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Basso et al.                                                                                                                                                                            Mini-invasive distal pancreatectomy

           tumours of the left pancreas. Several retrospective   lithotomic position, with the operator placed between
           studies confirmed laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy   the patient’s  legs.  The operation was performed
           (LDP) as a feasible  and safe technique,  even if no   through  four ports: umbilical, subxyphoid,  and  both
           randomized controlled trials (RCTs)  comparing open   subcostal positions in the mid-clavicular line so as to
           distal pancreatectomy (ODP) and LDP are available.   avoid trauma to the epigastric vessels [Figure 1]. The
           Furthermore, it has been argued that costs for reduced   devices included a harmonic scalpel (Harmonic ACE ,
           hospital length of stay (LoS) are counterbalanced by   Ethicon EndoSurgery,  Cincinnati, OH,  USA) used
           the increased operative costs of LDP. [7]          for dissection. Intraoperative ultrasound  was used if
                                                              needed to localize the tumour. In cases without splenic
           The purpose of our study was to evaluate the safety   preservation, a vascular stapler was used to divide
           of our standardized minimally invasive technique and   the splenic vein and two Hem-o-lok  (Teleflex Medical
           assess if LDP is a cost-effective procedure compared   Europe  Ltd., IDA Business  and  Technology  Park,
           to ODP.                                            Athlone, Ireland) clips were applied  on the splenic
                                                              artery. Division of the pancreas was performed using
           METHODS                                            a stapler. The specimen was placed in an Endopouch
                                                              Retrieval Bag  (Ethicon EndoSurgery, Cincinnati, OH,
           Study design and population                        USA) and removed through  a slightly  enlarged  peri-
           The medical records of all patients treated for left-  umbilical  incision  or a Pfannenstiel  incision  for large
           sided  pancreatic  lesions  (with or without splenic   specimens.
           preservation),  between  April 2013 and March 2015,
           at  the  Department  of  Oncologic Surgery at  the   For the open approach, patients were placed in the
           Humanitas Gavazzeni Institute  of  Bergamo (Italy),   supine position and a left subcostal incision was used.
           were retrospectively analysed. Patients with both   The additional cost for the use of Harmonic Focus
           benign  and malignant  lesions were included  in the   + Long Shears  (Ethicon EndoSurgery, Cincinnati,
           study. Cases with insufficient data for analysis or that   OH, USA) was calculated. The pancreatic stump was
           entailed  simple tumour enucleation  were excluded,   treated with a stapler, similarly to the laparoscopic
           as  were those in which additional  organ resections   approach.
           were performed during the same operation. All cases
           were discussed in a multidisciplinary  gastrointestinal   A close suction drain was placed in all cases and
           tumour board prior to  surgery.  Demographics  and
           intraoperative  and  postoperative data were  recorded
           in an ad hoc database.

           The  American Society of  Anaesthesiologists  (ASA)
           score was reported,  and body mass index (BMI) was
           calculated for each patient. Intraoperative blood loss,
           operative time, hospital LoS, postoperative morbidity,
           perioperative mortality (within 30 days from surgery),
           and 30-day readmission rates  were also recorded.
           The level of pain reported was recorded three times
           per day on postoperative days 1  and 2,  using the
           standard  visual analogic  scale  (VAS).  The presence
           of  a  postoperative  pancreatic  fistula  was  assessed
           according to  the  2005 International Study  Group on
           Pancreatic Fistula (ISGPF) criteria.  Analysis of costs
           included the expenses for the hospital stay, operative
           time and equipment  (surgical  staplers and energy
           devices), pharmaceutical treatment, nursing, and
           laboratory and pathology fees. No post-discharge care
           or home-nursing costs were included.

           Surgical technique
           All pancreatic resections were performed by        Figure 1: Position of trocar sites. (1) 10/12 mm umbilicus; (2)
                                                              10/12 mm left anterior axillary line between the costal margin and
           experienced   surgeons   using   a   standardized  the iliac crest; (3) 5 mm subxiphoid area; (4) 5 mm lateral right
           technique.  The LDP patients were placed  in the   rectus sheath under the right costal margin
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