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Donskov et al. J Transl Genet Genom 2021;5:136-62                                                                               Page 11

                              2F      Chicken ovalbumin      NR2F1   COUP-TF1                                                              BCL11B (CD/SZ)     NCOA1
                                      upstream promoter-                                                                                                      (ASD)
                                      transcription factor-α
                              2F      Chicken ovalbumin      NR2F2   COUP-TF2                                                              BCL11B (CD/SZ)
                                      upstream promoter-
                              2F      V-Erb-A avian          NR2F6                                                                                            NCOA1
                                      erythroblastic leukemia                                                                                                 (ASD)
                                      viral oncogene homolog-
                                      like 2
                              3A      Estrogen receptor-β    ESR2               CD/MDD                  Educational attainment (years of   EP300              NCOA1         NCOR2                    CD
                                                                                                        education), depression             (CD/SZ/MDD)        (ASD)         (SZ)
                              3A      Estrogen receptor-α    ESR1                                       Educational attainment (years of   EP300              NCOA1         NCOR2                    MDD
                                                                                                        education), educational attainment   (CD/SZ/MDD),     (ASD)         (SZ)
                                                                                                        (MTAG), alcohol dependence,        SRA1 (SZ)
                                                                                                        developmental language disorder,
                              3B      Estrogen-related       ESRRB                                      ASD spectrum disorder, attention   EP300              NCOA1                 MGMT (anorexia
                                      receptor-β                                                        deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms  (CD/SZ/MDD),   (ASD)               nervosa)
                                                                                                        (maternal expressed emotions       NRIP1 (SZ)
                              3B      Estrogen-related       ESRRG                                      Major depression and alcohol       EP300              NCOA1
                                      receptor-γ                                                        dependence, alcohol consumption,   (CD/SZ/MDD), TLE1  (ASD)
                                                                                                        cognitive aspects of educational   (SZ), NRIP1 (SZ)
                                                                                                        attainment, cognitive performance,
                                                                                                        cognitive performance (MTAG),
                                                                                                        general cognitive ability, intelligence,
                                                                                                        intelligence (MTAG), major depressive
                                                                                                        disorder, adventurousness
                              3B      Estrogen-related       ESRRA                                                                         NRIP1 (SZ)         NCOA1                 MGMT (anorexia
                                      receptor-α                                                                                                              (ASD)                 nervosa), NCOR2
                                                                                                                                                                                    TBL1Y (ASD)
                              3C      Androgen receptor      AR                                                                            EP300              NCOA1         NCOR2
                                                                                                                                           (CD/SZ/MDD),       (ASD),        (SZ)
                                                                                                                                           KAT5 (SZ),         ARID1B
                                                                                                                                           SMARCD1 (SZ),      (ASD),
                                                                                                                                           BCL7A (SZ), NRIP1   SMARCC2
                                                                                                                                           (SZ)               (ASD)
                              3C      Mineralocorticoid      NR3C2   MR                   ASD           SZ, well-being spectrum (multivariate   EP300         NCOA1                 NCOR2 (cocaine
                                      receptor                                                          analysis), benign childhood epilepsy   (CD/SZ/MDD),   (ASD)                 dependence),
                                                                                                        with centro-temporal spikes        NRIP1 (SZ)                               TBL1Y (ASD)
                              3C      Glucocorticoid receptor  NR3C1  GR                                Night sleep phenotypes             EP300              NCOA1         NCOR2                    MDD
                                                                                                                                           (CD/SZ/MDD),       (ASD),        (SZ)
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