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inhibitor CMZ [36,37]  and lactate production was monitored   another pathway that is regulated  by the cellular  redox
            as  described  in  Methods. Results  shown in  Figure  3C   state is cellular energy metabolism.  The interrelation
            indicate that inhibition of CYP2E1 in MCF-7 cells resulted   between ROS and aerobic glycolysis which is the main
            in reduction of lactate production in these cells whereas   pathway through which cancer cells produce energy has
            inhibition of CYP2E1 in MDA-MB-231 cells did not have   been extensively investigated. [31,32]  Since cytochrome P450
            any effect on lactate production [Figure 3D] reiterating the   enzymes are one of the endogenous sources of ROS [46,47]  it
            concept that CYP2E1 effects are cell type dependent.  was hypothesized that CYP450s might be involved in the
                                                              regulation of cellular energy metabolism.
            It is known that  oxidative  stress can  trigger  the
            mitochondrial  permeability  transition  and  Δψ collapse   The role of the CYP2E1 mediated ROS generation in the
            leading to defects in  ATP production.  Taking  into   energy metabolism of breast cancer cells was investigated
            account  these observations, we  next assessed potential   in the  estrogen receptor  positive MCF-7 and estrogen
            changes in the mitochondrial membrane potential in breast   receptor  negative MDA-MB-231 cells.  Given that
            cancer  cells  treated  with  the  CYP2E1  activator  APAP   CYP2E1  gene  expression  is  under  the  transcriptional
            or the CYP2E1 inhibitor CMZ. APAP treatment of both   control  of  factors  responsive  to  inflammation [19,29,49,50]   it
            MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells led to decrease  of Δψ   was theorized that inhibition of glycolysis in breast cancer
            compared to untreated cells [Figure 4B, compare APAP   cells  bearing  diverse  genetic  background would lead  to
            white (0.652) and black (0.698) bars to UN  white (1)   alternative  CYP2E1  cellular  levels  and  hence  dissimilar
            and black (1) bars]. In contrast, CMZ treatment did not   ROS.  On the other side inhibition of glycolysis would
            exert any effects on Δψ which remained the same as that   lead to increased ROS generation  that could be altered
            observed in the untreated cells [Figure 4B, compare CMZ   by  CYP2E1  enzymatic  activity. [42,51-53]  In accord with
            white and black bars to UN white and black bars]. These   published  results treatment  of both  MCF-7 and MDA-
            results indicate a potential role of CYP2E1 mediated ROS   MB-231 cells with the glycolytic  inhibitors  3BP and
            generation in the process of alterations of mitochondrial   2DG increased  ROS levels in the two cell  lines. [33,54,55]
            membrane potential.                               Combination  of  either  3BP  or  2DG  with  the  CYP2E1
                                                              inhibitor CMZ reduced dramatically the oxygen radicals’
            Alterations in Δψ might in some cases lead to cell death    levels in the MCF-7 but not in the MDA-MB-231 cells
            and in order to explore whether that was the case in breast   [Figure 2] implying that the dissimilar genetic background
            cancer  cells  treated  with  APAP  or  CMZ  MCF-7  and   in the two cell lines (wild type ER and p53 in MCF-7 and
            MDA-MB-231 cell death was determined by PI staining   defective  ER and mutated  p53 in MDA-MB-231  cells)
            upon treatment with APAP or CMZ. APAP treatment of   determines the differential response of these cells to the
            MCF-7 and  MDA-MB-231 cells  led  to  increased  cell   glycolytic and CYP2E1 inhibitors. [56]
            death in both cell lines (MCF-7 cells from 9% to 18%
            and MDA-MB-231 cells from 16% to 20%) [Figure 5B,   The  observation  that  CMZ  decreased  ROS  generation
            compare APAP white and black bars to UN  white and   stimulated  by 3BP and 2DG treatment  in MCF-7 cells
            black  bars].  CMZ  treatment  of  both  MCF-7  and  MDA-  prompted  our interest  to  explore  the  possibility  that
            MB-231 cells did not exert any effects on cell death as   CYP2E1 is involved in the process of energy metabolism
            it did not affect the percentage of PI positive compared   in breast cancer cells. The potential link between CYP2E1
            to untreated MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells [Figure 5B,   and energy metabolism  was investigated  in the  MCF-7
            compare CMZ white and black bars to UN white and black   and MDA-MB-231 cells by estimating the ATP production
            bars]. Taken together these results indicate that at least in   after treating these cells with the CYP2E1 inhibitor CMZ.
            part CYP2E1 mediated generation of ROS alters collapse   Results shown in Figure 3 indicate that CMZ treatment
            of mitochondrial  membrane  potential  determining  cell   did not significantly affect ATP generation in the two cell
            survival or death in a cell type dependent manner.  lines  implying  that  if  CYP2E1  had  inhibitory  effect  on
                                                              one of the pathways of ATP generation another pathway
            DISCUSSION                                        compensates  for the loss facilitating  cells to meet  their
                                                              energy requirements,   or  CYP2E1  is  not  involved  in
            Accumulating  evidence  supports the view that ROS   ATP production in these cells. To answer these questions
            generated  by  CYP2E1  activity  mediate  cell  signalling   the lactate concentration was determined in CMZ treated
            events that promote alterations in the cellular physiology   MCF-7 and  MDA-MB-231 cells.   CMZ  treatment
            and disease development. [40-43]  Studies in our and other   reduced lactate efflux in MCF-7 but not in MDA-MB-231
            laboratories  have  indicated  diverse  levels  of  CYP2E1   cells  [Figure  3C  and  3D]  implying  that  CYP2E1  exerts
            gene expression in a manner dependent  on the genetic   cell type dependent effects on energy metabolism. These
            background and the migratory potential  of these   results are in line with those shown in Figure 2 indicating
            cells. [16,17,29,34]   CYP2E1  overexpression  in  breast  cancer   reversion of the effect of the glycolytic  inhibitors 3BP
            cells is involved in the alteration of numerous pathways   and  2DG  on  ROS  levels  by  CMZ  in  MCF-7  cells,  and
            linked to the disease such as cell cycle control, apoptosis,   published studies reporting that high ROS levels induce
            autophagy, ER stress and UPR. [29,44,45]  In addition to these,   hypoxia  inducible  factor  1  alpha  (HIF-1α)  thereby
                                                                                                                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ July 29, 2016 ¦
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