete   serosal tear or any difficulty in suctioning out the IAA
           resolution of IAA and removal of the pigtail-catheter.   during procedure.
           At follow up, 1 patient complaint of pain at the right
           iliac fossa with no symptoms to suggest adhesive   Comparing the patients who underwent DLS and those
           obstruction.  A  repeat  ultrasound was  done for him   who had percutaneous drainage, the DLS-group had
           which was normal. The second patient remained well   early cessation of fever (a day after the procedure);
           at follow-up.                                      they also went home earlier than the percutaneous
                                                              group (at about 2-3 days post-DLS and total length of
           One patient  with IAA  of  3 cm  ×  4 cm  was  treated   stay in the ward did not exceed more than a week).
           conservatively;  intravenous  Gentamycin was  added   The percutaneous-drainage-group took longer time to
           and  she  became  afebrile 48  h later.  This  patient’s   become afebrile (fever was settled after more than a
           appetite took longer time to resolve, however she did   week); they also had additional pain and discomfort
           not complain of abdominal pain. She was subsequently   from the pigtail-insertion. They also stayed longer in
           discharged well at POD7. Repeat ultrasound was not   the ward (10 and 14 days).
           done on her before discharge; at follow-up, she was
           also well.                                         Follow-up  was  carried  out  at  1-month  post-surgery,
                                                              all DLS-grouped patients remained well clinically and
           Six other patients with IAA of more than 5 cm × 5 cm   backed to their normal selves. The histopathological
           on were subjected to DLS. All of them were febrile   examinations of their appendix confirmed perforated
           with  temperature  of  38  °C  or  more  at  POD3.  Three   appendicitis. None of the patients had symptoms for
           patients  had  no  abdominal  pain and their appetite
           were normal. Three other patients have either one or   adhesive obstruction.
           more  combination  of  symptoms  e.g.  fever,  abdominal
           pain, poor appetite and refusal to mobilise [Table 1]. All   DISCUSSION
           6 patients underwent DLS at POD3 to POD5 via the
           same port-sites used during first surgery. No additional   A  study  published  in  2014  by  Taguchi  et  al.   from
           antibiotics was given. During DLS, intraoperatively, only   Nagoya Red Cross Hospital, Japan, showed no
           laparoscopic suction was carried out without irrigation.   significant difference in the incident of IAA formation
           Post procedure, fever resolved within 24 h of DLS in all   between LA  and OA in treating complicated
           6 patients. Patients who had complaints had complete   appendicitis  i.e.  17  vs.  20.  This  single-centre
           resolution of their symptoms. They were discharged as   randomized-controlled trial was conducted with the
           early as second to third day post-DLS. The 7th patient   development of an infectious complications including
           included in this review was a patient who underwent   IAA formation as primary outcome. In this study, the
           open  appendectomy  for  perforated  appendicitis  at   operating surgeon performed thorough peritoneal
           another institution. The appendectomy scar was     lavage using several liters of warm saline regardless
           consistent with a standard Lantz incision about 5 cm   of whether an abscess or peritonitis was present. This
           in length. The patient was referred  to us  at POD3   study showed the safety and feasibility of the usage
           after abdominal ultrasound revealed an 8 cm × 5 cm   of LA for complicated appendicitis. Most importantly

           Table 1: Summary of clinical presentations and progress
                                 Associated symptoms             Day of performing           Day of   Total length of
           No. of                                                DLS from original   Time post-DLS   discharge  stay in ward
           patients  Persistent fever at POD3   Abdominal   Poor   Refusal to   that fever settled
                    and temperature (°C)  pain  appetite  mobilise   surgery                post-DLS  (days)
              1          Yes, 38.7       Yes      No      Yes        POD3        POD-DLS 1  POD-DLS 3   6
              2          Yes, 38.5       Yes      No       No        POD4        POD-DLS 1  POD-DLS 3   7
              3          Yes, 39.0       No       Yes     Yes        POD4        POD-DLS 1  POD-DLS 3   7
              4          Yes, 39.0       Yes      Yes     Yes        POD3        POD-DLS 1  POD-DLS 3   6
              5          Yes, 38.5       No       No      Yes        POD5        POD-DLS 1  POD-DLS 2   7
              6          Yes, 39.0       No       No      Yes        POD4        POD-DLS 1  POD-DLS 2   6
              7          Yes, 39.0       Yes      Yes     Yes        POD4        POD-DLS 1  POD-DLS 2   6
           DLS: delayed laparoscopic suction; POD: post-operative day; POD-DLS: post-operative day- delayed laparoscopic suction
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