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Kim et al.                                                                                                                                                     Common diseases mimicking lumbar disc herniation

                                                                              Figure 5: The course and entrapment point
                                                                              (arrowhead) of the lateral femoral cutaneous
                                                                              nerve (arrow). This sensory nerve branches
                                                                              off the L2 and L3 nerve roots, merges,
                                                                              passes through the inguinal ligament inside
                                                                              the superior iliac spine, and then distributes
                                                                              subcutaneously through the femoral fascia
                                                                              (*). From Clinical diagnosis for low back
                                                                              pain by palpation (2015), Isu T & Kim K,
                                                                              CHUGAIIGAKU. CO., LTD

           Figure 4: Piriformis muscle stretching
                                                              pain relief than intra-articular SIJ  injection. [24,27,28,34]
           SIJ-related structures such as the joint capsule and the   Injecting a local anesthetic into the posterior ligament
           posterior ligament.                                can also relieve SIJ pain.  While  intra-articular  SIJ
                                                              injection is not recommended as a definitive diagnostic
           SIJ pain is commonly perceived in the gluteal region; it   tool for pelvic girdle pain, it can be combined with the
           can be referred to the lower limbs and groin region, and   injection  of a local  anesthetic into the extra-articular
           is similar to symptoms due to lumbar diseases. [24-26]  The   SIJ ligaments to alleviate pain. [34,35]  SIJ denervation or
           pain area tends to be located around or within 2 cm   fixation is a treatment option in non-responders.
           of the posterosuperior  iliac  spine  (PSIS). SIJ pain
           should be considered in patients reporting lowerback   PERIPHERAL NERVE DISEASES
           and buttock pain. [24,27]  Approximately 50% of patients
           with SIJ pain  experience  groin pain, [24,28,29]  which  is   Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve EN
           exacerbated by sitting on a backless chair. [24]   Definition and symptoms
                                                              The  lateral  femoral  cutaneous  nerve  (LFCN)  is  a
           While SIJ pain may occur alone, 39% of patients also   sensory nerve that branches off the L2 and L3 nerve
           manifested LDH and LSS. [30]  It has been reported after   roots, merges, passes through the inguinal ligament
           lumbar fusion and lumbar decompression surgery. [31-33]    inside the superior iliac spine, and is then distributed
           In patients with lumbogluteal  and/or lower  extremity   subcutaneously through the femoral fascia [Figure 5].
           pain and a high SIJ-related score, [24]  SIJ pain should   The incidence of LFCN-EN is 33-43 individuals  per
           be considered even in the absence of lumbar disease   100,000;  the site where  the nerve  penetrates  the
           or prior lumbar surgery.                           inguinal ligament is often involved. [36,37]

           Diagnosis and treatment                            Obesity,   pregnancy,   compression    by   tight
           As  it  is  difficult  to  identify  SIJ  pain  radiologically,  its   undergarments and corsets, lower abdominal surgery,
           diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms and the effect   autogenous  iliac bone, and nerve compression  due
           of SIJ block. Kurosawa et al. [24]  proposed a score for   to posterior spinal surgery in the prone position have
           diagnosing SIJ pain to distinguish it from pain elicited by   been reported to be implicated; 77% of LFCN-EN is
           other lumbar diseases [Table 1]. Their scoring system   idiopathic. [36-38]  Diabetes and alcoholism are metabolic
           includes six items and is useful for both diagnosing and   risk  factors  for  LFCN-EN, which can be  unilateral
           understanding SIJ pain. Patients often point to an area   or bilateral. [38-40]   The symptoms are pain, abnormal
           within 2 cm around the PSIS as the most painful area   perception, numbness, and a burning sensation in the
           when instructed to identify the affected area with one                            [24]
           finger (one-finger test). The SIJ shear test is the most   Table 1: Sacroiliac joint pain scoring
           useful provocation test. With the patient in the prone   Item                 Score      Odds ratio
           position, the examiner places a palm over the patient’s   1. One-finger test    3           25.9
           posterior iliac wing and thrusts  the  palm inferiorly to   2. Groin pain       2           14.5
           produce a shearing force across the SIJ.           3. Pain while sitting on achair  1       1.4
                                                              4. Sacroiliac joint shear test  1        1.8
           Besides  medication  and  rehabilitation,  conservative   5. PSIS tenderness    1           2.2
                                                              6. STL tenderness
           approaches include a pelvic belt and SIJ block. Blocking   Total score          9
           the posterior  ligament  and periarticular  region  of the   PSIS: posterosuperior iliac spine; STL: sacrotuberous ligament.
           SIJ under fluoroscopic guidance yielded more effective   Scores above 4 are considered high SIJ pain scores
            46                                                                                                           Mini-invasive Surgery ¦ Volume 1 ¦ June 30, 2017
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