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Sorrentino et al.                                                                                                                                                                               Role of A 2B  receptor in cancer

           infiltrating myeloid cells CD11b high /Gr-1 high , suggesting   and selective antagonist of A  adenosine receptors
           that A  receptor suppresses immune surveillance.    or  silencing A   receptors  blocked  the  proliferative
           Later, Cekic et al. [104]  showed that the selective blockade   effects induced by a non-selective adenosine analog
           of  A   receptor  inhibits bladder and breast tumor   NECA. [107,108]  Other studies indicate that A  adenosine
           growth in mice, by inducing a T-cell mediated response   receptor is highly expressed also in oral squamous
           in a CXCR3-dependent manner. In a mouse model of   carcinoma cell lines, as well as in human oral
           melanoma, selective blockade of A  receptor inhibits   carcinoma tissues, where its expression is correlated
           tumor growth. [105]  This effect was associated with lower   with those of HIF-1. [109]  Studies by Gessi  et al. [110]
           levels of IL-10 and MCP-1 in the tumor tissue and   demonstrate that in colon cancer cells, although at the
           reduced accumulation of tumor-infiltrating MDSCs. [105]    mRNA levels A  receptor is more expressed than A ,
           Notably, the levels of MDSCs in secondary lymphoid   A  and A , the density of A  receptors is the highest
           organs remained unchanged in mice treated with the   among the adenosine receptor subtypes. Later,
           selective A   receptor antagonist, consistent  with a   other studies have demonstrated that the adenosine
           selective activity of the antagonist on the recruitment   A  receptor is up-regulated in colorectal carcinoma
           of MDSCs to tumor lesions rather than with a putative   tissues and colon cancer cell lines compared with
           systemic effects. [105]  Blockade of  A  receptor within   normal colorectal mucosa under hypoxic conditions. [111]
           the  tumor microenvironment  modulates the intra-  Antagonists  of A   receptors  inhibit  cancer  cell
           tumoral levels of various inflammatory mediators and   proliferation, suggesting that this receptor may be a
           growth factors that could in turn influence the features   potential therapeutic target for colorectal cancer. [111]
           of  tumor-infiltrating  immune  cells,  promoting  the
           recruitment/accumulation of MDSC. [106]  Accordingly, the   In contrast, in gastric cancer cells  A  adenosine
           percentage of tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells upon A    receptor  has  been  identified  as  target  of  miR-
           receptor blockade enhanced in the tumor lesions. [105]    128b, a proto-oncogene miRNA down-regulated in
           Furthermore, treatment of mice with the A  receptor   gastric  cancer  tissues. [112]   In  this  work,  the  authors
           antagonist PSB1115 in combination with dacarbazine,   demonstrate that the down-regulation of miR-128b
           a chemotherapeutic  agent commonly  employed       in gastric cancer cell is associated with an over-
           in melanoma  patients, reduces  tumor growth and   expression of A  adenosine receptor and decreased
           significantly increases the number of CD8  T cells in   cell  apoptosis  rate. [112]   In  osteosarcoma  cells  it
           the melanoma lesions demonstrating the high potential   has  been  demonstrated  that  p73  upregulates  A
           of combining A receptor blockade and chemotherapy   adenosine  receptor  and  A 2B  receptor  agonists  can
           for cancer treatment. [105,106]                    enhance  p73-dependent  cell  death  in  response
                                                              to chemotherapy. [113]  Moreover, stimulation of  A
           In conclusion, the experimental evidence in some tumor   receptor with a non-selective adenosine analog
           mouse  models  suggest  that  the  selective  blockade   NECA induces apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells. [114]
           of  A 2B   receptor  may  ameliorate  T  cell-mediated   Nonetheless,while a number of studies demonstrate
           immune surveillance by impairing the accumulation   that stimulation of  A  adenosine receptor in some
           of  suppressive  cells  and  the  levels  of  inflammatory   cancer cell types promotes proliferation, whereby
           factors in  the  tumor  microenvironment. [72,104-106]    knockdown  or  pharmacological  inhibition  of  this
           However, despite the relevance of these observations,   receptor reduces tumor cell growth and promotes
           more studies are needed  to provide a detailed     apoptosis, [107-111]  opposite results have been also
           understanding of the role of A  receptor in modulating   described. [112,113]  The discrepancy might likely depend
           the immune responses in tumor environments.        on the cancer cell types, the expression levels of this
                                                              receptor on tumor cells and the selectivity and/or
           A  RECEPTOR AND TUMOR STROMA                       concentrations of pharmacological tools used in the
                                                              experimental settings.
           A number of studies indicate that A  receptor can
           directly  affect  the  proliferation/migration  of  tumor   It has been demonstrated that agonists of  A
           cells and the function of other stroma cells that   receptor induce anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic
           populate the tumor niche, including endothelial cells   effects on glioblastoma cancer stem cells (CSCs). [115]
           and fibroblasts.                                   Furthermore,  stimulation  of  A   receptors  as  well
                                                              as A  receptors sensitize glioblastoma CSCs to
           A critical role for A  adenosine receptor in mediating   chemotherapy. [115]
           proliferation and/or apoptosis in different cancer cell
           lines has been delineated.  A  adenosine receptor   A role of  A  receptor in promoting the migration
           is highly expressed in prostate cancer cell lines   of  tumor  cells  in  vitro  and  in  vivo  has  been  clearly
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