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CDy1.  CDy1 was a generous gift from Dr. YT Chang,   generous gift from Dr. Andrew Kung, Lurie family Imaging
           Laboratory of Bioimaging Probe Development, Singapore   Center,  Dana-Farber  Cancer  Institute,  MA)  according  to
           Bioimaging Consortium Agency for Science, Technology,   an established protocol.  Imaging-ready UP-LN1 F cells
           and Research, Singapore through Dr. Gi-Min Lai (Wan-  were harvested and subcutaneously injected  into the left
           Fan Hospital, Taipei, China). The cells were harvested by   flank for NOD/SCID  mice (3  × 10 cells/mouse; 5 mice/
           trypsin treatment, washed with PBS, and re-suspended in   group).  Tumor-bearing  mice  were then  subdivided  into
           PBS. The cells were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for   control and WA-treated groups (10 mg/kg intraperitoneal
           10 min, permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100/PBS for 10   injection [i.p.], 3 times a week). For intravenous (i.v.) tumor
           min, and blocked with 2% bovine serum albumin/PBS for 1   injection, 5.5 × 10  cells/mouse were injected, followed by
           h. After incubation in dark at room temperature for 15 min,   WA i.p injection as described for subcutaneous (s.c.) tumor
           the cells were rinsed with PBS. The fluorescence images   injected animals. For either the s.c. or i.v.-tumor injection
           of the cells were acquired using fluorescence microscope   group,  WA treatment  was initiated 2 weeks after tumor
           (Nikon, Lewisville, TX, USA).                      injection  into  the  animals.  Tumor burden  was then  non-
                                                              invasively assessed based on bioluminescence intensity for
           In vitro cell migration and invasion assays        6 weeks using IVIS200 system (Caliper Life Sciences Inc.,
                                                              Hopkinton, MA, USA). Tumor autopsies were obtained at
           A Boyden chamber  system was used to measure  the   the end of the experimental period by humanely sacrificing
           invasive ability of UP-LN1 cells. Briefly, UP-LN1 P, A, and   the animals for pathological  and immunohistological
           F cells were harvested, washed with PBS, and re-suspended   analyses. All  experiments  were conducted  in  accordance
           in a serum-free RPMI medium (5 × 10  cells/200 µL) in   with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
           the presence or absence of WA. The cells were then seeded   of the National Health Research Institutes of Taiwan and
           into the upper chambers of Matrigel-coated filter inserts. A   following the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
           serum-containing RPMI-1640 medium (500 µL) was added   protocol authorized by Taipei Medical University.
           to the lower chambers. After incubating for 24 h at 37 °C,
           filter  inserts  were  removed  from  the  wells,  the  cells  that   Histology and immunohistochemical staining
           had invaded were stained with PI, and fluorescence images
           were taken. The number of invaded cells was determined   Tumor tissues were fixed in 10% formalin and embedded
           using  Analytical Imaging  Station  Software Package   in  paraffin.  Serial  sections  of  the  embedded  specimens
           (Imaging Research, ON, Canada). The migration assay was   were  deparaffinized  and  then  rehydrated  in  a  gradient
           performed accordingly but with 8-µm pore polycarbonate   fashion  and  stained  with  hematoxylin  and  eosin.  For
           filters, which were not coated with Matrigel.       immunohistochemical  staining,  the  deparaffinized  slides
                                                              were subjected to antigen retrieval and probed with anti-
           Western blotting                                   CXCR4 (1:100), anti-caspase-3 (1:200), anti-PARP (1:100)
                                                              antibodies,  or isotype IgG control.  Slides were washed
           UP-LN1  P,  A,  and  F  cells  lysates  were  prepared  using   and incubated with biotinylated link universal antiserum,
           ReadyPrep Protein Extraction  Kit (Bio-Rad, Hercules,   followed by horseradish peroxidase-streptavidin conjugate
           CA, USA) according to the instructions  provided.  Total   (LSAB 1 kit). The slides were rinsed, and the color was
           cell lysates (50 µg) were separated electrophoretically by   developed using 3,3-diaminobenzidine hydrochloride as a
           a 10% polyacrylamide SDS-PAGE gel and transferred to a   chromogen. Finally, sections were rinsed in distilled water,
           polyvinylidene fluoride membrane using the BioRad Mini   counterstained  with Mayer’s hematoxylin,  and mounted
           Protean transfer system. The blots were then blocked with   with DPX mounting medium for evaluation. Pictures were
           5% skim milk in PBST for 1 h and probed with primary   captured with a Photometrics CoolSnap CF color camera
           antibodies overnight at 4 °C. All primary antibodies were   (Nikon, Lewisville, TX, USA).
           purchased from cell signaling unless otherwise specified.
           The  membranes were  sequentially  detected  with  an   Statistical analysis
           appropriate  peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody
           incubated at room temperature for 1 h. Blots were washed   Each experiment was performed in triplicate. The results
           3 times  with  PBS. Signals  were  then  detected  using the   were expressed as means  ± standard deviation.  The
           enhanced  chemiluminescence  detection  system and the   significant  difference  between  control  and  experimental
           BioSpectrum Imaging System (UVP, Upland, CA, USA).  groups was analyzed using t-test (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01).

           In vivo evaluation of WA-mediated anti-UP-LN1      RESULTS
           F cell effects
                                                              F subset  of UP-LN1  cells are enriched with
           All animal  studies were performed strictly  under the   cancer stem cells
           animal experimentation  protocols approved by  Taipei
           Medical University. UP-LN1 F cells were first modified to   We  utilized  the  SP method  to  compare  and  analyze  the
           express dual reporter system, FUW-Luc-mCherry-Puro (a   percentage  of  F  cells  in  the  UP-LN1  cell  line.  In  the

                                                                                                     Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 2 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January 15, 2016 ¦
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