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Sorrentino et al.                                                                                                                                                                               Role of A 2B  receptor in cancer

           expressed  on both hematopoietic      and non-     adenosine  kinase, which  inhibits  the metabolism  of
           hematopoietic cell types. [15,16]   Once released in the   adenosine, is down-regulated.  At the same time, the
           extracellular space, adenosine elicits its physiological   expression of adenosine receptors A  and A  is also
           responses by coupling and activating four membrane   up-regulated.  Consequently, adenosine  along  with
           adenosine  receptors (A , A , A , A ) which  contain   other HIF-induced  immunosuppressive  factors and
           seven transmembrane domains coupled to  G          cells, contributes to modulate  the functions of tumor
           proteins.  Once bounded with its receptors, adenosine   cells,  tumor-infiltrating  immune  cells  and/or  other
           can inhibit (via A  and A ) or stimulate (via A  and A )   stroma cells.
           the adenylyl cyclase resulting in a decrease or increase
           in cyclic  AMP  (cAMP)  accumulation, respectively.    Within  the hematopoietic  compartment,  CD39  is
           cAMP activates the protein kinase  A (PKA)  and in   expressed on B cells and monocytes, subsets of CD8  T
           turn the nuclear substrate cAMP responsive element-  cells, CD4  T cells and NK cells. [15,33]  CD73 is expressed
           binding protein (CREB) that regulates the expression   on B cells and subsets of CD8  T cells, CD4  T cells and
           of several  genes by binding  to cAMP responsive   NK cells and small subsets of monocytes. [15,33]  CD39
           elements and other cAMP effectors  such as Epac,   and CD73 are co-expressed  on B cells,  Treg cells,
           altering  pro-inflammatory  genes  expression. [19-22]  A    Th17 cells, NK cells, neutrophils, tissue macrophages
           receptor can also activate the phospholipase C (PLC)   and myeloid-derived  suppressor cells (MDSCs). [15,33]
           by coupling Gq protein. [23,24]  All adenosine  receptors   CD39 and CD73 are also expressed on endothelial
           are involved in the modulation of  mitogen-activated   cells and on the surface of several types of cancer
           protein kinase (MAPK) activity. [25]               cells. [14,15]   Thus,  CD73-expressing cells, including
                                                              immune cells and/or stroma cells, produce adenosine
           The tumor milieu is characterized by high levels   that accumulate in the tumor microenvironment  and
           of  adenosine triphosphate (ATP)  due to  the high   profoundly impairs anti-tumor immune responses.
           proliferating  rate of cancer cells.  The ATP is rapidly   Accordingly, a large number of evidence  have
           converted at the extracellular level in ADP and AMP   proved that targeting adenosine-generating enzymes
           through two reversible  steps via CD39, while the   significantly reduces tumor growth by improving anti-
           last irreversible step in adenosine  is mediated by   tumor immune responses.
           CD73.  Under homeostatic conditions  adenosine
           level is  low but during pathophysiological  events   A  receptor is the most thoroughly  characterized
           (including stress, infection, inflammation and cancer)   receptor involved in the adenosine-induced  anti-
           extracellular adenosine levels can be increased from   inflammatory/immune-suppressive   effects   within
           10-200 nmol/L up to 10-100 μmol/L.  In inflammatory-  the tumor microenvironment.  A  receptor is highly
           associated conditions, adenosine typically attenuates   expressed on lymphocytes, macrophages,  dendritic
           the  inflammatory  response. [26,27]   Importantly,  studies   cells, NK cells,  and neutrophils.  Activation of  A
           by Ohta and  Sitkovsky   showed  for  the  first  time   receptor  significantly  reduces  T-cell  receptor  (TCR)-
           that A  receptor-deficient mice are unable to control   triggered  effector functions, including  proliferation
           inflammation,  resulting  in  exaggerated  immune   and production of cytokines and chemokines,
           responses which can trigger extensive tissue disruption   preventing T  cells activation and function via cAMP/
           with subsequent cell death. These effects of adenosine   protein kinase cAMP-dependent (PKA) pathways. [34-36]
           are dependent on the activation of the adenosine A    These effects occurs  upon  A  adenosine  receptor
           receptors on immune cells, which induce a wide range   stimulation in naïve CD4  T cells as well as in CD8
           of  singular immunosuppressive  responses which    T cells. Furthermore, A  receptor stimulation reduces
           regulate  the  uncontrolled  inflammation  to  harmful   the  expression  of  CD25 and  CD40 ligand (CD40L)
           insults. [27,29,30]  However, in the context of tumor  while   and increases the expression  of PD-1 and CTLA-
           extracellular ATP increases the T-cell mediated effector   4 on T cells,  inducing T cell anergy that promotes
           function, high levels of adenosine mediates opposite   peripheral tolerance.  Stimulation of A  receptor on
           effects favoring immune suppression that is associated   myeloid cells can also affect the release of IL-12 and
           with tumor growth and metastasis.  Hypoxia, which is   induce the production of IL-10,  affecting significantly
           a common feature of the tumor microenvironment that   the  T- and NK-cell responses in the solid tumor
           promotes immunosuppression, is one of the main factors   microenvironment.   Additional evidence also show
           responsible of the increased production of adenosine   that A  adenosine receptor stimulation promotes the
           within many solid tumors.   Indeed, the expression   development of immune suppressive myeloid cells
           and the  enzymatic activities of  CD39 and CD73,   or Treg  cells.  The  first  in vivo genetic evidence  of
           responsible  of the adenosine generation,  increased   the role of  A  receptor in tumor progression  has
           under hypoxic conditions, while the expression of the   been reported by Ohta et al.  who showed that 60%
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ July 17, 2017          129
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