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Page 12 of 18         Thinagaran et al. Mini-invasive Surg 2021;5:46

               Table 1. Functional outcomes
                                                                                             Duration of
                                                 No. of male  Nerve
                Ref.           Year Type of study                  Continence   Sexual function follow-up
                                                 patients  sparing                           (months)
                Balbay et al. [21]  2020 Case series  18   77.78%  DT - 76.92%   Baseline decrease  47.3
                                                                   NT - 53.85%  by 15 points
                Gok et al. [22]  2019 Retrospective   92   90.8%   DT - 65%     Baseline decrease  27.1
                                    analysis                       NT - 42%     by 24 points
                Liu et al. [23]  2019 Case series  12      100%    ND           S = 41.7%    12
                                                                                I = 25%
                                                                                N = 33.3%
                Zarranz et al.  2019 Case series - CA  46  67.39%  ND           S = 91% of NS  24
                Kwon et al.    2018 Retrospective   40     37.5%   ND           40%          12
                                    cohort - CA
                Palou et al.   2017 Case report - CA  1    100%    100%         IIEF 17      7
                Asimakopoulos et al. [17]  2016 Case series  40  100%  DT - 75%   77.5%      26.5
                                                                   NT - 72.5%
                Nyame et al. [26]  2016 Case series  3     100%    100%         100%         28.2
                Colombo et al.  2015 Retrospective   90    100%    DT - 88.8%   65%          58
                                    analysis                       NT - 84.4%
                Jacobs et al.  2015 Randomised   40        100%    Baseline decrease by  Baseline decrease  38
                                    controlled trial               20 ± 31 points  by 12 ± 20 points
                Schwentner et al. [29]  2015 Retrospective   50  92%  DT - 88%   54% overall  30.3
                                    analysis                       NT - 55.1% overall
                Haberman et al. [27]  2014 Retrospective   254  11.42%  ND      S - 45%      32.9
                                    analysis                                    I - 21%
                                                                                N - 34%
                Menon et al.   2003 Case series - CA  2    100%    ND           I = 100%     2.8
                                                                                IIEF score of 9&10
                Krishnan et al.  2014 Case series  3       100%    100%         100%         ND
                Tyritzis et al.  2013 Retrospective   62   66.13%  DT - 88.2%   84.37%       12
                                    analysis                       NT - 73.5%
                Rey et al.     2013 Case report - CA   1   100%    100%         100%         24
                Boc et al. [32]  2013 Case series - CA  2  100%    ND           100%         6
                Canda et al.   2012 Case series  25        92%     DT - 73.3%   ND           6.3
                                                                   NT - 46.7%
                Jonsson et al.  2011  Prospective   36     55%     DT - 83%     75%          25
                                    nonrandomised                  NT - 66%
                Akbulut et al.  2011  Case series  12      91.67%  DT - 54.5%   9%           7.1
                                                                   NT - ND
                Ong et al.     2010 Case series  31        100%    DT - 93%     79%          18
                                                                   NT - 66%
                Palou et al.   2010 Case series  12        100%    DT - 90.9%   90.9%        16.5
                                                                   NT - 72.72%
                Murphy et al.  2008 Case series  23        20%     DT - 100%    75%          17
                                                                   NT - 75%
                Mottrie et al. [37]  2007 Case series  27  25.9%   86%          86%          10.2
                Kessler et al.  2004 Retrospective   331   77.34%  DT - 96%     35.93%       24
                                    analysis                       NT - 88%
               CA: Conference abstract; ND: not described; DT: day time; NT: night time; S: satisfactory: I: insufficient; N: no erection; NS: nerve sparing.
               outcome were excluded. When there was no mention about any sparing of the neurovascular bundles
               (NVBs), the procedure was taken a non-nerve-sparing procedure and thus also excluded along with the
               procedures performed without robotic assistance. A total number of 25 relevant publications were selected
               investigating male NS RARC, assessing functional outcomes with respect to potency and urinary continence
               along with other surgical standard indicators.
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103