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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                                     Th17 activation by H. pylori and triglyceride

           associated  with  H.  pylori  infection  in  human  HC.   with IL-17A expression was established [Figure 3D].
           Indeed, higher levels of gastric GM-CSF were seen
           in H. pylori-positive vs. negative tumors [Figure 3A].   H. pylori induces tumor progression and
           Further, we observed that H. pylori-induced GM-CSF   RORγt expression
           expression was closely associated with enhanced IL-  In agreement with previous reports,  [28,29]  we
           17A expression [Figure 3B]. Our results suggest that   observed that  H. pylori infection was related to
           H. pylori infection may activate  Th17 responses as   tumor progression, as  H. pylori-associated tumors
           evidenced by the induced expression of IL-17A and   were usually more aggressive than the tumors from
           GM-CSF.                                            uninfected individuals. Tumors larger than 4 cm were
                                                              seen in 67% of H. pylori-infected patients but only in
           CXCL1  has  been  demonstrated  to  be  secreted  by   44% of uninfected patients [Figure 4A]. Consistently,
           inflamed  stomach  and  adipose  associated  with  H.   approximately 80%  H. pylori-associated tumors
           pylori  infection,   acting  as  a  potent  mobilizer  of   advanced to T3/T4 stages, whereas 69% of tumors of
           bone marrow-derived IMCs. Consistently, our present
           results  showed  that  the  expression  of  CXCL1  was
           significantly increased in H. pylori-positive vs. negative
           patients [Figure 3C], and a close correlation of CXCL1

           Table 1: The primers used in RT-qPCR
            Target gene          Primer sequence (5’ to 3’)
            IL-6                TTTCACCAGGCAAGTCTCCT
            IL-17A              ACCAGTATCTTCTCCAGCCG
            CXCL1               AGCCCCTTTGTTCTAAGCCA
            GM-CSF              CCCTCCTTGGCTGAACAGAG
            VacA                AATTCACAAATCTTCCCAAA
           RT-qPCR: reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain
           reaction; IL: interleukin; CXCL1: chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1;
           GM-CSF: granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor

           Table 2: Altered glycolipid metabolic factors and H.
           pylori infection
                          HP (+)      HP (-)      P value
              High          6           14         0.53
              Normal        9           13
              High          7           10         0.74
              Normal        8           17
              High          10          18         0.74
              Normal        5           7
              Low           1           3           1
              Normal        14          22
              High          7           8          0.32
              Normal        8           19
           The contingency was analyzed by using Chi-square testing.   Figure 2: H. pylori induced IL-6 and leptin expression. (A) The
           The cut-offs for diagnosis of metabolic abnormality were: GLU   levels  of  IL-6  expression  was  quantitated  by  RT-qPCR  and
           > 6.1 mmol/L, CHO > 5.7 mmol/L, LDL > 3.07 mmol/L, HDL <   compared between HP (+) and HP (-) GCs; (B) leptin was similarly
           0.9 mmol/L, TG > 1.7 mmol/L, according to clinical criteria. H.   assayed to determine the effects of H. pylori infection. ***P <
           pylori: Helicobacter pylori; GLU: glucose; CHO: cholesterol;   0.001, HP (+) vs. HP (-). H. pylori: Helicobacter pylori; GC: gastric
           LDL: low density lipoprotein; HDL: high density lipoprotein; TG:   cancer; IL: interleukin; RT-qPCR: reverse transcription quantitative
           triglyceride                                       polymerase chain reaction
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