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Devarakonda et al.                                                                                                                                                            Impact of insurance on overall survival

           common in males than females. [7-10]  The prevalence of   Medical insurance status at the time of diagnosis was
           MGUS is 3% in people older than 50 years and patients   defined as funded if a patient had Medicaid, Medicare
           with MGUS have an annual 1% risk of progression to   or commercial insurance and non-funded if the patient
           MM or related  malignant  disorder. [11-14]  Advances  in   was coded as free-care or self-pay.
           therapeutic  options  such  as proteasome  inhibitors,
           immune modulatory drugs (IMDs) and stem cell       Descriptive statistics were used to describe the data.
           transplantation  (SCT) have improved  the prognosis   Product limit methods were used to estimate survival
           and survival of patients with MM. [15,16]  Several drugs   and Log rank test  was used to compare survival
           belonging to the class of proteasome inhibitors such as   difference for each factor. Statistical software SAS  9.3
           Bortezomib, Carfilzomib, Ixazomib, immunomodulators   (SAS institute, Gary, NC) were used in the statistical
           such as Lenalidomide, Pomalidomide and monoclonal   data analysis. A P-value of < 0.05 was considered the
           antibodies  such as Daratumumab and Elotuzumab     threshold for statistical significance.
           have changed the landscape of treatment of multiple
           myeloma  in the last decade.  Patients with MGUS   RESULTS
           undergo active surveillance for progression to MM and
           do not receive active treatment.                   The medical  records were reviewed  of 257 patients
                                                              with MM or MGUS diagnosed and treated at LSUHSC
           The impact of  socioeconomic  status  has been     from  1997-2012.  Of  these  patients  208  (80.9%)  had
           studied in several solid organ malignancies including   MM and 49 (19.1%) had MGUS.  The median age
           breast, colorectal, prostate and pancreatic cancer.   at diagnosis was 60 years for MM and  59 years for
           Health care insurance has been shown to  result in   MGUS patients. Of all the patients diagnosed with MM
           positive outcomes in patients diagnosed  with these   and MGUS, 92 (37%) were Caucasians and 165 (63%)
           malignancies. [17,18]  Health insurance improves access   were  African-Americans.  There was a slight female
           to health care, early diagnosis and access to several   predominance  with 114 male (44%) and 143 female
           advanced therapeutic options.  Several studies have   (56%) patients [Table 1]. Stratification of the patients
           explored  the  influence  of  socioeconomic  status  on   according to the stage of MM revealed 49 (23.5%)
           the survival of patients with leukemia  and MM. [19,20]    to be stage 1, 23 (11%) to be stage 2, 95 (45.6%) to
           However, these studies have not examined the effect   be stage 3A and 41 (19.7%) to be stage 3B disease.
           of insurance on the outcome of these hematologic   When patients were classified according to their health
           malignancies.  We attempted to study the effect of   care insurance  status,  177 (69%) were funded and
           health care insurance; in particular, on the outcomes of   80 (31%) were non-funded. At presentation, 23.6% of
           patients diagnosed with MM and MGUS at Louisiana   non-funded patients had stage 3B disease compared
           State University  Health Sciences Center (LSUHSC),   to 18.5% in  the funded  group  (P = 0.06).  High-risk
                                                              features were seen in 16.7% of the MM patients with
           Shreveport, LA, where approximately half the patient   insurance as compared to  27.2% of  the non-funded
           population is uninsured.
                                                              patients (P = 0.29). However, the median survival was
                                                              6.2 years in the funded group compared to 3.8 years
           METHODS                                            in the non-funded group (P < 0.001) [Figure 1] with a
                                                              5-year survival for MM patients of 60% in the funded
           We conducted a retrospective study of all the patients   group compared to 42% in the non-funded group. The
           at our institution  diagnosed  with and treated for MM   5-year survival for MGUS was 95% for patients with
           and MGUS between  the years 1997 and 2012. MM      insurance and 62% for patients without insurance (P
           and  MGUS  were  defined  using  the  International   = 0.03).When  the effect of race  was examined  the
           Classification  of  Disease  for  Oncology,  3rd  edition   overall survival in the Caucasian group with MM was
           (ICD-O-3) codes. All the data were obtained from the
           electronic medical records of the cancer center at our   Table 1: Patient demographics
           institution and Social Security death index. Approval for              MM               MGUS
           accessing the patient information was obtained from   Age, years   59.7 (21.2-93.3)  61.0 (41.6-83.3)
           the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at our institution.   Race     143 (66.5%)        20 (50%)
           Date of diagnosis,  demographic factors such as       Cauc           72 (33.5%)        20 (50%)
           age, gender,  race, health care insurance status  and   Gender
                                                                                95 (44.2%)
           staging at the time of diagnosis were available for each      Male  120 (55.8%)       19 (47.5%)
                                                                                                 21 (52.5%)
           case. Durie-Salmon staging was used for staging the   Insurance
           patients with MM. Patients with MM were classified as      Funded   121 (56.28%)      25 (62.5%)
                                                                               94 (43.72%)
                                                                                                 15 (37.5%)
           having high risk and standard risk disease according   MM: multiple myeloma; MGUS: monoclonal gammopathy of
           to  the  Mayo  clinic  risk  stratification  for  myeloma.    undetermined significance; AA: African American; Cauc: Caucasian
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ June 9, 2017           101
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