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Del Grande et al.                                                                                                                                                                         Myotomy in end stage achalasia

           Table 1: Results for laparoscopic Heller’s myotomy in patients with end-stage achalasia
                                                   Follow-up                       Good and excellent results for
           Author                         n                        Mortality (%)
                                                    (months)                           dysphagia relieve (%)
           Patti et al.  1999            19           NR               0                      91.5
           Herbella et al.  1999         12           40               0                      97.6
           Faccani et al.  2007          33           89               0                      69.7
           Mineo and Pompeo  2004        14           85               0                       72
           Gaissert et al.  2006         12           154              0                       54
           Schuchert et al.  2008        22           31.6             0                      NR
           Sweet et al.  2008            12           45               0                       91
           Scott et al.  2009             4           NR               0                      100
           Shuchert et al.  2009         24           30.5             0                      62.5
           Pantanali et al.  2013        11           31.5             0                      72.8
           Average                       16           83               0                      79.3
           NR: not reported
           mediastinal esophagus allows a straightening of  the   Conflicts of interest
           axis of the organ facilitating esophageal emptying [42,44] .  There are no conflicts of interest.
           Finally,  LHM does not  preclude a subsequent      Patient consent
           reoperation with a different technique. Recurrent   Not applicable.
           dysphagia after LHM may be treated by endoscopic
           dilatation [50] , POEM [50,51] , redo LHM [50] , cardioplasty with   Ethics approval
           or without gastrectomy [33,34,36] , or esophagectomy [10,50] .
           If a bigger operation is needed, the patient would need   Not applicable.
           a better overall clinical and nutritional status.
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