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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                                     Th17 activation by H. pylori and triglyceride

           INTRODUCTION                                       expression. Interestingly, the local Th17-associated
                                                              gastric  inflammation  results  in  increased  IL-17A  in
           Gastric cancer (GC) is currently the third leading   blood  and  causes  adipose  inflammation  in  HFD-
           cause of cancer-related death worldwide due to the   fed obese mice. In turn, fat-derived IL-6 and leptin
           highly metastatic property and poor  prognosis. [1,2]    can promote gastric Th17 expansion, thus forming
           The overall 5-year survival rate of GC patients is   a  positive  loop  in  Th17  activation.  These  findings
           only between 15 to 35%.  Epidemiological studies   suggest that Th17 and IL-17A play a critical role in
           show that persistent  Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)   the synergy of Helicobacter infection and metabolic
           infection accounts for approximate 75% of confound   abnormalities in accelerating GC progression. In
           risk factors for GC. [4-6]  Understanding the underlying   present  study,  we  used  clinical  GC  specimens
           mechanism of GC development associated with  H.    to document  Th17-related cytokines and explore
           pylori infection will be important for developing novel   the  roles  of  H.  pylori  infection  and  lipid  metabolic
           therapeutic methods.                               disorders in GC development. Our results suggest
                                                              that  dysregulated  lipid  metabolism  may  synergize
           H. pylori, a gram-negative spiral-shaped pathogenic   with H. pylori to promote GC development.
           bacterium,  specifically  colonizes  and  induces
           damage to the gastric epithelium leading to chronic   METHODS
           gastritis,  ulcers  and  even  cancer. [2,7,8]   Considerable
           studies  have  demonstrated  that  a  mixed  response   Clinical specimens
           of  Th1  and  Th17  cells  plays  a  critical  role  in  H.   Forty-two GC specimens were randomly collected
           pylori-induced  inflammatory  gastric  diseases  and   from Fujian Provincial Cancer Hospital in China.
           cancer. [9,10]  The phenotypes of T helper subsets are   H. pylori infection was clinically diagnosed and
           determined by the local cytokine milieu and their   confirmed  with  the  expression  of  CagA,  VacA  or
           lineage-specific  transcription  factors. [11-13]   H.  pylori   [22,23]
           elicits  Th1  response  to  produce  interferon-γ  and   both.    The  patients  were also  divided  into  high
                                                              and normal lipid groups with a diagnostic cut-off of
           tumor necrosis factor-α causing chronic gastritis and                                  [24]
           ulcers. [9,13]  Th17 cells are also frequently recruited by   1.7 mmol/L of plasma triglyceride (TG).   All tumors
           H. pylori to the gastric mucosa, and are characterized   were histological diagnosed according to the World
           by expression  of  interleukin  (IL)-17A/F,  granulocyte-  Health  Organization  classification.  The  pathological
           macrophage colony-stimulating  factor  (GM-CSF),   TNM stage and clinical stages were also recorded. [25]
           IL-21, IL-22 and IL-23, and the transcription factor of   Extraction of RNA and quantitative real-time
           RORγt. [11,14]  While activation of Th17 cells contributes
           to  bacterial  eradication,  Th17-mediated  immune-  PCR
           response  can  be  detrimental  to  gastric  epithelium   Total RNA was extracted using Triazol kit (Invitrogen
           during gastritis. [9,14]  Th17 cells can be further activated   Company, USA) with slight modifications of protocol.
           in tumor microenvironment due to involvement of    The RNA was reverse transcribed using Hifair™ III
           IL-6  and  transforming  growth  factor-β. [16,17]  Although   1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Yesen Company,
           activation of Th17 cells might have antitumor activity   China).  The  cDNAs  were  then  used  in  quantitative
           by facilitating the recruitment of other effector immune   polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) quantitative
           cells,   Th17-derived IL-17A favors angiogenesis   analysis of IL-6, leptin, IL-17A, GM-CSF, CXCL1 and
           and  tumor  growth  through  inducing  IL-6  that  in  turn   RORγt mRNA expression levels in ABI 7500 system
           activates STAT3 signaling to promote tumor survival   (Applied Biosystems, Foster, CA) by using Hieff™
           and angiogenesis. [19,20]                          qPCR SYBR  Green Master Mix (Yesen Company,
                                                              China). Their relative levels were normalized to β-actin
           It has been reported that obesity and diabetes can   expression. Specific primers used in this study were
           worsen the process of  Helicobactor-associated     listed in Table 1.
           GC. [19,21]  However,  the  cross-talk  between
           Helicobactor infection and metabolic disorders in   Statistical analysis
           the gastric carcinogenesis remains not completely   Data  analysis  was  conducted  by  using  Graph  pad
           understood. We recently demonstrated that high     6.0 Software.  After log transformation, normal
           fat diet (HFD) and obesity could strongly enhance   distribution was analyzed. Comparison between the
           H. felis-induced GC in mice. [19]  We observed that   two groups was done using  t-test and Spearman
           H. felis infection potently stimulates stomach Th17   analysis of correlation was performed between the
           recruitment  and  development,  and  enhanced      groups.  The  contingency  were  analyzed  by  using
           mobilization of bone-marrow derived IMCs via CXCL1   Chi-square testing.
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