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Sorrentino et al.                                                                                                                                                                               Role of A 2B  receptor in cancer

           in some patho-physiological conditions, including   under inflammatory-hypoxic conditions, its expression
           vascular injury,  chronic lung disease,  vascular   is up-regulated while the concentration of adenosine
           leak,   and  ischemic  disease.   First  studies   reaches highest levels. In this context, the A  receptor
           performed by Ryzhov et al.  in 2008 show that tumor   may play an important role in mediating adenosine-
           growth  in  A   receptor  deficient  mice  was  reduced   induced pathological effects.
           compared to that observed in wild type mice, providing
           the  first  genetic  evidence  for  a  pivotal  role  of  A    A  RECEPTOR AND TUMOR IMMUNITY
           receptor in tumor progression.                       2B
                                                              Although the role of A  receptor in controlling T-cell-
           Up  to  now  a  number  of  selective  A   receptor   mediated response is not completely clear, compelling
           antagonists (such as MRS1754,  ATL801, GS-6201,    evidence indicate that this receptor may influence the
           PSB603  and  PSB1115) and selective  A   agonists   features of some immune cell populations.
           (Bay60-6583)  have  been  synthesized,  helping  the
           study and the characterization of the role of this   It has been demonstrated that A  receptor is involved
           adenosine receptor in many patho-physiological     in the differentiation of  T cells under  Treg skewing-
           conditions, including cancer, as discussed below.  conditions, since its inhibition is able to suppress the
                                                              expression  of FoxP3 and IL-10 production  in a way
           EXPRESSION OF A  RECEPTOR                          completely independent from T cell activation. [94]
           A  adenosine receptor is widely expressed  in  the   To be activated and provide anti-tumor responses
           entire organism,  although its  role is not completely   CD4   T-cells need the expression of the major
           understood.  The A  receptor expression  has       histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II. In several
           been detected in type II  alveolar epithelial  cells,    types of tumors, the loss of MHC class II is related
           endothelial cells,   chromaffin  cells,   astrocytes,    to  impaired levels of  CD4   T-cells.   Moreover,  the
           neurons,  and taste cells.  Moreover, A  receptor   levels of either MHC class II or class II transactivator
           is expressed  also  on many immune  cell populations   (CIITA) are altered in highly metastatic cancer cells.
           including mast cells,  neutrophils,  dendritic cells,    A  receptor stimulation  by repressing  CIITA can
           macrophages,  and lymphocytes. [81]                impair MHC class II  transcription in IFN-γ-stimulated
                                                              cells. [97,98]  Moreover,  bone marrow-derived  dendritic
           Despite A   receptor binds adenosine  with lower   cells (BMDCs) express  A  receptor and adenosine
           affinity (EC   =  24  μmol/L)  than A  receptor, [72,82]  its   inhibits BMDCs IL-12p70 production via A  receptor.
           relevance in regulating tumor growth is becoming clear   Depending on the levels of this cytokine, CD4  T-cells
           both  because  its  expression  is  highly  influenced  by   can differentiate into Th1 or Th2 cells.  The impaired
           the tumor milieu and  because A  receptor  can play   production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α and
           different physiological roles compared to A  receptor.  IL-12) and the increased IL-10 production induced by
                                                              A  receptor activation leads to a lower expression
           The tumor microenvironment is characterized by high   of CD86 and MHC class II lowering  CD4  T  cell
           proliferating rate of cancer cells which contribute to   stimulation. [100]
           hypoxia condition. Hypoxia is a very strong stimulus for
           up-regulating A  receptor expression through hypoxia   A  receptor can also affect macrophages proliferation
           inducible factor (HIF-1α) and hypoxia-dependent    induced by macrophage  colony-stimulating  factor
           signaling pathways in endothelial cells, dendritic cells   (M-CSF) [101]  and the differentiation of human
           (DCs), muscles, fibroblasts and T cells. [32,83-87]  Indeed,   monocytes, mouse peritoneal  macrophages  and
           a functional hypoxia-responsive region within the A    hematopoietic  progenitor cells (HPCs) into myeloid
           receptor  promoter  has  been  identified,  confirming   DCs with tolerogenic  and angiogenic features.  A
           the selective transcriptional induction A  receptor by   receptor activation promotes the expansion in vitro of
           hypoxia.  Transcription of A  receptor can be induced   MDSCs, that contribute to induce immunosuppression
           by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or interferon   by  producing  adenosine. [102]  MDSCs  potently
           (IFN)-γ  in  macrophages, [88,89]   by  TNF-α  in  vascular   suppress  anti-tumor  T-cell response  and/or promote
           smooth muscle cells,  and by IL-1β in endothelial   angiogenesis. [103]   Altogether, these studies strongly
           cells.  Furthermore, a post-transcriptional regulation   support  a role of  A  receptor in inducing  the
           of A  receptor by inflammatory mediators has been   differentiation  of hematopoietic progenitor  cells  into
           demonstrated in endothelial and pulmonary epithelial   mature cells with tolerogenic and suppressive features.
           cells  and in colonic epithelial cells.  Therefore,   Subsequent studies performed  in vivo show that
           although  A   is  a  low-affinity  adenosine  receptor,   A   deficient  mice  have  reduced  amounts  of  tumor-
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ July 17, 2017          131
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