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Page 4 of 10                              Finzel et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2018;4:21  I

               A                                                      B

               Figure 1. Patient and variant categories. (A) Patient categories. Fully shared: patient having all the variants (1&2) detected in both the
               solid and liquid biopsies; partially shared: patient having different variants detected in the solid and/or liquid biopsies (4&5), and some
               variants that are shared (3); only in solid: patient having variants (6&7) only detected in the solid biopsy; only in liquid: patient having
               variants (8&9) detected only in the liquid biopsy; (B) Variant categories. Shared: variants that are detected in both the solid and liquid
               biopsy. These variants can be from “fully shared” patients or common variants from “partially shared” patients; solid: variants that are
               detected only in the solid biopsy. These can be from “only solid” patients or variants present only in tissue biopsy in “partially shared”
               patients; liquid: variants that are detected only in the liquid biopsy. These can be from “only liquid” patients or variants present only in
               blood in “partially shared” patients

               Clinical value of the detected aberrations
               To evaluate the impact of the variants on the function of the proteins and on clinical benefit, a literature
               search was performed to identify in vitro studies, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labels, guidelines
               and published retrospective and prospective clinical studies pertaining to genomic alterations in each gene
               and their association with functional impact on the protein and outcomes in cancer patients. Based on this
               research, variants were classified into four categories.

               For the purposes of this study, the data shown refer only to the 27 genes of the panel comprising the liquid
               biopsy part of OncoSTRAT&GO™ [Supplementary Table 3], which are also included in the solid biopsy panel.

               We analysed data from 351 patients who were molecularly characterized from May 2016 to November 2017
               using the OncoSTRAT&GO™ profiling solution, which combines the analysis by NGS of genetic variants in
               the solid and liquid (blood) biopsies.

               Different genetic information revealed in the solid vs. the liquid biopsy
               Patients with no variant detected in the tissue or the blood biopsy represented 11% of the total population
               and were excluded from further analysis. We classified the remaining patients (n = 313) into four categories
               according to the mutation discrepancies found between their solid and liquid biopsies [Figure 1A]. This
               analysis showed that 41% of the patients carried mutations that were detected only in the solid biopsy, while
               for 4% of the cases, variants were found only in the blood. On the other hand, 41% of samples had partially
               shared mutations, and only 14% of the samples fully shared the gene variants in both biopsies [Figure 2].
               These results suggest that in 86% of the patients, solid and liquid biopsies provide different information
               regarding genetic alterations.

               Since the category “partially shared” includes patients who share variants in the two biopsies, we further
               performed a classification at the variant level by grouping the mutations in three categories: shared, solid
               and liquid [Figure 1B]. This analysis indicated that in the majority of the cases (60%), tissue and blood
               biopsies analysis showed discrepant patterns: 51% of the variants were detected only in the solid biopsy, while
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