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Bellows et al.                                                                                                                                                             Laparoscopic training for surgical residents

           INTRODUCTION                                       hospital environment, has not been fully investigated.
                                                              As medical educators and mentors, the  best
           To maximize the benefit of time in the operating room,   methods of teaching laparoscopic skills and the most
           laparoscopic skills training outside the operating room   efficacious learning environment where trainees feel
           has become the gold standard for educating surgical   motivated and allocate a high priority to practice needs
           residents. It is well documented that residents benefit   to be the standard for resident education. Clearly,
           from this form of training and can lead to improved   laparoscopic training should not be considered after
           operative performance. In fact, training is an integral   exhaustion from work-related activities. In fact, there
           and essential component of a trainee’s job. However,   is evidence to suggest that motor training during
           there is no consensus regarding the optimal method   periods of exhaustion can deteriorate and may create
           or learning  environment  for teaching  laparoscopic   an environment that promotes poor technique.  This
           skills in order to  maximize trainees’  education while   is  precisely  why  home  training  may  be  beneficial.  It
           maintaining  an  equitable and  sustainable work-life   would  be  portable,  accessible,  convenient,  flexible
           balance. Recently, several studies have suggested that   and inexpensive once initiated. Indeed, trainees could
           mandatory, proctored, proficiency-based goal-directed   practice the laparoscopic skills at their preferred
           training is the best method for training. [1-3]  However, this   time, for example when are well-rested and away
           approach is not without disadvantages. For example,   from work stressors, and not at a time that fits others’
           this  type  of  training  requires  a  significant  amount  of   schedules.  Therefore,  we  hypothesized  that  an  at-
           practice time per trainee in a workplace environment   home  independent,  proficiency-based  laparoscopy
           where shortened work hours are being mandated. [4-6]    training method using a low-cost device will improve
           This laborious process of proctored, on-site training   the laparoscopic skills of novice trainees and that this
           programs is time consuming and significantly impinges   training  method-environment  combination  would  be
           on the residents’ pre-existing didactic requirements,   equivalent to traditional, independent hospital-based,
           patient  care responsibilities,  and  overall  operative   laparoscopic training.  The primary endpoint of the
           experience. [7-9]  In fact, duty-hour limitations  have  led   study was to compare trainee performance before and
           to a significant re-evaluation of the traditional surgical   after at home practice training.
           education paradigm, with emphasis on increased
           efficiency  of  educational  efforts.  Accordingly,  a   METHODS
           disadvantage of these on-site training facilities is that
           they are often not readily accessible to the resident.   Participants
           Unless dedicated training time is made mandatory for
           residents, few residents independently take advantage   Novice laparoscopists [First and Second Post Graduate
           of these costly facilities during their already busy   Year (PGY-1 and 2) general surgery residents, (n = 8)
           week.  If educators seek to facilitate laparoscopic   and medical students (n = 9), at any year of training]
           learning,  they should  provide  the trainees with the   were recruited into the study through word of mouth at
           opportunities for extracurricular practice.  Finally, there   Tulane  University  Medical  Center.  Prior  to  beginning
           is also an economical aspect to consider as the use of   training, all participants completed a  questionnaire
           surgical educators can be costly, time consuming, and   assessing demographics  and previous exposure
           difficult to achieve for smaller institutions.     to  laparoscopy.  The  Tulane  University Institutional
                                                              Review Board  approved this  study,  and all subjects
           An independent learning approach where trainees are   gave informed consent prior to participation.
           given self-study resources (i.e. video/didactic tutorials)
           as well as unlimited access to the on-site training   Apparatus
           facility and encouraged to practice at their own pace   The  Minimally  Invasive  Surgical  Trainer  (Joystick
           is one alternative strategy.  The advantages of such   SimScope™; 3D Med, Franklin, Ohio) was used in this
           self-directed training method are reduced instructor   study for the home training device. This training device
           time  and  simplified  scheduling.  Moreover,  several   is a self-contained, lightweight (15 lbs), and portable
           studies  have  shown  that  learning  can  be  facilitated   box equipped with a camera and 10 inch LCD color
           if  learners  are  able  to  self-direct  their  own  training   monitor,  which  offered good  visual resolution,  and
           experience. [11-13]  However, in the United States, the   optics with all the close-up and rotation options. The
           training time on-site within the workplace environment   trainer  is  also  equipped  with  seven  ports  fitted  with
           is counted toward the already restricted resident duty   grommets designed to hold an instrument or a trocar.
           hours. A hybrid approach that employs an independent   Tasks were carried out with the monitor at eye level and
           learning  approach    using   at-home,   portable  the laparoscopic  instruments at a standard surgical
           laparoscopic trainer outside the time constraints of the   height between the monitor and the participant.
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