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Figure 8. SrSO threshold diagrams in terms of the P(SO ) and temperatures for LSCF-6428 (red), LSCF-7328 (blue) and LSCF-8228
(green) under (A) dry air and (B) Argon.
Figure 9. SrSO threshold diagrams in terms of the P(SO ) and temperatures LSCF-6428 and LSM20 under air and argon conditions.
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observed in the presence of 1, 10, and 100 ppm SO but not in 0.1ppm SO , and where sulfur poisoning was
more pronounced at lower temperatures. In addition, Wang et al. investigated the effect of Sr
concentration on the sulfur poisoning of LSCF by mainly using LSCF-6428 and LSCF-8228. Their results
showed that the thickness of SrSO formed in LSCF-6428 was almost four times thicker than that in LSCF-
8228, which has the lower relative Sr composition of the two LSCF materials.
Under typical P(SO ) atmospheric conditions, the only sulfur-containing secondary phase observed to form
in LSCF cathodes is SrSO 4 [6-12,30,31] . It is widely accepted that the formation of SrSO is responsible for the
long-term degradation of the LSCF cathode materials . Based on the simulation results in Figure 8, the
threshold for SrSO formation in LSCF-6428 at 800 °C is around 10 atm in air and 10 atm under reducing
conditions. The typical (SO ) content in the ambient air is at the level of 10 atm, indicating that ambient
SO in the air is sufficient to drive long-term degradation of the LSCF-6428 cathode. Therefore, sulfur
poisoning results from accelerated testing, which is done at elevated SO levels, should mimic the natural
sulfur poisoning that occurs during cathode operation at standard testing conditions with atmospheric SO ,
as in both cases, there is excess SO . Thus, accelerated testing will not only reduce the total time for running
poisoning experiments but is also capable of reproducing the sulfur poisoning phenomena that occur in the
presence of ambient SO during standard testing conditions. In systems where the CALPHAD simulations