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Thinagaran et al. Mini-invasive Surg 2021;5:46 Page 11 of 18
Figure 15. Transection of the posterior urethral wall.
Figure 16. Cysto-prostatectomy specimen.
transurethral resection of prostate and prostate biopsies to rule out prostate cancer, followed by RARC with
preservation of prostate capsule, vasa and SVs with the trizonal pelvic plexus remaining intact [15,18] . In a
prospective randomised controlled trial, no significant difference in functional outcomes was seen between
this approach and the commoner NS approach above . For the SV sparing technique, the prostatectomy
part of the cysto-prostatectomy is down by retrograde intrafascial dissection sparing the vasa, SVs and once
again, the trizonal architecture of the pelvic plexus. This technique was undertaken by some of the series
presented in Table 1, with satisfactory outcomes [18,20] , but more study is required to determine whether this
technique is superior to the more standard approach.
RESULTS (SEE Appendix 1, Tables 1 AND 2)
An EMBASE database search was done with key words of robotic, cystectomy, male and nerve sparing,
which included journal articles, abstract publications or conference abstracts, available in English or
translated to English. Previous review articles were also checked as sources of original work not otherwise
found on initial search. Duplications and publications with no description of post-operative functional