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Bhardwaj                                                                                                                                                                                       MicroRNAs in atopic dermatitis
           cells and Th1 cells predominate . The Th2 cytokines   and microbe invasion, release AMPs which in turn limit
           interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5 and IL-13 predominate in acute   penetration of microbes and allergens. Keratinocytes
           lesions, and in chronic lesions, there is increase of   from skin of patients with AD may not produce
           interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and IL-12 . There is a complex   enough AMPs to control Staphylococcus aureus and
           interaction between the keratinocytes and T cell   viral replication, predisposing these patients to S.
           subpopulations, and their respective cytokine milieu.   aureus and viral infections. The Th2, Th22 and TH17
           There are numerous T cells in the skin, approximately   cytokine pathways are associated with the acute
           10  memory T cells per square cm of body surface   lesions of AD . In patients with chronic disease,
           area. Keratinocytes in eczema skin produce high    there is intensification of these pathways along with
           levels of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) that   appearance of a significant Th1 component .
           signals dendritic cells to drive Th2 polarization .
           Th17 T cells are a subset of memory CD4  T cells   A recently described class of gene expression
           that produce IL-17A and IL-17F . Higher Th17 cell   regulators in inflammatory conditions is short single-
           count has been shown to be crucial to development   stranded RNA molecules termed microRNAs
           of initial Th2-related phase, while reduced levels   (miRNAs) [20] . MiRNAs, which are 19-25 nucleotides
           are seen in the chronic Th-1 mediated phase . IL-  in length, cause gene silencing through degradation
           17 is a proinflammatory cytokine highly expressed   of target RNAs or inhibition of translation. Since
           in acute AD, but barely detectable in chronic AD.   each miRNA can have hundreds of target genes,
           It has been described as a master regulator of     together miRNAs can affect expression of numerous
           antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) [10] . Low levels of IL-17   proteins [20] . It is estimated that miRNAs collectively
           in the chronic phase of AD correlate with higher risk of   influence  approximately  30%  of  genes [21] .  The
           cutaneous super infections [11] . Th22 cells have been   importance of miRNAs is evidenced by the fact that
           characterized recently as IL-22-producung T cells [12] .   deletion of Dicer enzyme, required for maturation of
           IL-22 which is the prototypical Th22 cytokine is highly   precursor miRNA is lethal in mice [22] . They have been
           expressed in AD. High levels of chemokine ligand   shown to be key regulators in early development,
           (CCL) 27 can be found in chronic AD lesions [13] . This   proliferation, stress response and apoptosis [23] . They
           chemokine has been shown to induce homing of Th22   have been implicated in the pathogenesis of cancer,
           cells in lesional AD skin. IL-22 is a member of the IL-  developmental abnormalities and cardiovascular
           10 cytokine family. It also induces AMP production,   diseases [24] . Not only does each miRNA target
           although less efficiently that IL-17. It is responsible for   hundreds of genes, the individual genes are targeted
           epidermal hyperplasia and downregulates filaggrin   by several miRNAs adding to the complexity of these
           expression [14] .                                  interactions. MiRNAs are, therefore, well positioned to
                                                              affect allergic inflammatory pathways. Their role has
           The “outside-in” hypothesis proposes that the defective   been investigated in asthma, eosinophilic esophagitis,
           barrier allows penetration of allergens and microbes   allergic rhinitis as well as atopic dermatitis. They have
           into the skin of patients with AD . At the opposite   been implicated in the morphogenesis of murine
           end of the debate, the inside-out hypothesis proposes   skin [25] . Murine disease models have shown the
           a polarized immune response being the cause of a   therapeutic effects of inhibition or overexpression of
           defective skin barrier . A strong association has been   miRNAs, thus making them potential therapeutic and
           established between loss-of-function mutations in skin   diagnostic candidates.
           barrier gene encoding filaggrin (FLG) and AD [15,16] . Up
           to a 40% of patients with AD have FLG mutations [17] .   The importance of miRNAs in skin development is
           The barrier defect in AD patients with FLG mutations   underscored by the fact that their global ablation
           promotes enhanced allergen penetration leading to   by targeting Dicer 1 prevents hair follicles from
           increased production of TSLP by keratinocytes. This   invaginating, disrupting the epidermal morphology [25,26] .
           in turn leads to a Th2-type milieu. In fact, TSLP has   MiR-203  has  been  identified  as  a  skin  and
           been called a “master switch for allergic inflammation”.   keratinocyte specific miRNA. Its expression is higher
           Aside from FLG, loss-of-function mutations in serine   in the suprabasal layers compared to the basal
           protease inhibitors (e.g. SPINK5) are associated   layer [26] . It can induce keratinocyte differentiation. Its
           with epidermal barrier dysfunction through increased   critical role in epidermal morphogenesis is supported
           Th1 responses   [18] . Innate pattern recognition   by the observation that overexpression in mice results
           receptors such as Toll-like receptors are expressed   in a thinner epidermis and decreased proliferation [27] .
           on keratinocytes and antigen-presenting cells in the   MiR-203 directly targets p63 which is critical to the
           skin [19] . The TLRs, when stimulated by tissue injury   development of epidermis [28] . p63 is an essential

             16                                                      Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics ¦ Volume 1 ¦ November 17, 2017
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