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Bianchi et al.                                                                                                                                                            Modified fundoplication after Heller miotomy

                                            Erosive esophagitis (Los Angeles classification)



                                 A                                     B                                   C                                       D
           Figure 3: Number of patients with erosive esophagitis. Distribution according to Los Angeles classification

           (50.7%) and grade III in 175 (39.5%). Thirty-nine (8.7%)   DISCUSSION
           patients presented erosive esophagitis 5 years after
           surgery. In relation to the Los Angeles classification,   The need for an antireflux procedure after myotomy
           21 presented esophagitis A, 12 B, 2 C and 4 D [Figure 3].   is no longer as controversial as it used to be. The
           Two patients with esophagitis Los Angeles D also   presence of a myotomy in the distal esophagus
           presented peptic sub stenosis, while the other 2   counteracts the physiological function of the lower
           patients were identified with Barrett esophagus    esophageal  sphincter  that  prevents  the  gastric
           without atypia. With regard to the situation surrounding   contents from going back to the esophagus. It is
           the fundoplication wrap, all remained detectable on   expected that gastro-esophageal reflux will occur and
           endoscopic examination. However, 49 (11%) were     become more severe postoperatively [4-6] .
           partially migrated to the thorax due to hiatal hernia.
           It was observed that 81 (18%) patients had regular   In a meta-analysis in 2009,  Campos  et al.
           use of a proton pump inhibitor. However, it was noted   demonstrated an incidence of gastroesophageal reflux
           that 42 patients were taking it per their cardiologist’s   disease (GERD) among 31.5% of patients submitted
           prescription. These patients were chagasic and used   to myotomy without fundoplication. It is very difficult
           various medications and presented dyspepsia and    to completely suppress gastroesophageal reflux after
           epigastric pain secondary to medication. The other   laparoscopic myotomy even when some antireflux
           39 were precisely the patients who had erosion     procedure is associated. The rate of gastroesophageal
           seen on endoscopy. Forty-one (9.2%) patients had   reflux may range from 0% to 44% .
           dysphagia and required some type of intervention to
           improve this condition: 37 had experienced clinical   The type of anti-reflux procedure varies according to
           improvement with endoscopic dilation and 4 required   the circumferential extension of the fundoplication. The
           reinterventions; 1 case of dysphagia being considered   most frequently used are the 180  anterior (Dor), 270
           due to gastric migration and the other 3 due to    (Toupet) and 360  (Nissen). Despite the good control
           myotomy fibrosis. We can see the dispersion of cases   of reflux, the Nissen technique and its modifications
           of dysphagia by time [Figure 4].                   are associated with a higher incidence of postoperative
                                                              dysphagia (up to 75%) and therefore it is not
           The odds ratio was calculated and a chi-square test   recommended for patients submitted to myotomy [8-10] .
           conducted to determine the presence of erosive     The choice of the best fundoplication post myotomy
           esophagitis in relation to the degree of dilatation,   is still controversial. The Dor repair uses 2 lines of
           etiology, and valve migration [Table 1]. The same was   suture anchored in both borders of the myotomy.
           done for the presence of dysphagia in relation to the   The coverage of the exposed submucosa in the
           degree of dilatation and migration of the wrap [Table 2]   myotomy with the Dor fundoplication allegedly has the
           and finally to the presence of migration in relation to   advantage of blocking an eventual perforation of the
           the degree of dilatation [Table 3].                myotomy. On the other hand, the Toupet fundoplication
                                                              theoretically distances the edges of the myotomy,
           It can be observed that when the fundoplication    decreasing the risk of dysphagia recurrence [2,11,12] . The
           migrated there was a higher risk of developing erosive   fundoplication performed in our procedure has some
           esophagitis (P = 0.047) and dysphagia (P < 0.001).   advantages of both. It covers the exposed submucosa
           There was no higher risk of migration when the     because the gastric fundus is fixed at both edges of
           esophagus was more dilated.                        the myotomy and keeps contact to the anterior face.

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