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Donskov et al. J Transl Genet Genom 2021;5:136-62                                                                                Page 9

                              Table 1. Summary of the genetic/epigenetic associations of NTC genes to psychiatric disorders

                                                                                                                                                          Interacting NR coregulators                HRE gene
                                                             Gene    Gene
                              Family Gene name                                  GWAS      WES MWAS GWAS catalogue                                                                   GWAS             set
                                                             symbol synonym                                                                GWAS               WES           MWAS
                                                                                                                                                                                    catalogue        association
                              0B      Short heterodimeric    NR0B2   SHP                                                                   BBX (SZ), BRMS1    SIN3A (ASD)
                                      partner                                                                                              (BPD)
                              0B      Dosage-sensitive sex   NR0B1   DAX1                                                                                                                            SZ
                                      hypoplasia congenital
                                      critical region on the X
                                      chromosome, Gene 1

                              1A      Thyroid hormone        NR1A1   THRA                                                                  EP300              NCOA1         NCOR2  MGMT (anorexia  MDD
                                      receptor-α                                                                                           (CD/SZ/MDD),       (ASD)         (SZ)    nervosa), NCOR2
                                                                                                                                           NRIP1 (SZ)                               (cocaine
                                                                                                                                                                                    TBL1Y (ASD)

                              1A      Thyroid hormone        NR1A2   THRB                               SZ, MDD in trauma-unexposed        EP300              NCOA1         NCOR2  MGMT (anorexia
                                      receptor-β                                                        individuals, general cognitive ability,   (CD/SZ/MDD),   (ASD)      (SZ)    nervosa), NCOR2
                                                                                                        intelligence                       NRIP1 (SZ)                               (cocaine
                                                                                                                                                                                    TBL1Y (ASD)
                              1B      Retinoic acid receptor-α  NR1B1  RARA                                                                EP300              NCOA1         NCOR2  MGMT (anorexia
                                                                                                                                           (CD/SZ/MDD),       (ASD)         (SZ)    nervosa), NCOR2
                                                                                                                                           NRIP1 (SZ)                               (cocaine
                                                                                                                                                                                    TBL1Y (ASD)
                              1B      Retinoic acid receptor-β  NR1B2  RARB                             Oppositional defiant disorder      EP300              NCOA1         NCOR2  NCOR2 (cocaine    MDD
                                                                                                        dimensions in ADHD                 (CD/SZ/MDD),       (ASD)         (SZ)    dependence),
                                                                                                                                           NRIP1 (SZ)                               TBL1Y (ASD)

                              1B      Retinoic acid receptor-γ  NR1B3  RARG     SZ                      BPD or attention deficit hyperactivity   EP300        NCOA1         NCOR2  MGMT (anorexia
                                                                                                        disorder, personality traits in BPD  (CD/SZ/MDD),     (ASD)         (SZ)    nervosa), NCOR2
                                                                                                                                           NRIP1 (SZ)                               (cocaine
                                                                                                                                                                                    TBL1Y (ASD)
                              1C      Peroxisome proliferator-  NR1C1  PPARA                   SZ                                          EP300              NCOA1         NCOR2  NCOR2 (cocaine
                                      activated receptor-α                                                                                 (CD/SZ/MDD),       (ASD)         (SZ)    dependence),
                                                                                                                                           NRIP1 (SZ)                               TBL1Y (ASD)
                              1C      Peroxisome proliferator-  NR1C2  PPARD                   MDD      Response to antipsychotic treatment  EP300            NCOA1         NCOR2
                                      activated receptor-δ                                                                                 (CD/SZ/MDD),       (ASD)         (SZ)
                                                                                                                                           NRIP1 (SZ)

                              1C      Peroxisome proliferator-  NR1C3  PPARG                                                               EP300              CREBBP        NCOR2   MGMT (anorexia  ASD
                                      activated receptor-γ                                                                                 (CD/SZ/MDD),       (ASD),        (SZ)    nervosa), NCOR2
                                                                                                                                           NRIP1 (SZ)         NCOA1                 (cocaine
                                                                                                                                                              (ASD)                 dependence),
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