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Bellows et al.                                                                                                                                                             Laparoscopic training for surgical residents

           directed laparoscopic training experience using low-  period of  the pre-test scoring.  Indeed, video-based
           cost portable training devices to improve laparoscopic   instruction  has  been  shown  to  be  efficacious  in  the
           procedural skills with the home environment has not   development of  laparoscopic  skills. [26,27]   It  has been
           been  investigated.  We  used  a  proficiency-based,   recently demonstrated that under prescribed practice
           self-directed training approach both within the home   conditions, video based instruction is equally effective
           and workplace environment. Both groups were        as faculty instruction in teaching basic surgical skills to
           instructed to practice at their discretion to achieve   novice trainees. [23,24,28]
           expert proficiency on each task with no ramifications
           if they did  not succeed. We believed this would be   Supervised practice-feedback is believed to be
           successful based on the observation that surgical   another  foundation  of  effective  learning. Feedback
           trainees and those interested in surgery are highly   and formative assessment refer to information about
           motivated  to  learn  the  required  skills  and  invest   performance that is intended to guide learning. The
           the  necessary  time.  In  addition,  there  seems  to  be   purpose of giving feedback is to encourage learners

           natural selection within the surgical population itself.   to think about their performance and how they might

           Trainee motivation is essential for learning because   improve. However,  feedback  in  practice  is  often
           it  promotes  deliberate  practice  and  persistent   vague and evaluative (e.g. “good suturing”). [29]  While
           efforts  to  improve  objective  performance. [20]   Without   direct intensive practice feedback was not given in
           motivated learners, any educational efforts will have   our study, the use of pre-set task-specific proficiency
           limited achievements and the skills laboratories   criteria to guide practice was utilized.  This has
           will be attended infrequently. At the end of the day,   been shown to give the informative feedback and
           our method was met with mixed results. First of all,   opportunity for error correction vital for deliberative
           the self-directed training approach did enhance the   practice and can improve laparoscopic training.
           novices’ laparoscopic skills in both groups. But, we   This  may  be  another  reason  for  the  observed  skill
           also observed that few subjects attended the on-   improvements in both groups.
           site skill laboratory during their independent training
           period.  More  surprising,  was  the  observation  that   Our study has several limitations and must be viewed
           when subjects were given the training device to use at   cautiously as they may not apply for other simulators
           home, they still did not find the time to frequently train   or other subjects with different motivation, interests,
           independently. Interestingly, on average, the home   and backgrounds. If all of our subjects were surgical
           trainees found only about 1-2 h to practice within a   residents that were required to achieve proficiency
           three-month period of time and 44% never practiced   prior to being allowed into the operating room,
           once during this period. These results demonstrated   we believe that nearly 100% would attain the pre-
           that  one  of  the  most  important  factors  in  getting   defined  proficiency  levels  as  opposed  to  the  6%
           trainees to practice and hone their laparoscopic skills   noted  in  the  current  study. [30]   Another  limitation  of
           was providing them with enough free time during their   our study was that we assumed that the participants
           work week not changing their learning environment.   knew how to self-direct their learning. Perhaps
           This ultimately disproved our original hypothesis that   with more oversight, including feedback and good
           moving practice opportunities out of the busy and   practice reinforcement, the path to greater task
           stressful  clinical  environment  to  “free  time”  would   improvements would have been identified. Another
           be  beneficial.  Thus  the  hard,  but  unavoidable  truth   limitation was that the number of participants in our
           appears to be that there are barriers to practice in   study was small. Interestingly, for both tasks the
           both settings that need to be better understood.   greater improvements were with the on-site training
                                                              -  although  statistical  significance  between  the  two
           The fact  that  the groups demonstrated improvement   groups could not be demonstrated this may be a
           despite low recorded practice rates during the training   function of small numbers.  A larger cohort might
           period may indicate that this is due to random effects,   result in statistically significant differences between
           rather than due to the amount of deliberate practice.   the two groups. A further limitation of this study is
           However,  there are many different  components for   it  did not  attempt  to correlate improvement in  task
           procedural  skills learning  besides the time spent   performance with improved performance in live
           practicing  on  physical  simulator  with  specific  tasks   human operations. Despite these limitations, this
           such as utilizing didactic, and video-based instruction,   study has provided the foundation for additional
           reflection  and  supervised  practice  with  feedback   assessment of the home trainer as a means of
           and formative assessment. [21-25]  In our study,  all   improving operative performance.
           subjects most likely received learning from the video-
           based instruction  and during  the practice for the   Essentially,  our  investigation  is  a  feasibility study
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