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Bianchi et al.                                                                                                                                                            Modified fundoplication after Heller miotomy

           Figure 2: Laparoscopic myotomy and fundoplication

             the area should be provided by the fundoplication   the 1st examinations 5 years after the surgery, thus
             itself. Such mishap does not increase the risk of   standardizing the endoscopic findings regarding the
             failure of the procedure and fistula is rare.    follow-up time. All patients were tested for serology
                                                              and for the presence of Chagas disease. The etiology
           4. Hiatoplasty: for release of the distal esophagus into   between chagasic and idiopathic conditions was
             the mediastinum, the hiatal defect is usually opened   evaluated. Presence of erosive esophagitis and
             wide. If the defect is larger than the diameter of   complications of gastro esophageal reflux (stenosis
             the esophagus, it is recommended to perform the   or barret) were investigated with an endoscopy at
             hiatoplasty with separate stitches and approximate   a 5-year follow-up. It was also assessed whether
             the second diaphragmatic.                        fundoplications that had migrated due to hiatal hernia
                                                              were intra-abdominal or intrathoracic. The seriogram
           5. Fundoplication: it is our preference to perform an   was analyzed (barium swallow) before surgery to
             anterior-lateral-posterior fundoplication with 3 suture   quantify the degree of dilation of the esophagus. The
             lines between the gastric fundus and the esophagus.   Rezende classification stages were used. Patients
             The 1st suture line is placed between the posterior   with a dilation of less than 4 cm were classified as in
             region of the esophagus and the posterior wall of the   grade I, between 4 and 7 - grade II, between 7 and
             stomach, usually with 3 to 4 stitches [Figure 2]. The   10 - grade III and greater than 10 - grade IV. Patients
             second suture line is performed by joining the left   with a dolicomegaesophagus and a degree of dilation
             lateral border of the esophageal myotomy with the   greater than 10 cm were excluded from this study.
             gastric fundus in the transition between the anterior   The medications used by the patients were obtained
             and posterior wall. The last suture line is placed   from their electronic medical records. It was assessed
             in the right lateral border of the myotomy with the   whether a patient used a proton pump inhibitor and
             anterior face of the gastric fundus covering the entire   routinely used 20 mg twice daily. Postoperative
             myotomy.                                         dysphagia was defined when the patient reported
                                                              difficulty in oral intake that required some type of
           Patients                                           intervention to improve quality of life. Presence of
                                                              dysphagia reported by the patient was also recorded,
           Over the past several years, the 1st choice of     as well as how many years after the operation these
           treatment for achalasia in our institution has been   symptoms persisted.
           the myotomy with fundoplication. Of the 849 patients
           submitted to laparoscopic surgery between 2000     Statistical analysis
           and 2012, 445 had regular follow-ups at our hospital   Calculated odds ratio and chi square between the
           for more than 5 years and underwent routine upper   variables.
           endoscopies. The examinations were performed every
           2 years, or less if the patient presented any symptoms.
           Data collection
           The  medical records of  these  patients  were     Of the 445 patients, 244 were women and 201 men.
           reviewed and the following data were obtained:     The mean age was 45.6 (± 12.7) years. The mean
           age,  gender  and  follow-up  time.  Regarding  the   follow-up time was 10.2 (± 3.4) years.The degree
           endoscopy examinations, it was decided to analyze   of dilation was grade I in 44 (9.8%), grade II in 226

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