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Del Grande et al. Myotomy in end stage achalasia
Esophageal dilatation is more frequent in Chagas’
disease esophagopathy compared to idiopathic
achalasia with esophageal diameter over 10 cm found
from 10% to 37% of the cases . This observation
may explain the lack of international literature on the
treatment for massive dilated esophagi. Moreover,
end-stage achalasia is defined by esophageal
dilatation superior to 10 cm in Brazil, thus esophagi
between 6-10 cm will not be defined as advanced in
the Brazilian series and will probably undergo a LHM.
Esophageal resection is the procedure historically
established for end-stage achalasia in Latin
America as well as globally [11,23-27] . The number of
esophagectomies for the treatment of achalasia has
been decreasing after the 1990s [28] in favor of less
invasive methods since esophagectomy is associated
with significant complications and mortality [29] .
Moreover, surgical risk is directly linked to the degree of
esophageal dilatation [30] . Minimally invasive techniques
decreased morbidity although they are still especially
considering achalasia is a benign disease [31] . Other
Figure 1: Massive dilated megaesophagus in a patient with conservative surgical techniques were tried to minimize
Chagas’s disease esophagopathy
complications, such as cardioplasty + gastrectomy
(Holt and Large procedure, known in Brazil as Serra-
with marked esophageal dilatation or sigmoid-shaped Dória operation [32-34] ), esophageal mucosectomy and
esophagus the ideal surgical procedure is debatable . endomuscular gastric tube reconstruction [35] and
Esophagectomy is believed by several authors to be laparoscopic cardioplasty [36,37] . Long term results for
the operation of choice in these cases [11] . However, these procedures in a significant number of patients
others advocate for less invasive alternatives . are lacking.
This review discusses the role of LHM as the preferred Few series evaluated the results of LHM for the
treatment for achalasia irrespective of the degree of treatment of end-stage achalasia [Table 1]. Some
esophageal dilatation. advocate LHM as the primary option for advanced
diseases based on the idea that an esophagectomy
LAPAROSCOPIC HELLER’S MYOTOMY could be avoided. Others believe that a massive
ROLE IN NON-ADVANCED ACHALASIA and tortuous esophagus does not empty well if only
the obstacle at the esophagogastric junction is
LHM was described in the early 1990s [12,13] and alleviated [45-47] and found worse results for LHM when
since became a wildly accepted procedure for non- the esophagus is dilated [48,49] .
advanced achalasia [14] . Forceful pneumatic dilatation
of the cardia is also a widespread primary therapy [15] There are no prospective comparative studies
but recent meta-analyses showed inferior results to comparing LHM with other techniques for end-
dilatation as compared to LHM [10,16] . Indeed, a shift to stage achalasia. Some authors show similar
LHM to endoscopic dilatation has occurred [17] . LHM is outcomes (complications and dysphagia control)
associated to low rates of complications, null mortality, for LHM irrespective of the degree of esophageal
and excellent and long-lasting outcomes superior to dilatation [9,38,42,45] . In general, excellent results may be
90% of dysphagia relief in most series [18-20] . LHM is obtained from 54-100% of the cases, with an average
still the gold-standard treatment for non-advanced of almost 80% [Table 1].
achalasia that must be used to compare the outcomes
of other treatments such as the newly developed LHM is not more demanding in patients with massive
peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) [21,22] . dilated esophagus [38] . A careful dissection of the
122 Mini-invasive Surgery ¦ Volume 1 ¦ September 30