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Kim et al.                                                                                                                                                     Common diseases mimicking lumbar disc herniation

           Figure 1: The superior cluneal nerve (arrows) consists of 4-6   Figure 2: The location of the gluteus medius muscle (GMeM) (**)
           nerves; it runs around the paraspinal muscle and penetrates the   and piriformis muscle (*). The GMeM (**) is located in the buttock
           thoraco-lumbar fascia near the iliac crest before it arrives at the   over the gluteus minimus and partially under the gluteus maximus
           buttock. The middle cluneal nerve is identified by arrowheads  muscle; it is covered by a tight gluteal aponeurosis. The piriformis
                                                              muscle (*) connects the sacrum and greater trochanter. Loading of
           of  SCN-entrapment neuropathy  (EN)  remain poorly   this muscle results in buttock pain and affects the adjacent sciatic
                                                              nerve (arrow)
           understood. LBP occurs when the SCN is entrapped
           where  it penetrates the thoraco-lumbar  fascia. LBP   SCN-EN can be treated by less invasive procedures
           attributable to  SCN-EN involves the iliac crest and   such as  local SCN block and SCN neurolysis under
           buttocks and can be misdiagnosed  as a lumbar      local anesthesia. We usually perform peripheral nerve
           disorder.  The reported  incidence  of SCN-EN  ranges   surgery  under  local  anesthesia  without  nerve  block
           1.6-14%. [1,2]                                     using  no special  techniques  because  we want to
                                                              observe symptom changes and monitor the affected
           The most common symptom of SCN-EN is LBP around    nerve  during  surgery.  Approximately  28-100%  of
           the iliac crest. It is exacerbated by lumbar movements   patients with SCN-EN respond to SCN-EN blocking. [1,2,7]
           involving flexion, extension, bending, rotation, standing,   In some instances, SCN block is useful for treating
           and walking. It can produce intermittent claudication,   refractory severe LBP. If only transient pain amelioration
           with  50% of patients reporting leg  symptoms. [1,3]  As   is achieved, SCN blockage can be repeated. When
           these symptoms are similar to those of lumbar disease,   SCN-EN cannot be controlled by observation therapy
           their differentiation is important for treatment planning.  including SCN blocks, it can be treated by less invasive
                                                              SCN neurolysis under local anesthesia. [9-11]
           The pathogenesis of SCN-EN remains unknown. It is
           seen in patients with vertebral compression fractures,   Gluteus medius muscle pain
           LDH, lumbar spinal canal stenosis, FBSS,  and
           Parkinson’s disease. [1,3-6]  As it is also encountered in the   Definition and symptoms
           elderly, soldiers, and athletes, age-related spondylotic   The gluteus medius muscle (GMeM) is located in the
           changes, sports-related activities, high body training,   buttock over the gluteus minimus and partially under
           and trunk rotation may be related to the manifestation   the gluteus maximus muscle; it is covered by a tight
           of SCN-EN. [1,5-8]                                 gluteal aponeurosis [Figure 2]. The GMeM supports the
                                                              pelvis and femur when standing on one leg, walking,
           Diagnosis and treatment                            and running. GMeM pain results in buttock pain. [6,12]  It
           The  SCN  is  thin  and  difficult  to  identify  through  the   is elicited by walking, prolonged sitting, standing, and
           skin  surface.  As  SCN-EN  cannot  be  identified  with   standing on one leg. Lateral and posterior femoral pain
           radiological  and electrophysiological  studies, its   is reported by 80% of patients. [12]  The symptoms are
           diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms. [2,9]  When we   similar to those of lumbar disease, and differentiation
           suspect SCN-EN because patients report LBP involving   of GMeM from LBP is important for treatment planning.
           the iliac crest and buttocks, we identify the trigger point   Given its size, the GMeM generates an exceptionally
           that elicits radiating pain over the posterior iliac crest   large force,  and this background  may be related to
           located approximately 7 cm from the midline where the   GMeM pain severity. [13]  The GMeM plays a significant
           SCN penetrates the thoraco-lumbar fascia to confirm   role in chronic LBP. [14-16]
           entrapment.  The trigger point has been localized
           in earlier reports and is not affected by patient age,   Diagnosis and treatment
           height, gender, or race. When SCN block successfully   GMeM  pain  cannot  be  identified  radiologically,  so
           decreases pain, we make a diagnosis of SCN-EN.     its diagnosis relies on clinical symptoms. [6,12]  In our
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