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Wang et al. J Mater Inf 2023;3:3       Page 11 of 15

               Table 4. Quantification results from STEM-EDX analysis of LSCF treated at 1,000 °C in Argon from the ROIs in Figure 7
                    ROI-7A         (% error)     ROI-7B         (% error)    ROI-7c          (% error)
                    (atomic %)                   (atomic %)                  (atomic %)
                O   59.57          0.29          66.28          0.21         51.14           0.43
                S   0.04           12.67         16.13          0.10         0.11            18.78
                Fe  19.88          0.08          0.18           2.97         3.91            0.61
                Co  1.90           0.29          0.06           7.56         41.41           0.10
                Sr  4.70           0.37          17.29          0.18         0.55            5.78
                La  13.90          0.04          0.06           3.85         2.88            0.44

                Figure 7. TEM characterization of a Sulfur-rich region of the LSCF surface after treatment in Argon at 1,000 °C. (A) Dark field STEM
                image of S-rich surface nanocrystals. White circle marks the location of the SAD aperture used to acquire a diffraction pattern of the
                nanocrystal, and the cyan box marks the location of the STEM EDS elemental map (C-I); (B) TEM diffraction pattern of nanocrystal; d-
                spacing values match those of SrSO  for  d , d , and d ; (C-H) STEM-EDX elemental maps for Sr, S, La, Fe, Co, and O, displayed as
                relative atomic composition for each element; (I) combined elemental map for atomic fractions of Sr, S, La, Co, and Fe. ROI-7A, ROI-
                7B, and ROI-7C mark the regions where atomic composition was quantified using the STEM-EDS data, shown in Table 4.
               To test the effect of Sr concentration on the sulfur poisoning phenomena of LSCF cathode materials, three
               commonly used compositions, LSCF-6428, LSCF-7328, and LSCF-8228, listed from highest to lowest Sr
               content, respectively, were chosen as candidates for investigation using simulations. The thresholds for the
               formation of SrSO  with these three candidates are plotted in Figure 8 as a function of P(SO ) and
               temperature, where Figure 8A is for treatment in dry air while Figure 8B is for treatment in Argon. The
               SrSO  stable region infers that the SrSO  phase is thermodynamically stable under given conditions, while
               the SrSO  free region suggests the chemical instability of the SrSO  phase. Consequently, the optimal
               operating condition for each composition would be in the SrSO  free region to prevent the formation of the
               detrimental  SrSO   secondary  phase.  The  threshold  diagrams  show  that  the  SrSO   phase  is
               thermodynamically more favorable at lower temperatures, higher P(SO ), higher P(O ), and for higher Sr
               composition electrodes. This agrees well with our experimental observations for LSCF-6428, shown in
               Figure 3. It also matches well with prior studies by Wang et al. [7,11] , where the formation of SrSO  was
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