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HPV-positive human cervical cancer. [166]  Evidence in favor   with Notch1 receptor  stimulation, and it did not lead  to
            of an oncogenic role for Notch in cervical cancer comes   growth  arrest,  increased  p21  (Waf1/CIP1),  or  decreased
            from  the  observation  that  activated  Notch1  synergizes   proliferative factor Ki67. [173]
            with HPV16 E6 and E7 proteins in conferring apoptosis
            protection through the activation of the prosurvival PI3K-  Notch signaling pathway is a key determinant  of
            protein kinase B/AKT (PI3K-PKB/AKT) pathway and in   keratinocyte  growth arrest  and  differentiation. [174]  and  it
            the transformation of the immortalized human keratinocytes   has been recently shown  that it promotes expression of
            HaCaT cell line. [167]  Furthermore, in HaCat cells active   differentiation  markers  acting  together  with  the  TAp63β
            Notch1, through the PI3K-PKB/AKT-dependent pathway,   isoform of the  p63 transcription factor. [175]  This  evidence
            inhibits p53-induced apoptosis and sustains transformation   supports a role for Notch as putative tumor suppressor in
            by HPV 16 E6 and E7. [168]  Consistently with the findings   HPV-associated tumorigenesis rather than an oncogene, as
            of high level of Jagged1 in cervical cancer, Jagged1 but   discussed so far. It is well established that Notch activity
            not Dll1 expression correlates with the rapid induction of   regulates tumor biology in a context-dependent manner and
            PI3K-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition both in   may act as an oncogene or a tumor-suppressor gene within
            HaCaT cells and in a human cervical tumor-derived cell   the same tumor type. In human, esophageal keratinocytes
            line. [169]  Microarray studies by the same authors show that   overexpression  of  Notch1  induces  senescence  (induction
            Notch-PI3K oncogenic functions can be independent of   of  G0/G1  cell-cycle  arrest,  Rb  dephosphorylation,  flat
            CSL activation and rely instead on Deltex 1, an alternative   and enlarged cell morphology, and senescence-associated
            Notch effector. [169]  The anti-apoptotic role played by Notch   beta-galactosidase activity) requiring both canonical CSL-
            in cervical cancer progression has also been revealed   dependent  transcriptional  activity  and the p16INK4A-Rb
            by immunohistochemistry  conducted  in  cervical  cancer   pathway. Loss of p16INK4A or the presence of HPVE6/E7
            specimens in which high levels of Jagged1, Hes1, and Cdk9   oncogene products (which inactivate both the p53 and pRB)
            were paralleled by nuclear translocation of both NF-κB p50   in these cells have been shown not only to prevent intra-
            and p65 and NF-κB target genes expression (IκB-α, B-cell   cellular Notch1 (N1IC) from inducing senescence, but also
            lymphoma 2 and cyclin D1). [170]  An active Notch pathway   to facilitate N1IC-mediated anchorage-independent colony
            is necessary for the survival and the maintenance of the   formation and xenograft tumor growth with increased cell
            neoplastic phenotype of HPV-positive cervical cancer   proliferation and reduced squamous-cell differentiation. [176]
            cell lines as demonstrated by experiments in which Notch   These observations provide a possible molecular mechanism
            signaling was inhibited by anti-sense Notch1 oligo, [46,171]    to explain and support the hypothesis of the oncogenic role
            by upregulation of Manic Fringe, [165]  by small interfering   on Notch in HPV-positive cervical cancer.
            RNA against Jagged1 [165]  or by inhibition of γ-secretase in
            combination with dominant negative MAML1, a regulator   In agreement  with  a  protective  role  of Notch  against
            of crosstalk between the Notch and NF-κB pathways. [166]  HPV-induced  transformation,  Talora  et al. have reported
                                                               that the expression of the endogenous Notch1 gene
            Experimental  evidence  shows that  as with SV40, HPV   is markedly  reduced in a panel of cervical  carcinoma
            proteins have a direct  effect on the activation  of Notch   cells, whereas expression of Notch2 remains elevated,
            signaling.  Weijzen  et al. have reported  that  transfection   and Notch1 expression is reduced or absent in invasive
            of mouse primary embryonic  cells and human primary   cervical  cancers. [177]   The authors show that  increased
            fibroblasts  with  HPV16  E6  and  E7  upregulates  Notch1   Notch1 signaling, but not Notch2, causes a dramatic down-
            not only transcriptionally  but also post-translationally   modulation  of HPV-driven transcription  of the E6/E7
            by upregulating presenilin-1, a protein involved in Notch   viral  genes, through suppression of AP-1 activity  by up-
            processing.  Microarray analyses have revealed enhanced   regulation of the Fra-1 family member and decreased c-Fos
            expression of Notch1 mRNA in HPV16  E6-expressing   expression. According to the authors, the downmodulation
            keratinocytes when NFX1-123 (a protein involved, together   of Notch1 expression would play an important role in late
            with E6, in binding and stabilization of mRNA coding for   stages of HPV-induced  carcinogenesis. [177]  In agreement
            human telomerase reverse transcriptase, the catalytic sub-  with these observations, E6 protein from cutaneous HPVs
            unit of telomerase) was overexpressed. A moderate increase   of the β-genus, such as bovine papillomavirus Type 1 and
            in Notch1 mRNA was seen with overexpression of NFX1-  β-HPV5 and 8, induces a repression of Notch transcriptional
            123  alone,  but  with  16E6  coexpression  the  increase  in   activation,  which is dependent on an interaction  with
            Notch1 was enhanced. [172]  A recent study by the same group   MAML1 [178-180]  and it has been shown to inhibit keratinocyte
            has shown that the Notch canonical pathway genes Hes1   differentiation. [181]
            and Hes5 were increased with overexpression of NFX1-123
            in 16E6 - expressing keratinocytes,  and their  expression   Technical  approaches  (type  of anti-body  used)  for  Notch
            was directly  linked  to the activation  or blockade  of the   detection have been invoked to explain the differences in
            Notch1 receptor. Of interest, keratin 1 and keratin 10 were   expression levels of Notch in HPV-positive cervical tumors
            also increased in this model, but in contrast to Notch target   linked to the different roles of Notch as an oncogene or tumor
            genes, their  upregulation  was only indirectly  associated   suppressor gene. [182]  As previously discussed, the opposite

                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 2 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January 15, 2016 ¦  17
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